

06 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Hawkmoona_Matata

But you're gonna add that lore elsewhere, right?

It's critical to understand here, we're not asking for less lore. We are just uncomfortable with the location.

Trust me, there isn't a single person on the team that would ever think players wanted "less lore"

The delivery method of said lore is what this feedback is about.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by dmg04

Thanks for the feedback, all. Folks have eyes on this internally. Will give an update when we can!

Checking back - looks like the team is moving to avoid doing this in the future. May not apply immediately (Season 11), but seasons after that is when you should stop seeing lore on Eververse items. Thanks to all who'd given this feedback previously, and to those who had brought it up again.

In general, I'll reply when I can to let you know feedback is being passed along. Today's a nice day where I can snag some info quickly to pass back to you. I understand "we're listening" is something a few of you love to dunk on, but I hope things like this help you understand that it's not just a placebo.

Tomorrow's TWAB will have info on Eververse and some other reward stories.

See you then.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback, all. Folks have eyes on this internally. Will give an update when we can!

02 May

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

“Bungie and mods are pro-Savathûn! They’re corrupt! Abusing their powers!”

30 Apr

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by kingtej

Hate to be that guy, but if weekly bounties are going away, are we losing the main source of bright dust as well? /u/cozmo23 can you let us know?

More info on Eververse next week. This should be covered.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Malhavoc430

My first thought after reading the Bounties section is they didn't address anything related to Bounty design often forcing you to work against your teammates, which I would argue is one of the biggest issues.

The rest sounds good in theory, but there aren't enough details to really say one way or the other. It's just generic "they will be less bad... maybe".

The team is indeed aware of this feedback, and has been moving towards more shared progress style things.

Ex: Trials bounties.

Even in Guardian Games, where competition is a piece of the event, alt-class laurels give progress towards your medals. While it’s less progress than like-class laurels, the team wanted some shared progress to help prevent the feelings of gaining no progress.

28 Apr

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Before folks ask: We are not reverting the recoil adjustments that were released at the beginning of the season. This tuning is separate

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This Wednesday, April 29, we’re planning to release Destiny 2 Hotfix This patch will have fixes for bugs that have popped recently, and also has a quick tuning pass for a weapon that’s been shining a little too bright in the Crucible since Season of the Worthy began. 
Hard Light, a name that may either strike fear or pure joy in your heart, will be the subject of today’s article. Here are some notes from the team on how this weapon will be tuned come tomorrow morning:
Dev Team: Hard Light has been at the forefront due to a combination of recent adjustments to improve its usability and the adjustments to Auto Rifles that came with patch 2.8.0.
Most of the adjustments coming on Wednesday are to address its usage for mouse and keyboard users since the ability to precisely aim regardless of range allows you to use the weapon at longer distances, on top of being able to use ricochets more effectively.
Although weap...
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27 Apr

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Going through these (OP and Replies) today to hand out the missing emblems.

Many apologies on my part. Manual process leads to human error. Should be in your collection by tomorrow at reset.

If you're missing an emblem, DM me the following:\

  • link to bungie tweet

  • link to source of your artwork (your twitter account, creations page, etc)

  • link to your profile that has a destiny account linked to it

23 Apr

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Roketsu86

This tweet ( makes me think that they may. It seems to imply that farming can lead to victory, which isn't the case if only the medals matter.

(I wonder if Titans just realized that Insurmountable Skullfort is a thing and they can punch their way to victory.

Or Ashen Wake + Grenades.

There seem to be a lot of exotics that classes can leverage to get some ability energy back...

/u/Cozmo23 or /u/dmg04 should really clarify how progress is made.

This is more commentary on players saying it’s easier for Hunters to earn medals because of their abilities, or other.

Every class has multiple builds for farming laurels.

17 Apr

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by tjseventyseven

You're goin' down, son

No u

16 Apr

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by crazycow013

The engram from the Trials Flawless chest will disappear for players who have earned all available Trials rewards.

Does this mean the flawless chest will drop nothing this week for those of us who have gotten every reward? Lmfao. It's like they want us to reset after every win.

EDIT: dmg has clarified below, please read that

Apologies on the wording here, talked to player support to get more context:

There's an issue where some players who own all available mods from the chest will see an exotic engram appear, but because they own all of the mods, they don't get anything at all.

No other rewards are impacted.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Duwang-

First time in weeks you guys mention eververse on here and it’s just advertisement. Thanks dmg.

Pulling copy from the outro:

So, we come to a close on another TWAB but we understand that there are some topics that weren’t covered on here that you may have strong desire to know more about. Eververse, Trials improvements, our plans to address FOMO, tackling the bounty problem, and more. There are also questions like “What about feeling like players can’t play their way? What about Ritual weapons, anti-cheat improvements, etc?” .

We’ve been having frequent syncs to talk through these issues and more. Many of them require a long-term plan with short-term mitigation to help ease the pain. The last thing we want to do is over-commit to changes that ultimately may be reversed, or sign the team up for work that leads to crunch. We don’t want to make promises we know we can’t keep, so to speak.

Over the next few weeks, we hope to solidify some plans and get them communicated out. We’re looking at what can be accomplished in Season 11, which is comi...

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    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ViceisAsian

Cosmetics that aren't tied to Eververse???? What sorcery is this?

We're listening.

    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This week at Bungie, we prepare for rivalry.  

Announced earlier this morning, Guardian Games is fast on approach. Beginning April 21 at 10 AM PDT, the games begin. Titans, Hunters, and Warlocks will compete to prove which class is the most dedicated in Destiny 2.

Your entry into the competition begins with a visit to Eva Levante. Each Guardian will receive a class item to adorn while taking part in competition. Bronze, silver, and gold medals will be available to earn daily, each of which will focus on specific game modes. To earn medals, equip your new class item, defeat enemies, pick up laurels on the battlefield, and advance your quest for the medals you desire.

We fully acknowledge that class populations are a little lopsided. Hunters are so fabulous with their capes that there are indeed more of them than Warlocks or Titans. To help... Read more

09 Apr

08 Apr

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by ASpaceOstrich

I’ve been talking about this for a year now and this is the perfect chance to give some feedback that will actually get seen.

The reason the double loot is so good is inherent reward. One of Destiny’s biggest issues ever since I started in Forsaken is the fact that so much of the loot is tied into the pursuits menu. Getting loot from that screen doesn’t feel viscerally rewarding in the way that engram drops or post activity loot feeds do.

Double loot has that visceral inherent reward. In a way that say, doubled bounty limits or doubled bounty rewards never would.

Destiny desperately needs to feel more inherently rewarding. I can’t speak for activity design, that’s beyond the scope of this feedback, but the reward structure needs to shift from “pick up these bounties and turn them in” to “do activity, kill boss, open chest”. You take the same loot and change the presentation and it feels completely different.

Back in Shadowkeep I picked up an engr...

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Thanks for the reply. As a question - did you feel the same about destination challenges when D2 first shipped?

We had a lot of feedback that challenges didn't feel appropriate, and a shift to bounties was made. Now bounties are felt to be a little overkill, as they're the main driver for XP and progression. What's your ideal middleground?