Hey all,
First and foremost, I want to say that these issues aren't being swept under the rug. We're passing up the feedback, and the team has been reading through your thoughts on a variety of topics. Feedback on loot, power caps, etc is definitely heard.
Re: Loot feedback- A few things were added to the ritual activities (armor set, ritual weapon, reprises for a few activities) but most of the new content is focused on Beyond Light and Season of the Hunt. Europa has a full armor set and slew of weapons to earn with new perks not available through other means. The raid will have an armor set, various weapons, and mods to earn. Many of you are on the quest for exotics, with more coming in to the fold as you discover them.
We definitely understand the comparison to previous releases, and even the amount of weapons that were recently phased out through the max power cap. The team is looking to make the weapons you earn exciting, and they're already lo...
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