

21 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Sometimes we luck out, where something can be fixed server side.

Other times, we strike out, having issues identifying the bug, developing a fix, or ending up finding more bugs in testing.

Stars aligned for this fix. Couldn't hit it server side, but the issue was identified rather quickly and the fix was straight forward. Team kicked ass, and we absolutely didn't want this to be something that was blocked for the remainder of the season.

Hope you enjoy the remainder of the quest.

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, something unexpected happened on the way to the Moon Bunker.

Many of you have been chasing a Lie. Last week, you began your hunt with Ana, successfully defending Seraph Towers in the Winding Cove, Anchor of Light, and the Rupture (or watched as your fellow Guardians carried the weight…). You burned through a thousand enemies with your trusty Shotgun. Sadly, your quest for answers came to a halt on Sunday evening, all thanks to a faulty door on the Moon’s bunker.
Earlier this morning, Destiny 2 Hotfix was released, unblocking your journey in finding truth behind The Lie. While we hate to see a bug ship, we’re excited to right the ship as quickly as possible.
Now, we look to what comes next. Season of the Worthy is winding down, which means it’s time for a round of previews from the team. This week, we’re hyper focused on Legendary Engrams and weapon tuning.

Decrypting the Future

Last wee... Read more

19 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hope to get more updates on investigation for The Lie today.

As noted yesterday, the cause for the bug was identified, but a fix needs to be developed, tested, and go through the certification process.

Don't know if we'll be able to commit to a specific timeline today, but we'll get whatever info we can to you when it's available. Stay tuned to @BungieHelp for official comms.

18 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Bugs suck, plain and simple. I think I can speak for most anyone at Bungie when I say that it hurts to see stuff like this ship. We absolutely want to build amazing experiences from beginning to end, but things just don't fly the right way sometimes.

We're working on improvements internally. We definitely see the bugs shipping and how they're impacting the experience. This isn't a matter of test specifically, mind you. I have to applaud our folks on the amount of bugs that don't ship. This one in particular, we're even having issues reproducing it internally. Sometimes it's tools, sometimes it's timelines, sometimes it's random things we could never have caught in our limited amount of dev time.

Thank you for your service in helping to get the community step done. Hope to get things back on track quickly.

15 May

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
From time to time, I scour the depths of the community looking for pieces of art to inspire different builds in Destiny. Some pieces inspire my Gunslinger to embrace a darker vibe, or my Warlock to adorn the bones of a slain Ahamkara to enhance their Void abilities. Not only does this push me to some role-playing, it also improves my fashion game as I search for the perfect look for an Arc-charged Titan.

Our designers also frequently reference concept pieces to guide their hand on the feel of a season or activity. It’s pretty magical what a piece of art can do, and the subject of this week’s Community Focus has created some great content that, as a Destiny player, you can feel in your heart.
Please give a warm welcome to our friend, Aviixe.

Good morning! Hope you’re doing well. Let’s get you introduced to our wonderful community. Tell us a bit about yourself.
Aviixe: My name is Stephen, most peop...
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14 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Viscereality

This is the perfect scenario to request\remind that foundry weapons could fill the gaps that any new seasonal weapons leave and serve as an excellent "general weapon" family that Destiny needs. They don't need amazing stats or cutting edge perk pools either.

Recluse being sunset is fine, but you could add a Veist SMG to Banshee's loot engram so that type of gun isn't gone forever.

This is a pretty good take, in terms of how things could pan out.

The team will indeed create new weapons and exciting loot to earn, while filling other sources of loot with a mix of new and re-issued gear. I would not look at re-issued weapons as the main drive for future content drops, especially paid DLC/Seasons, which is what some replies seem to fear.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by xNemo

not to be confrontational, but, is this confirming that we indeed will see our sunset weapons, like Recluse (as OP mentioned, to keep this example consistent to the thread), recycled back into the game? Isn't that counter-intuitive to enabling sunsetting of weapons?

No. Some weapons will be left to the sunset, while others will be re-issued in future seasons.

In other words, there is no promise for a given weapon to return. Some may come back with new perks or balancing, where others will still be weapons that you like using when running through Strikes, Patrol, or regular Crucible.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Eris_Morn_Is_Gay

Will Pinnacle weapons Be subject to the same treatment as legendaries? Or have more lifespan?


Pinnacles and pursuit weapons are legendary weapons, and will be subject to sunsetting. They can still be used in activities that aren't power enabled.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by eye_can_see_you

If a lot of loot is level capped for infusion, what happens to existing sources of loot? Will Gambit, Iron Banner, Crucible, etc. get new sets of guns every year or every season?

I'd hate for all gear earned from a source to not be useful in current end-game activities.

We'll have more info on these activities next week. Stay tuned.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by pokupokupoku

I love how they're sunsetting weapons just to say that they're going to reissue some of them later, peak laziness.

