
Valorant Dev Tracker

25 Aug


I just want to say that there is some really fantastic design thinking here! Love these concepts and I think that these would be great options to explore further.


I can help clarify here. There isn't a hard cap on the exact number of Radiant players for each region. It's based on the most elite players for that region, which is currently around 0.05 to 0.1% of players. This means the number of Radiant players fluctuates a bit per region. Right now for Act II our smaller regions it will be a little bit over 100 Radiant players with our largest regions being a bit over 500 Radiant Players. We'll share more specifics soon, but we have plans to provide greater visibility in-client for players at the top ranks so its easier to see where these players stand.

24 Aug


Originally posted by cepirablo

This might be too early to ask, but when the full transfer feature comes, will I be able to move my NA account to KR?

I'm asking because when I talked to support they said even an account-wipe transfer right now to KR can't be done because KR server is an entirely different server from Riot regions.

KR has distinct legal complications, so I'll defer to Player Support's advice.


Originally posted by MehFatal

What about Madrid Server?, it was promised alongside Warsaw London Stockholm servers apparently all this 3 up and running. but we can't find Madrid server. This server can also temporarily solve North African countries ( Morocco - Tunisia - Algeria ) Ping, Where the majority of the African community is.

Like I said, I truly don't know what the plans for servers are. If we promised that server, I believe the team will deliver it. It's just a matter of when we're physically able to do it. (Getting the servers set up is different for every region.)


Originally posted by IamHappyMike

how can you make size of crosshair line 1,5 pixel? It is not physicaly possible :)

Correct. Crosshairs are drawn pixel perfect, and you cannot draw half of a pixel on a display.

I agree with the spirit of OP's post, though. We still have a lot of things to add to the crosshair system. It's very v1.0.


Originally posted by ShadowDragon175

This is how you play omen. Confuse the f**k out of everybody.

Indeed. He's fascinating because, although he has vision blockers like other controllers, a lot of his "control" comes from psychological pressure (misdirection and paranoia).


I don't work on the team that creates the servers, but I think it's important to respond to your post. You have every reason to be frustrated.

Los Angeles (our HQ) is still under mandatory lock down, and has been since we shipped our game back in June. Nearly all of our employees are working from home. Many countries are refusing to accept travelers from the United States due to our mishandling of the COVID-19 situation. We're trying our best, but we're pretty much trying to do gymnastics with our hands tied behind our backs. Establishing servers isn't just a matter of shipping and installing them.

I truly don't know what the plans for Africa are. However, I hope you'll save your assumptions for when we're physically capable of establishing servers in other countries. Please don't let 2.5 months of live service be your evidence that we don't care. We do, I promise.

I'll keep my fingers crossed for you, friend <3 In the meantime, I completely understand...

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Originally posted by xGT77

so when a middle-east get a server. Riot account will be transferred to the ME server, my point is League of legends also will be hosted on ME?

also will be hosted on ME?

I don't have any info to share on League of Legends. For VALORANT, if you're already playing from the Middle East, there will be no transfer involved when Bahrain comes online.

23 Aug


Originally posted by nyuware

Hey ArmiesofZNight,

I understand there are backend problems, but here Im reading that some people could change region without their account getting wiped, let me link you an image where some guy asked to change region and his account didnt get wiped, can you explain ?

Here's the image

Thanks for your time

So let me give you some context, because I see a lot of "Spaghetti Code!" and "GrEeDy RitO" and "hOw CoUlD TheY Do ThIS?!" comments in this thread. Here's the boring truth: we de-prioritized full region transfers for launch, because there a ton of features needed to launch a game and the vast majority of players will never need to transfer region. As u/ArmiesofZNight said, we're working on transfers now, and that's in part because we always knew we'd need them eventually.

Until "full" (i.e. all your stuff comes with you) transfers are a thing, Player Support only have the ability to move your account and a couple of key pieces, e.g. your VP. If you have Beta rewards etc I would recommend waiting.

Is this hard technically? No, but there is some work to make sure that all the right entries in...

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Originally posted by userdeath

Will there be some changes to region transfers?

It would suck if some players lose like $500+ of skin bundles and then be forced to wait ages to pick up each skin individually from the store.

Yeah, we're going to have proper region transfers (similar to League) by the end of the year, hopefully much sooner.


We are working to provide tooling to player support to better support account transfers for your player data to come with you in the future. The backend's in testing now, but there some more work needed to make sure it's usable for support agents. I don't have a good ETA on it, but it does have active work being done on it. !pin

22 Aug


Originally posted by protagonistjeep

Is announcing the official dates for the servers soon?



Originally posted by fromtheundead

Bahrain will come before Mumbai? Or both at the same time?

Around the same time, but I want to leave us some wiggle room in case there are routing problems


Originally posted by DarthGrievous

They implied that there was something else outside of this. Because at the point of their comment, everybody was talking about the ''portal'' effect in the comment chain or thread idk

The textures on the nebula move while you are standing. The effect isn't visible in the collections page. I thought it was a cool effect to tie into the galaxy aspect of the skin line from an art side. My apologies if that wasn't what you all were expecting.


Originally posted by DefaultSlayer207

Now that the gun has released are you able to say what that is as I bought the gun and cant figure out what it is.

When you are standing still in game the texture should move across the guns!

21 Aug


Originally posted by Retro-Indietro

Now this is what I like to see on this subreddit.

ya love to see it