
Valorant Dev Tracker

09 Jun


Originally posted by Apprehensive_Salt_46

No shot a riot dev addresses this problem. The second they address it it is an admission that something is wrong. If they don’t say anything then people will never know for sure and they can keep f**king the playerbase.

We're looking at this and if there is something wrong we definitely want to fix it. We don't play games to try and hide issues.


Originally posted by Anti-Storm

It was a law that requires comms to be recorded. It is not law that states comms is illegal. Also, riot only banned comms from Russian players because of privacy of other players. I think now they can enable it because they have the communication stored.



Originally posted by TypeAvenger

this is misinformation thats been debunked

Disabling HPET distorts the system's understanding of time, which causes the system to miscount the frames in a second. If one second isn't one second, then FPS isn't FPS anymore. This data is invalid.

While we could be wrong, our understanding is that Invariant TSC should be what's being used and not HPET, and that the default is to use ITSC over HPET(which is what disabling HPET would be returning things to). You would still have accurate, high precision timing with ITSC when calling QueryPerformanceCounter.


Originally posted by AceOfEpix

Yeah thats all I'm hoping for is talking to Rioters gets the message across...

This bug is literally game breaking in certain lobbies. Its rough out there right now. Thanks for doing what you can. Game is amazing btw, this is my only complaint with it. 👍

I appreciate it, keep letting us know. We care about getting this stuff fixed too, I know it's frustrating. Sorry we haven't been as good on the comms front for this one!


Originally posted by xSilverzXx

I had a question about this. I heard from people (maybe for other games?) that pros who play during Masters play on a separate client. So it shouldn't be an issue to add new things to the game, and just have the pros play on older versions of the game.

Is it simply because you guys are busy that you can't do big changes balance-wise or?

They use a separate client for Masters itself, but still practice and play solo queue on live. We also want to try to keep the live game and pro games in similar versions of the game - having pros play "pre-nerf" or "pre-buff" content is always a bit of a bummer since the game they're playing just isn't representative of live.

I've gone into it more in other comments, but the tl;dr is that a lot of the 3.0 changes are more systemic, and we wanted to bundle them together for the best experience. We originally were going to space them over 2.11 and 3.0, but felt consolidating them would be better overall.


Originally posted by LovelyResearcher

Checked that same account just now, and... nope.

That account works now, thank you so much, if you changed something behind the scenes!

It was so bizzare, since other accounts on the same region worked just fine, and my alt accounts on another region also worked.

Just that account seemed to have VAL 7 error, when logging in.

I did notice that I had to once again sort of agree to the Terms of Service, this last time that I logged in on the account?

After that pop-up came this time around, the account logged in just fine.

Thanks for confirming. There was an issue on our end that has since been corrected.


Originally posted by LovelyResearcher

Region: NA

Type of Bug: Unable to launch game or connect, on certain account

Description: If I try to log in on one of my accounts, I get VAL 7 error every time I try to launch the game... but my other NA accounts seem to log in fine?

Reproduction rate: 100%, tried for many hours now. Started happening since the servers went down for today's update.

System specs: AMD 5800x, ASUS b550-F motherboard, RTX 2080 Turbo OC, 4x8GB G.Skill Neo 3600Mhz

Is this working for you now?

08 Jun


Originally posted by slickmamba

it seems many users have experience pretty large fps drops (25%) in the last 2 months or so. I went from 140-160 consistent to 100-110 in one of the last few patches.

Do we know what is causing this? Or any potential fixes?

We've seen reports(and reproed internally) where disabling HPET has improved performance for certain configurations.


Originally posted by Tyler927

I’m going to rebind my w key to inspect because these are sick

good strat, approved


Originally posted by AceOfEpix

Fix the teammate volume issue. Please.

I dont want to mute my teammates when they aren't being rude but I value my hearing more than their callouts.

Its kind of ridiculous a big this major has been in the game for this long. Please don't be like the LoL team and just leave bugs in the game for months / years.

Sorry, this isn't an area that I personally work in (I just do core gameplay). All I can do is forward it to that team! I'm hoping it gets resolved quickly too.


Originally posted by Saikuni

genuine question: when are there no tournaments happening? i dont keep up w the scene but it feels like for a large chunk of this year something big was going on and u guys couldn't do much balance wise, take viper rework for example. do u plan to address that and eventually not rely so much on there being nothing happening or will this always be the case? sry if i came off rude, it really wasn't my intention.

Not rude at all! There are tournaments going on all the time, to the point where we can't consider all of them. VCT series and Master's are feasible for us to schedule around, though.


Originally posted by WizardXZDYoutube

What is the point of announcing a 1% increase though? I'm happy that work is being done but 60 fps vs 62 fps isn't noticeable at all.

We'd like to be transparent with the steps we're taking to improve performance. With our two week release cadence, we'll likely have a lot of improvements be smaller optimizations that add up over multiple patches, rather than one big change that goes out at once.

The alternative for us is to either not call out the changes we're making or just generally say "performance optimization were made" which I don't think is a good way to share the work we're doing.


Originally posted by rustysucc

When will the utilization issue be resolved? I don't like seeing 30 percent CPU & 5 percent gpu usage.

Improving CPU utilization on processors by improving multithreading/parallelization is a long term goal of ours.

You can find more details on CPU and GPU bottlenecks in this thread from RiotNu


Originally posted by Riot_Preeti

pairs well with the Ion bicycle seat

Always keeping players on their toes, who knows which everyday furniture we'll turn into a knife next


Originally posted by criiisp2020

Judge skin would sell better :p

These skins are okay but not super sick. I won't buy any of them. Still enjoying my Reaver Vandal :)

Can't argue against the Reaver Vandal ngl


Originally posted by Gutterworks101

This skinline was a blast to work on! If you guys have any questions about its development, I'd be happy too answer! I was the concept artist who had the pleasure of pitching the idea for the Origin line and developing the Vandal and Frenzy.

Absolutely crucial question here.

How's your day going mate :)