
Valorant Dev Tracker

21 Aug


This is definitely unintentional, and we will fix it!


Originally posted by MaestroLA

/u/ZealousApathy ok, what about Madrid servers in Europe?

As I said elsewhere in this thread, they'll be arriving very soon.


Come in to work this morning, see that we put out a patch last night for Phoenix flashes. Great!

Open Reddit and see that the top post is titled "Phoenix Flashes are Broken!", posted this morning.

Absolutely freak out.


Originally posted by GolldenFalcon

An Ace provides a supernova

Hah no it's not anything wild. I hope I haven't set expectations too high!


Originally posted by x_XLR8tor_x

So there was a Riot dev I'm the 1.06 thread who clarify that this isn't their intention and isn't in the game and they are trying to find out where this info is coming from.

It's a bug that we didn't intend to go out with this patch - we'll be reverting it ASAP


Originally posted by redditsucksbut

How come this bug did this not get catched by playtesting? It looks like something that would be instantly found as soon as you test the change...

As far as I understand, this got accidentally bundled with the flash clarity changes you saw in the patch notes. It's just a bug that got wrapped up with everything else at the last minute - we playtest every day, which is why I was so surprised by this one


Originally posted by blahssey

any word on a price?
I'd guess same as prism but what do i know

Unsure, the strategy team would have to hop in to answer that. Sorry!

20 Aug


Originally posted by Peekays

Sorry for late reply, kr crash was around 6am(gmt +8) and sea crash was around 1:40pm(gmt+8). I played 4 games within that timespan and had 2 games with mass dcs, the other 2 were fine

Thank you for the follow up! The KR on definitely tracks with the error caused by our predeploy step. The SEA one though, I'll need to look into. We did see what looked like a philippines ISP outage during the day and potentially a related service disruption--I will need to do some further investigation. This info definitely helps!


Originally posted by DT_RAW

any update on this? in game now and its still this super long animation still -_-

We're looking to ship a hotfix to revert this ASAP. Sorry that you've had to deal with this!


Originally posted by [deleted]

yea theyre better LOL



Originally posted by mochimisu

the "animation" on it had to go through a few different iterations to reduce some motion sickness

i think it landed in a sweet place!

Yea I gave myself motion sickness working on this during development. We did a TON of work tuning it since. Great collaboration between Mochimisu and Oniram to adjust it.


Originally posted by Blackhawks10

Anything extra on this line to look forward to that we wouldn’t be able to see from in game collections?

They look great from what I can see so far!

There is something to look forward to in-game but I don't wanna spoil anything for you all in here.

Edit: When you are standing still in game the texture should move across the guns!


Originally posted by PhiladelphiaFaggers

Was it the result of an accidental bug that turned out awesome by any chance? :D

Soooo many things in play for this one. :D


Originally posted by kickaction not animated in the same way as the other premium skins but this is pretty sick...

the "animation" on it had to go through a few different iterations to reduce some motion sickness

i think it landed in a sweet place!


Originally posted by AdrenMostPissed

Here is what it looks like in menu Looks like no special animations but the material is very glass like . It’s hard to explain but it’s similar to Avalanche but not really

Just wait till you play it in-game :)