

24 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by CMDR-Owl

We relit portions of EDZ and Nessus.

Would it be too much to ask to see some before and after shots Bungo? Please?

Will see if we can get some before and after shots before November 10.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by demon_days__

Without Destiny 2, you can’t launch the game.

good to know.

The flow can be confusing for new users. You can snag Forsaken, a small download happens, but then there isn’t a client to launch the expansion from!

Just wanted to highlight the pain point as it stands in case people were hitting the issue.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by HerclaculesTheStronk

So our Guardians faces may be changing, and there’s still not going to be an option to redo our appearance? So whatever it changes to, we’re just stuck with it?

From the sounds of it, player customization will be excellent with this new system. For players who are just starting out, that is. Correct me if I’m wrong, but I see no mention of a barber-esque vendor where we can adjust our character’s looks. Is this going to be part of this new system? Or are we just going to be stuck with what our character winds up looking like after the changes?

At best, it’s very vaguely worded as to what will happen with the character creation system.

Vaguely worded as we cannot make any promises right now. Team is aware of your desires for a barber shop style feature, and we’ll continue to pass that feedback along.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Cozmo23

As you and others pointed out, the rewards will be at Max Power level soon. As long as you are considering that wouldn't change and still want us to look into this I'll share your feedback with the team. Thanks!

Nah Cozmo, let’s not do it. They called us cowards. That’s mean!!!!

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, the weather is changing…

You feel that? The slight chill in the air? It’s time to prepare for a colder climate, Guardians. Europa has no sympathy for unprepared guests. You might want to come with a weapon or two, because frigid storms aren’t the only danger to be found here. Don’t be afraid, though. An old friend will be waiting for your arrival.

The weather may be brutal, but that won’t stop you from exploring this frontier. Take a look at the map of Europa, and be sure to check out our most recent weather forecast.


Read more

10 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Voelker58

Yeah. It's going to take a LONG time to find a match as a five-stack.

We'll be watching as things unfold when the playlist goes live. While Comp Freelance is a thing, people still hit the main node solo to fill out teams of 2 or less.

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we’re consuming stacks of Light.

Within Destiny 2, the exodus of Io, Titan, Mercury, and Mars continues. Zavala has tasked you with spreading word of impending Darkness and keeping our beloved vendors up to speed. There are still a few more loose ends to tie up on these destinations, so get to it.
Along your quest, you’ll have some final chances to earn unique loot and fill out your collections before access to various strikes is impeded by the Darkness. 

While the Traveler may have chosen you, it’s almost time to go beyond the Light. Don’t forget where you came from, though, as we’re celebrating Destiny’s almost-seventh birthday this week! Yeah, we know, it’s been six years. But seven is darker.
  If you haven’t snagged the sweet wallpapers or seen our Stasis deep dives, ... Read more

04 Sep

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
It’s hard to believe, but we’ve entered the month of September. This year has felt like one of the longest, yet shortest I’ve ever experienced. Things have felt somewhat challenging, but numerous voices in our community inspire us to take on the day with a positive attitude. This week, we’d like to focus our spotlight on someone who’s dedicated to bringing smiles to the community and helping us all find our footing on the way to new goals.

Meet: King Allan
Hello, and welcome to Community Focus! Tell us a bit about yourself, and how you came to the Destiny community.
King Allan: My name is Allan. I’m 28 years old and from India. I came to know about Destiny while wandering through a gaming hub and catching a glimpse of someone on the character creation screen. My love for the game began there and it brought me into the Destiny community.
Humble beginnings, as many Guardians have. Something that stuck out... Read more

01 Sep

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by theNamelessMidnight

I love them, more shards and chances at exotics. However, the shaders that drop w/ them are annoying

Well, looks like we'll have some good news for you next Tuesday when Destiny 2 Update 2.9.2 drops.

Have some minor changes to Shader drops in the engram. Hope it helps!

27 Aug

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ThatGuyFromTheM0vie

I posted a joke TWAB maybe 5m before this dropped and I knew it had a chance to be a nothing TWAB but now it’s too real and it hurts. We really are gonna get drip fed from a water tank in the Sahara until November.

