
Valorant Dev Tracker

08 Jun


Originally posted by Additional-Act7234

and most of the high end pcs dont need that
what we need is less fps DROP

Hi there! Riot Torqued from Valorant's performance team here.

I wanted to share some insights into how we're approaching improving Valorant's performance. When talking about performance we don't just look at systems average fps, but also what is the minimum FPS that players see(how much fps is dropping by).

There's two broad ways we can improve this. We can either raise average FPS, so the minimum FPS you see is higher. For example, dropping from 180-> 140 would feel better than dropping from 140-100. The other thing we can do is optimize things that cause FPS to drop, so that the drops are lower.

Ultimately to achieve our performance goals we'll be focusing on making both kinds of improvements with success for us being measured by the minimum FPS that players see, not just the average.


Originally posted by Reddituser2452

We waited a whole month for a patch full of nothing

We have a lot of changes going on in the 3.0 patch. The tough thing is, a lot of them interact with each other, so we need ALL of them ready to be worth shipping together. For example, let’s say we’re adjusting an agent’s number of charges on an ability as well as the cost of that ability. But, we’re also updating the weapon/ability economy pretty substantially. Shipping one of those in 2.11 and the other in 3.0 is kinda needlessly disruptive, and they’ve been tuned as a bundle internally; it’d make that agent just feel really weird for 2.11 or require us to shake up their costs again for the second patch in a row on 3.0 to feel correct. We’d like to avoid patterns like that if we can.

TL;DR is that we know it’s a bit disappointing to have empty updates like this, but we think it’ll lead to a better overall experience. 3.0 and 3.1 have a good clip of changes in them!


Originally posted by spaceworm92

Just know that episode 2 was incredibly underwhelming.

It’s been tough for us to make big changes balance-wise with Master’s going on until recently. The next two patches will be quite significant, though!


Originally posted by oheohLP

The fact it isn't even acknowledged in the known issues section is weird.

I can acknowledge that we know about it and are working on it.

I know, after skipping Patch 2.10 you expected fireworks. Just look at this patch as the quiet before the Episode 3 storm.

Not for nothing, Patch 2.11 should improve your framerate by 1% on average if you’re on a medium–high spec machine.


  • Added a Leaderboard search bar to help you find players by name


  • Replication is back as part of our modes rotation and will replace Escalation for now


  • Improved Client framerate by 1% on average for medium to high spec machines by optimizing abilities, equipment, and weapons in your inventory
  • Optimized Agent and Environment mesh clipping calculations 


  • Fixed fonts for various regional languages to improve readability
  • Updated ping wheel and radio wheel to ignore non-movement inputs while the wheel is displayed
  • Fixed an a...
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Originally posted by JoeOfTheCross

Sick melee, got me thinking if I want this or Celestial fan. Really appreciate the devs for taking the feedback from the Forsaken bundle sounds and applying it to this bundle. :) I think you guys made the right decision on turning up the sounds because people really enjoy hearing the gun sounds as they fire the guns.

We literally did take that feedback! Glad you noticed. :) Our audio designer is awesome and we talked about it. Forsaken’s Vandal has custom audio but some players thought it was hard to hear. He tuned the audio on Origin so it’s even more apparent than it was on Forsaken.

We always want to be careful with custom audio because some people will be very sensitive to it. We never want a player to pick up a gun, fire it, and not know what gun they’re using. We’re starting to see that our dev team is more sensitive to this stuff (a good thing!) and actually players do want more distinct audio than we expected. We never want stuff to feel pay-to-lose, so I’m glad we are pushing the bar in terms of the custom firing audio but doing it slowly and deliberately.


