

09 Sep

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
The real endgame are the friends we make along the way c,:
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Glorious Ashes community - it's time for another Dev Discussion! Dev Discussion topics are kind of like a "reverse Q&A" - rather than you asking us questions about Ashes of Creation, we want to ask YOU what your thoughts are.

Our design team has compiled a list of burning questions we'd love to get your feedback on regarding gameplay, your past MMO experiences, and more. Join in on the Dev Discussion and share what makes gaming special to you!

Dev Discussion #34 - Character Creation
How much time do you typically spend on character creation, and what are the tools you like to have available when you’re building your character? Do you focus on race/class synergy, looking good, or something else entirely?

Keep an eye out for our next Dev Discussion ... Read more

08 Sep

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Your idea is very neat OP! I know next to nothing about what it would take to put it into the game (though I imagine it would be quite a bit of work and take quite a lot of time) but languages in other RPGs and MMOs has always been very interesting to me as well :)

02 Sep

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
I invested into a nice, color accurate and vibrant HDR ultrawide and every game looks amazing on it c:

Even minesweeper looks great on this thing, lol. However - Just throwing out a reminder that the game is in Alpha and the fidelity, colors, hues and such are all subject to change :)

Though, a nice monitor never hurts if you can swing it :D
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

Really hoping that trees, and rocks, and Crests of hills , etc, all play a part in line of sight for both action and tab targeting. It will make a world of difference in world PvP. How important is this to the rest of you?

I would agree that LoS is an important factor of PvP! I can even think of a few PvE situations , such as running around a building or a rock to dodge spells while I chug a healing pot would be very useful :)
    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct

I like to think of Dungeons and Dragons in this scenario. I know it's not an MMO, but I think it's a game where the question could swing in either argument's favor (especially since some TTRPGs share similarities with AoC). Idk if my level 5 Monk could beat a level 10 Bard. However... I've been playing for years. So, I could sure try! Should it be a bigger challenge for my level 5 monk, or should I be able to dunk on that Bard since I have lots of experience?

Interesting question and points coming up here :) Keep it up! :D

01 Sep

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
Nobody said Tellsword or Bladedancer?! :o

Well, that's what I can't wait to try out, at least c:

31 Aug


A timeless tradition among the Ren'Kai, arena combat is a spectacle to behold, with each warrior's skill and heart laid bare for all to see. Being a central aspect of their culture, many attendees watch these pitched battles for entertainment, while others study them in order to better their own styles. Regardless, all Ren'Kai know how to fight at some level - and success in the games is always met with respect, and oftentimes, more challengers.

The Coliseum’s Favored cosmetic add-ons will be available in the Ashes of Creation shop from ... Read more

20 Aug


Glorious Ashes Community!

Our next live stream will be Friday, August 27, 2021 at 11AM PDT! (Click here to convert this to your local time.)

For this upcoming stream, we'd love to gather some questions from you to answer live! Please submit your question for our development team in the thread below, and we'll select 10... Read more

09 Apr

    Vaknar on Forums - Thread - Direct
If you’ve got an amazing community creation you want to share with the world, we’d love to see it! This section of the forums is for fan-made media content (i.e. YouTube, Twitch, fan art, pictures of IRL creations, etc.). When you share your content in this section, you are confirming the following things:
  • You are the original creator of the content provided or have permission from the original creator - you should note who the original creator is in your post. As the original creator, you have not used any AI-generated elements.
  • You give Intrepid Studios permission to share your content on other platforms
  • (such as Facebook or Twitter for Fan Art Fridays).
We recommend also including at least a brief description of your creation when you post it. We like to credit your work when we share it, so if you want us to give you a shoutout, please include your name and/or social media handles in your post!
    Vaknar on Support Forums - Thread - Direct
If you’re looking for help, you’ve come to the right place! Here’s how to get support for Ashes of Creation, our website, and our forums.

Ashes of Creation Game, Account, & Website Help
First things first, check out our helpful knowledge base for answers to your common support requests here:

We’ve also compiled a list of FAQs in our Discord under the #faq channel: https:/... Read more