

19 Nov

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, the Crow has found a new nest. 

Hello, and welcome to the second TWAB of Beyond Light. We’ve got a bit to cover today, so we won’t spend too much time on introductions. Season of the Hunt kicked off proper on Tuesday. If you haven’t jumped in just yet, we have some wonderful web lore to get you prepared. I wasn’t mentally prepared for part 2... 

IMMOLANT PT. 1 // ...

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15 Nov

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ElkyCheatingIsOK

Fix the loot.

Pass that along to the loot folks.

We've been passing along a ton of feedback over the week. Whether it be negative or positive, we try to make sure the team is hearing your voices on a given topic.


    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

This isn't a pick your poison kind of deal - it's intended!

Tell us how you feel about it. Sandbox folks love to see feedback on stuff like this.

13 Nov

12 Nov

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PlentifulOrgans

I'd just perhaps like to point out the obvious:

If you bring things back, please don't make us regrind them again. Especially armour sets.

Also, the moon and dreaming city dropping literally useless gear is not great. Unsunsetting dreaming city and moon armour and weapons would go a long way to fixing some of the issue.

Definitely bringing this feedback to the team. The loss of Forsaken/Shadowkeep loot is felt.

One pain point that we've highlighted already with the team - getting a sniper that's available in legendary engrams during the Beyond Light story quest was rough.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by M4J35T1C_W0MB4T

But hey, they'll fix the Lost Sector legendary engram drop rate immediately

We've been pushing for more backend updates to enable us to hit bugs as they arise. Over the last few seasons, we've been able to make quick server side changes to address issues, and this fell into that bucket. Another example was when we upped the drop rates for cipher keys during FOTL.

Some issues, though, still take time to investigate, create a fix, test a fix, and push live. Always looking to improve, though.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

First and foremost, I want to say that these issues aren't being swept under the rug. We're passing up the feedback, and the team has been reading through your thoughts on a variety of topics. Feedback on loot, power caps, etc is definitely heard.

Re: Loot feedback- A few things were added to the ritual activities (armor set, ritual weapon, reprises for a few activities) but most of the new content is focused on Beyond Light and Season of the Hunt. Europa has a full armor set and slew of weapons to earn with new perks not available through other means. The raid will have an armor set, various weapons, and mods to earn. Many of you are on the quest for exotics, with more coming in to the fold as you discover them.

We definitely understand the comparison to previous releases, and even the amount of weapons that were recently phased out through the max power cap. The team is looking to make the weapons you earn exciting, and they're already lo...

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09 Nov

05 Nov

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’re beginning our descent to Europa. 
Every release, we have a long conversation about what we should show players leading up to launch, and what we should leave for players to discover. We want to build up the sense of wonder as a new Season or expansion makes its approach without spoiling everything that’s coming. With just a week to go before launch, we’ve almost reached our destination. 

Our Beyond Light Launch Trailer went live last week. A ViDoc, exploring Beyond Light and Season of the Hunt, is available for your viewing pleasure. We’ve released our Se... Read more

30 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Give me thoughts on things that you feel when playing nova warp.

Ex: I feel like Nova Warp can't compete with other supers (like spectral blade) because I run out of super energy by the time I'm able to track down an opponent. Would love to see duration increased to match that of another roaming super.

Tell me how you feel about the super itself. Damage, duration, movement. Also tell me about the general abilities on it (handheld).

Greatly appreciate everyone in the comments giving their thoughts! Just love diving deeper into your minds so I can accurately represent the conversation.

25 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Highly recommend you run the New Light quest on November 10.

While you may have already gotten your sea legs, doesn't hurt to have an introduction to the Cosmodrome.

24 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by solidus_kalt

he asks one guy - what is fine.

Scrape these forums daily as well. Don’t worry. We aren’t relying on a single individual for feedback. We take it from as many sources as we can.

22 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by stevie242

So what is the point in the mini tool and Drang change if they are being sunset?

The Gunsmith will offer a Mida-mini and Drang with no infusion cap, as they pair with exotics.

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we talk story and sandbox. 

Before we kick this TWAB off, I have to ask: Have you watched the new story trailer for Beyond Light yet? No? While we aren’t going to dive deeply into spoiler territory between now and launch, this is the moment where we say it’s time for you to go dark if you're looking to experience the expansion with no knowledge of what's coming. 
If you’re hungry, it’s time to dig in. 

Beyond Light: Story Trailer 

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16 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

A few thoughts:

  1. We wouldn't be able to execute this job without the game itself. I cannot express enough thanks to the folks on the development team who work through the issues, help get the facts to us for comms drafting, and put so much passion into making a game for YOU, the community.
  2. There are numerous teams in this industry that we look to for inspiration. Every community has its own challenges, and every team brings something unique to the table that we can learn from.
  3. Our Player Support team is full of amazing folks who provide awesome customer service. They escalate issues to us when needed, and collaborate a TON with the dev team to help prioritize bugs/issues that are meaningful to you.

The long short of it, when you talk about "Destiny Community Management", it's a team effort. Not just the *community* team, but the entire team at Bungie. Lucky to be a part of it, and we're always happy to serve.

On a personal n...

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09 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Unbentmars

The real treasure was the sparrows we still didn’t get along the way

You made me giggle. Enjoy the platinum.

08 Oct

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’ve got a sweet tooth… for loot! 


Did I scare you? Probably not. But hey, it’s Festival of the Lost! Things are feeling a bit spookier than usual. I can’t take a turn in the Tower without running into a Guardian dressed for the occasion. Eva Levante has returned, masks and all! If you missed the rundown on our spooky seasonal event last week, be sure to read last week’s blog article

Tu... Read more

07 Oct

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Thebogusgasman

So you're telling me that my constant knife throw misses might hit something now!?

No, no, no. You will probably continue to miss your throws.

Everyone else? Maybe.