

10 Aug

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Toll free.

I'll shoot over some feedback concerning Iron Banner today. List of points:

  • 3 tokens for a loss feels a bit rough
  • Players feel like they're seeing a ton of Mercy games (and have for a few Iron Banners, even before SBMM was removed)
  • Playing solo can feel bad when matching teams of 6 numerous times in a row
  • It's difficult to tell when an enemy is higher in power than you, leading to frustrating moments where a 1-hit-kill requires 2-hits, or other.

If you have any other notes, feel free to comment.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Some currencies and items will end up rotating out of your inventory (Ex: Destinations that are going into the DCV won't need the slots in your inventory), so hopefully that cleans a few things up.

Team is definitely aware of this feedback. Don't have details to share on UI changes to currencies, but we'll definitely have a TWAB before launch going through stuff like that.

Also, I know there will be questions on "are currencies from DCV destinations going to be removed, or can I exchange them at a vendor in Beyond Light?" - Don't have info just yet on that. We'll let you know ASAP!

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Checked with the team, look like this will be fixed in Beyond Light.

07 Aug

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
I reckon’ it’s about time to feature one of the fastest animators in the west. You may have recently seen some of his animation work in a pretty awesome montage, or in a few cool images floating about on Twitter. But if you’ve had the high-noon sun in your eyes and haven’t seen any of their work, prepare for some beauty.

Enter: Drexis.

Welcome to the Community Focus. Tell us a bit about yourself.
Drexis: I'm honored to be here. For starters, hello there! My name is Drexler, and I'm most known online for my Destiny themed animation projects and 3D art, like my cinematic video "Collapse":

I love space, lore, memes, and music (little known fact, I actually play guitar!). I started playing Destiny in 2015, on Christmas day. Though, I had been eyeing the game for about a year before that. Once I got into it, my best friend and I would play almost every day. I'm still addicted! Other tha... Read more

31 Jul

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
It’s not often that you get to meet the mind behind a meme, but today, we’re getting to know the mind behind too many to count. These things don’t just grow by themselves, you know. We may think that we’re funny from time to time, but compared to this account? They’ve beaten us at our own game far too many times to let them evade the Community Focus spotlight.

Enter: DestinyTheMeme.

Ah, DestinyTheMeme. We meet at last. Who are you? No seriously… Tell us about yourself, outside of the memes!
DTM: As the email address that I used to respond to you suggests, my name is Moira, I'm an undergrad at NYU Tisch Film & TV. Outside of memes I work on animation and screenwriting; go to the cafeteria with my classmates; participate in Smash tournaments, although I have no idea what to do (I tried to pop a super as Kirby); spend quality time with my dog, as well as work on art and write my (soon to be) novel. Some fun facts: I speak th... Read more

30 Jul

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we shared our Prophecy.

Challenge. Mystery. The Nine. Deserts, cubes, and… whiteboards? Earlier this week, we did a deep dive on our newest Dungeon, featuring some behind the scenes developer commentary. Did you miss it? Well, let’s fix that. Hit the jump for a recap!
These are some of our favorite streams to host. We’ve opened the minds of our designers to bridge the gap between Guardian and developer and get you into their headspace. If you’re not in a place where you can watch a stream, we also released a ... Read more

29 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Some TWABS will be meaty, giving topics for you to chew on and discuss for hours on end. Others will be business as usual. This week may be a light week, depending on whether or not we can get some info together.

We have a bit to talk about before Nov 10, but things are still in development and we want to get our ducks in a row to make sure our messaging is clear and factual.

We know you want to hear about things like Transmog, further DCV details, Sandbox updates, and other general changes to Destiny 2 features. Details will come in time, and we’ll be more than happy to get that info to you when it’s ready. Until then, we’ve got Moments of Triumph, seasonal events, and general D2 gameplay to keep you company.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

What aspects of Nova Warp feel to need the most attention?