"hey, instead of making new cool shit, why don't we just have people go crazy over being able to get recluse again!"

edit: I have no problem with sunsetting weapons. it's a bummer, but I get why it happens. but sunsetting a weapon just to have it return later at the new higher power level is really really shitty. I love my recluse, it's really enjoyable to kill things with, but that's my recluse with all my kills on it and the shader I really like on it. getting another one is just not the same, and it defeats the whole purpose of sunsetting weapons.

if you sunset weapons because of power creep, fine, I get it. if you sunset weapons because of power creep to just re-release them later, then you're just trying to lazily add content to the game and say "hey, we introduced new weapons!" or "do this event for the ikelos shotgun!"

What if we did both, though?

The team absolutely wants to make cool new sh*t. We also understand that players want to see things return. Finding the balance is key.

13 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Daddybear1012

I would say yes to all the bullet points except the first. Once a season does not feel too frequent.

I guess it depends on execution. Yesterday, we saw a lot of folks saying "Really, another?"

If the timing was a bit different, farther away from Guardian Games (which was a pretty big community event in itself), maybe we would have seen less of this reaction.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Venaixis94

They’re gonna give it to us either way.

Something I want to touch on here: Success isn't whether or not you complete the quest - it's how quickly you complete it.

The point of this step wasn't to challenge the community to complete something, and if they didn't, they wouldn't get something. It was to rally everyone to a single event to kick off "The Lie".

The feedback I'm seeing is as follows:

  • Community events are cool, but they feel a bit too frequent at this point in time
  • The current community event splits the population between three destinations. Would be nice to focus players more to a single activity or area.
  • Players would like to see more rewards that are exclusive to the event, which could drive participation. Whether they be tied to steps or general engagement with the activity, "Exclusive" rewards for stuff like this is key to player excitement.
  • The current goals were far too high, which resulted in a lack of visible progress. As such, folks fe...
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10 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Huh, you sold me. Guess I’ll go for this now.

09 May

08 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Here's what I'm seeing in terms of feedback. Can't promise any specific changes for the "needs improvement" section, but I can pass along thoughts to the team.


  • Cosmetic Rewards (Class Items, Ghosts, Shader, Emblems)
  • Exotic Reward - Powerful, fun to use, unique in functionality
  • Theming - people enjoy the class rivalry, drove hype

Needs improvement

  • Scoring metrics - Players want to see different ways to contribute to standings, and would like objectives that don't need to be balanced based on population. Calls scoring metrics into question, feels like event is rigged even if it isn't.
  • Event participation - too many bounties, medals too similar to bounties
  • Scoring representation (This was our first in-game representation of standings, but it could use some work to better communicate where the teams are)
  • Lore - too much on Eververse items (We're already in the process of addressing t...
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    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Fahns

So if I'm reading this right it's one Pinnacle/Ritual/Pursuit weapon with three skins to earn per core activity?

I don't hate the idea as much as I thought I would when I first read it. I understand if they feel that this is a good way to save some development time without completely abandoning the Ritual weapons, but I do worry about how they will try to balance a weapon that will be taken into PvP, PvE, and PvPvE.

If the skins are sick I have no complaints, it sounds like it will be a bit more easy to pursue the weapon itself and if I really want the Gambit skin then I have to buckle down and grind that playlist, as opposed to the slog that was Hush.

It's a sustainability thing. We want to pump out weapons and rewards, but we don't want to overburden the team. I've said before, "it's a tricky balancing act" - not only in balancing unique pursuit weapons on top of the slew of weapons for a season or release, but balancing the time of the team. We went from too much to too little, and we hope this solution is a good middle ground. If it's not, we have time to iterate. We have a live game, and can continue to improve season over season.

As a player, I'm excited for this. I might not be earning a specific pursuit gun from each core activity, but that's OK to me. I look back at many of the pinnacle/pursuit weapons that I've earned each season and realize that I don't really use more than one of the three. This way, I get the one pew-pew that I care for, then slap a cosmetic on it if I want to spend the time in strikes earning it.

07 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


There isn't any anger here. Just facts.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Saw some confusion over this quote:

Beginning in Season 12, we will no longer be selling ships, ghost shells, sparrows, or armor ornaments in Eververse that are visually based on themes from Aspirational Activities.

This is in response to feedback on the Red Keep themed cosmetics. There will still be cosmetics in the shop, just not themed to Aspirational Activities.

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, Guardian Games nears the finish line. But before we dive into our weekly update, here’s a word from Luke Smith about a topic on many players’ mind these days: Eververse.

Rewards in Destiny 2 

Hey everyone, 

This week’s update is going to look at some of the changes coming to Destiny 2’s rewards. As you know, rewards for your character come from a variety of places: Playlists where you find random folks to play with, aspirational activities like Raids, Trials, and Dungeons where you form up a Fireteam, and even Eververse, where you sling some Silver or Bright Dust back at us for items you want. However, in today’s Destiny 2, the balance of the game’s rewards is not where we want it to be. To be blunt, there isn’t enough pursuit out in the world. We’re going to fix it. 
Let’s get to it. 
All of this and more is planned for Destiny 2 Year 4: 

Vanity and Accessory (Ships, ...

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