Originally posted by rayhacker

Nah it's a pizza cutter

pairs well with the Ion bicycle seat


Originally posted by plant3s

Well i am no pro, but yet high elo player. I'd say that inspect animations are definitely cool, but when you're focusing on the gameplay, you don't really pay direct attention to it, you just kinda do it subconsciously by pressing or even spamming the inspect button. And in most cases, it happens with melee, because, for example, with Vandal inspect animations it literally block the crosshair (which honestly got me killed at least one for sure lol). What I do appreciate tho is definitely animations and sounds of the weapon. Pretty sure you already know that, but those skins are just kinda easier to play with cuz of that reason :D Anyways, that's my take on that. Maybe not the very well defined one, but still :P

Hey, it's an opinion and that's always helpful to hear! :)

07 Jun


Originally posted by picador10

For me, the most compelling reason to buy a skin is one that FEELS enjoyable to shoot in-game. And I think it boils down to two key things:

1.firing audio. Does the audio of the gun make vandal one-taps feel even more crispy? (The prime vandal and reaver vandal do this very well IMO). Does the staccato-ness of the firing rate make my phantom feel like an accurate laser/helps me time my recoil better? (The oni and prime phantom do this very well IMO. Nothing more satisfying than hearing the quick burst of oni phantom followed by a headshot kill-confirm sound cue. Conversely the singularity phantom’s sound was very disappointing for me. Kinda sounds like its pooping out rubber pellets.)

2.looks. Cool looks are obviously key. As is a pronounced bullet tracer that makes the weapon feel more accurate. Prime, reaver and oni bundles have great tracers IMO

I love that you use the word FEEL. We use that word a lot too. It's not about the individual components of a skin but instead how it all comes together to feel like a fantasy.


Originally posted by xSilverzXx

For me personally, the inspect animation on these skins are so cool! But the skins in my opinion are... not it. The white and gold variant is really cool but I just want a skinset that actually has everything. Like, no skin has all of: Reload animation, equip animation, unique inspect animation + bullet sound effects, VFX, etc.

There's always something missing and it sucks. I suppose different strokes for different folks but, personally I love space skins (I really wish there was another Singularity type skinset), and "cool" dark skins like Reaver and Forsaken. I love fantasy ones (Forsaken is sort of elvish). Guns that have intricate curves and edges or texture (like Elderflame).

We'd love to put 100% of features onto 100% of the guns but unfortunately when it really comes down to it, sometimes its one of 2 things:

A. We do something minor for a change and it doesnt get noticed, therefore its not worth. Waaay back when designing the original guns for Valorant we went through this problem where we tried to basically reinvent the wheel when it came to equips and reloads. We very quickly realized that theres only so many ways you can meaningfully equip or reload a gun without completely redesigning the mechanics of it (Prime is an example that id use of having a different reload mechanic). So what you're left with when it comes to those actions is like i mentioned subtle animation changes which go unnoticed, leaving most of the weight on visual effects and audio. Those are typically the areas where we'll try to go all out in a theme but then the counter to that is the default animation is the same so it feels less impactful. So its definitely a balanc...

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Originally posted by Bad_At_Game

I can’t speak for everyone but for me and my general friend group I and they inspect a lot and we love that over the reload and equip animations. You’ve all gotten some great responses from this thread and for sure you guys will continue to do an amazing job with the game.

That's great to hear. I'm honestly really excited to read through all the comments when I'm out of meetings. Sean Marino (oniram) really got a good discussion going! :D


Originally posted by Bad_At_Game

I love the inspect, I myself will pick up the vandle because it looks absolutely amazing. I prefer inspect over reload animations, I just think they look so much cooler. You guys really nailed it with this skin, well done man. I absolutely love how you guys are taking so much input from the players and are always responding like this

We're always listening and reading. All the comments in this thread are really great insight.

I see pros inspect a ton in esports, but we've always wondered how much non-pros care about unique inspects.


Originally posted by rune2004

I love the inspect! This might be my first bundle buy in a while, I love these skins.

Side question, do you guys plan on doing another ultra edition or whatever it's called bundle like Elderflame?

No plans at the moment for another Ultra. Skins are hard to make, especially Ultras.