Edit: The bread lord has spoken! No intense shade meant (maybe some salt). I suppose it just hurt more after checkin in every 5m during the Gamescom stream waiting for a Gameplay Trailer/Exclusive Look at Stasis and it wasn’t really anything new except the names. Also doesn’t help that someone on here found a press pack with actual gameplay in it that looks dope. Hopefully Saturday has more to show!

In all honesty, best way to approach TWABs is to not have expectations.

Sometimes we have things to talk about. Other times, it's a callback to information that rolled out earlier in the week. Will absolutely admit that there have been many weeks in the past where it's a simple community update to say "the team's working, check back another week for news."

With the change in release date, we have a few extra weeks for the team to be heads down while they jam on Beyond Light. In time, more information will be released as we get details from the team and can talk through goals/aspirations/previews of changes. We don't have an ETA on that, but we do know that between now and November, we'll have some TWABs with info to get you ready for 11/10.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by 2robins

I'm sorry but can we get just a tad more info on these subclasses?

As a Titan main I'm pretty concerned about what was shown. It doesn't really look like anything more than a reskinned fists of havoc. Doesn't exactly inspire me to buy Beyond Light.

Edit: Don't know how I missed the dates in the TWAB. Thanks!

Check back on 9/3. will be updated with some nice Titan info.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by thingsandstuffsguy

Don’t worry. Telesto will break something soon.

I really, really hope not.

Maybe Merciless will get some well deserved spotlight.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Leonard_Church814

Not a straight fix for the nodes, but I’m sure people are at least appreciative you’ve made it easier.

Yeah, this has been one of the more tricky QOL moves to make. While the team couldn't get the "perfect" fix, this will definitely help.

I'll definitely be running around mars after this update to get my emblem done. Been sitting at ~34 for a year now.

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we gave a chilling new look at Stasis. 

It feels like just yesterday you were getting your first look at Stasis. Today during a virtual gamescom, we took a deeper look, introducing you to the Hunter Revenant, Titan Behemoth, and Warlock Shadebinder subclasses. There’s quite a bit to chew on. How do the new grenades work? What about melee attacks? What are those things that the Hunter just threw? This is just the start.

Over the next two weeks, we’ll be releasing additional details through Dev Diaries, and updates to the page. First update is planned for September 1. Set your calendar reminders accordingly.

An Early Patch Note Preview

Usually, we have... Read more

24 Aug

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

A hero of the people. I think I'm at about 200 or so boxes. Been hunting a good helmet for my Hunter.

Thanks for the feedback on the armor rolls. Speaking with the team, these should be comparable to Raid drops (which also explains some of the armor rarity here as EAZ is much easier than a 6-player endgame activity) -- but a 53 roll does seem low.

If you have any other feedback, feel free to call it out! Cozmo and I will be collecting it throughout the event to give to the team.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Ok, that's pretty friggin awesome.
Have any in-progress pictures?

20 Aug

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Destiny_Flavor_Text

He was claimed by the Vault. His armor and myth are all that remain.

Coming back from vacation early to say I MISSED YOU

14 Aug

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

wait a minute

13 Aug

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

Thanks for the thread and replies. Passed it up to the team. Stay tuned to BungieHelp on twitter for updates.

We are aware of reports regarding certain class glow ornaments not matching their advertised vibrancy, and are investigating. We will update as soon as we have more information.

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we kicked off Solstice of Heroes.

If you’re anything like us, you’re probably neck deep in Majestic armor, smashing through the Solstice of Heroes event. Our yearly celebration of Guardians near and far has begun. Solar, Arc, and Void have each taken a turn in the daily rotation of elemental damage. A few of you have already completed the majority of objectives towards your first Magnificent armor set, and are already off to the races on your alternate classes.

Tomorrow, Trials of Osiris will return at 10 AM PT. Seven wins might be all that’s standing between you and your Magnificent glow. Form your fireteam, grab your bounties, and get ready for a fight.
Before we get deeper in the TWAB, we’ve been seeing some questions on rewards for Solstice 2020 in comparison to years past. Let’s take a moment to clear up some confusion.
Last year, a Legendary Sparrow was available to anyone who fully Masterwork... Read more