We’ve passed a bit of general feedback over to the team, but I’d love to see examples. Tell me about your feelings on damage, movement, abilities, or whatever your heart desires.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the post. I think I replied to one of these a few weeks back, but the major feedback points I’ve shot to the team are...

  • Competing for kills can be frustrating, players would like to see shared fireteam progress
  • There aren’t enough strikes that feature large amounts of Fallen consistently. Strikes like Arms Dealer can have a bunch of fallen, or be mostly cabal. This prevents natural feeling progress on the bounty

Thanks again for the continued feedback.

17 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Infinite who? Me?

16 Jul

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we are extending Season of Arrivals.

The launch date for our next expansion, Destiny 2: Beyond Light, has been moved to November 10, 2020. If you missed the full announcement, you can check it out here. We’ll wait until you’ve given it a read…
… Up to speed? While we’re sad to keep the secrets of Europa under wraps for a few extra weeks, our dev team is putting in the work to deliver an adventure that is worthy of your bravery. Doing that work from our homes finds us very far away from our usual ideal of working together in ... Read more

15 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey all,

Talking with the team about this, wanted to source more information.

  1. How often are you hitting this bug? Running the strike personally (and having a few employees chiming in too), we're having trouble reproing.

  2. Does this frequently happen when you sparrow through the transition tunnel between Mercury/Infinite Forest?

  3. Do you have a video of this happening? (Is there a waypoint pushing you back to Mercury, or are you able to go through the entire strike, seeing enemies spawn, all the way up until the boss?)

  4. Is this happening with all three fireteam members present, or are you more frequently hitting this issue when a player is joining while your strike is in progress?

We're in a tricky state here, as this strike will be required for the Grandmaster title, but the bug seems like it's not super easy to repro. If we did a server override to change the strike, we'd still have the issue po...

Read more

07 Jul

02 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by emeka0408

True. With the sword mod with charged with light, it’s still gonna shred.

That's the goal. This sword still does some pretty crazy damage, and will still probably be a go-to for many of you.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Chtholly13

“Heavy Hitters” Triumph was not progressing when defeating bosses. Do we have to do them again, or will be retroactive.

I believe you'll have to do them again, as two of the bosses were pointing to the wrong spot for progress.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by DerpinTurtle

Weren't they supposed to address like one big topic concerning the future of the game per TWAB or did they just stop after Season of Arrivals?

Hitting topics as we can. Team is heads down jamming on development.

As we get more information about the question you have, we'll be sure to get answers out as quickly as possible.

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, Lord Saladin has an iron grip on the Crucible. 

While it’s only been two days since the weekly reset, our feeds have been themed to the Iron Banner. Power-enabled combat can be a tough challenge, but it’s well worth the effort. This Season, The Forward path and Fool’s Remedy made their return with random rolls and brand new Iron Banner perks. Some weapon specialists among you have been diving deep into perk combinations, giving recommendations on the best rolls for success.

Additionally, some changes were made to our Seasonal quest offering to make these returning weapons a bit more accessible. If you haven’t already, stop by Lord Saladin in the Tower to kick off your Seasonal quest, and make sure to grab your four weekly bounties to earn some Pinnacle gear as you play. A few of you also noticed that Enhanced Armor Mods have a ... Read more

01 Jul

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Let this serve as the moment where The Stag proved that it can rise above the rest.

29 Jun

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback. A few things I'll pass along:

  • It's time consuming to get through the consumables - UI element of loading inventory is a breaking point
  • Players would like to see these automatically trigger
  • Players would like to see these stack, so you can consume multiple at a time instead of just one at a time

What else ya got?

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by LoCaPatsfan

When I’m using it I throw on enhanced pulse reload and a pulse reload mod on my armor, reloads plenty fast, and like said above you can use a rift or barrier for even faster reloads. Faster than that and it’ll practically be back to auto loading straight from reserves again.

While I'll pass the feedback along, this is a good strat if you want to use Outbreak for DPS.

Buildcrafting can be fun, and gives some meaning to masterworking armor / completing Ordeals for mods.