

05 Feb

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Sergei_the_Bear

Hey dmg, is the hologram showing community progress mentioned in the most recent twab going to be a later thing, or is it a known issue that it doesn't seem to be there?

Check again. First stage is complete, and the hologram is now visible when visiting the Tower.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I'm not seeing myself on this list. I would be careful in saying that it represents all guardians, as players may look to tally up what information you've collected to project the current status of donations.


04 Feb

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

You submit this to the creations page yet?

I believe an artist emblem is in store.

Throw me a link to your profile.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

It all started when my brother and I really wanted a playstation 4. (Age 16). We kept trying to think of ways to convince our father to buy us one. Eventually we came across the Destiny playstation 4 bundle. It was all white. We thought it was so awesome. But we had never even heard of "Destiny". We did some research and decided "eh I guess this game is cool".

When I was 11, my older brother and I got an Xbox as a gift, and eventually Halo. We'd jump in weekly (sometimes nightly) for some crazy campaign fun. Loved reading this and remembering those times. He just started playing Destiny 2 recently, and has been pinging me every so often about the fun he's having as a Titan. We really need to get a game night in soon...

Honestly, games rise and fall for some folks. There are many games that I spent hundreds of hours on as a kid that I don't play anymore, which is perfectly alright in my book. I'll hold many of those memories close. The fri...

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03 Feb

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for the feedback! As with other feedback concerning Firing Range style requests, I'll be sure to note this on the list.

I can say at a glance, this may be a little more complex due to the way Guardians take damage, or other variables you may find in Gambit or the Crucible.

What resilience value? Are they in Super? Do you only wish to see damage numbers, or have a Guardian moving so you can see how difficult it would be to apply damage to a walking/running target? Should Power be enabled to replicate Gambit/Iron Banner, or simply a Guardian taking damage in normal Crucible?

To look at this from a development perspective as well, what is the problem you're trying to solve? Do you believe work should be dedicated to this over other sandbox balancing or features? Do you believe a large amount of players would use this feature, or would it primarily be for content creators? Can players snag a friend and do these tests quickly on their own, or just...

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31 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Thanks for your report of the cheese. We'll be sure to pass it along.

30 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Nightmare1990

I can't wait for the max community obelisk completion to be an old mission with a "new" boss like the Vex gate we built. Had to be there.

Edit: sorry, we don't get a new mission, we just get a shader! It's totally worth it now.

Max reward is the shader, as noted in the TWAB.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Matthias221

Can we get an actual fix for Mortar blast?

We have a bug filed that needs to be investigated. Looks like this fixed touched a few instances, but it's still occurring frequently.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by flowerdeliveryboy

Is there an easy-ish way to farm Fractaline?

Complete activities. Do weekly bounties. Do St14 bounties.

29 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Goal is to be back up by 7pm Pacific.

Stay tuned for updates - @BungieHelp is your best friend on days like today.

28 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TheUberMoose

Any indication of what the impact to player inventories / consumables will be?

Will we lose things, or when we login will we be back where we were before the update, or something else?

Goal is to restore lost items. We have a bit to get through before we make any promises or present timelines.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Foremanski

I'm really interested in what caused such a major bug to happen. Is there a chance of getting an explanation/post-mortem or is it too revealing?

It's a possibility. Looks like a bug fix for something fairly unrelated had a ripple effect throughout your inventory space.

Team is digging deeper on proposed fixes. Stay tuned for updates.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct


@BungieHelp: We believe we have identified the cause of this issue and are working on a fix internally. Destiny 2 will continue to be offline until we have a better understanding of the timeline for this fix. We will provide another update by 12 PM Pacific.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by AllyCain

I haven't seen it mentioned on official channels yet, but it seems that the Pigeon and the Phoenix lore book is also gone, even though I went through the corridors of time over a week ago and got it all.

Seeing this too, but also reports that triumph score has not been lost. Could be related to the Corridors shutting down today.

In any case, we'll provide updates when we have more info. Our first priority right now is investigating the loss of currencies/materials. Next up will be triumphs.

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

We'll bring updates as quickly as we can.

Potential for servers to be brought down to prevent further loss of currencies.

Stay tuned to @BungieHelp for official comms.

26 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

The effort speaks volumes, and absolutely belongs on the Creations portal. Keep on drawing, growing, and creating.

23 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Acer1096xxx

These TWABs are really starting to come off as tone deaf this point. I don't mind them talking about patch previews and CoT, but regarding CoT, it sounds like Bungie is just patting themselves on the back and ignoring all of the backlash associated with the reward. If the TWAB isn't the place where Bungie wants to discuss community concerns openly, then where is? Comments on reddit? Doesn't seem like enough honestly.

It doesn't feel like there's a true conversation. Bungie will listen to us vent and say "we hear you" but instead of providing solutions with us, they try to solve the problem entirely on their own and lately have been missing the mark.

Edit: thanks dmg for responding. You can find my response below.

Apologies you feel that way.

A part of my role here is to address community feedback, but also be the bridge between developers and guardians. Throughout the puzzle, we saw players having a great time. Even after, we saw quite a few players asking for some behind the scenes stories on how it came together. This was an opportunity to shed some light on those questions.

We're indeed seeing the feedback on the Corridors going away, and Bastion being the reward. Whether it be feedback on the roadmap, the exotic itself, or other - we're sitting down with folks internally and walking through it. Could things change about the puzzle, exotic, or other? Maybe. Are these learnings going to educate future designs/seasons? Absolutely!

We made sure the following statement was in the TWAB specifically to speak to those who've commented on the reward:

Again, we want to thank everyone who participated in this puzzle or cheered from the sidelines. We’re...

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    dmg04 on News - Thread - Direct
This Week at Bungie, the path was found.

The Corridors of Time have been charted. Guardians from around the world took on the monumental challenge of navigating time itself, some losing their minds in the process. We’d never shipped a puzzle of this size before, and watching the community engagement was a thrill in itself. We’ve seen a few requests for commentary on the creation and development of this puzzle. As always, we’re happy to invite you behind the scenes and share some of the thinking that goes into the experiences you play.
Destiny Dev Team: Over the past week, we’ve watched in awe as the community came together to solve one of Destiny’s most complex puzzles to date. Everyone who took the time to participate in the solution will be remembered for years to come – whether you submitted a screenshot, transcribed puzzle pieces, generated maps, wrote code, worked the data, or cat-wrangled this monumental team effort. Please take...
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16 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by slowsmo

Damn no mention of the unholy lag when switching mods

Nothing to report at this moment. Team is aware. Once we have some info on an investigation, we'll let you know!

15 Jan

    /u/dmg04 on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I have encountered this as well, in a few activities. I'll be sure to send this report over to the team, but I believe they're in the process of investigating this perf issue, among others.

Will give updates when we can!