
Valorant Dev Tracker

03 Jun


Originally posted by Twigler

No problem, could you point me in the direction of who I could ask please? Thanks!

PWYFF (who's tagged as a dev) would be the person to ask! He's one of our comms folks too.


Originally posted by logan_ladue

I know it really shouldn't affect anything, but there's been times where I've gotten the final kill and am looking for the bomb to defuse and the wolf has been in the way.

Ooh, I see this now. Hm. Let me chat with the team about it! Maybe there's something we can do there.


Originally posted by logan_ladue

Just to piggyback on this thread, I would also really appreciate the ability to disable the specific level rewards. The death animation with the bright wolf has blocked my vision quite a few times.

Hmm, are you referring to the kill effect? The wolf that comes surging from the body? That should ONLY happen when it's the last kill of the round. We were very intentional about that. If that happened when it wasn't the last kill, please try to clip it and send it to me!


Originally posted by a_mental_misstep

The hours needed to complete it in time this post explains it pretty well

OH! I found this on that thread! From SWAGGERNAU7, one of our Devs:

TLDR: The battlepass will take ~100 hours to complete.

Weekly XP's also scale up in every week to smooth out the experience curves. Just to give you an idea, the first set of weeklies offer 28,350 total XP and the last set of weeklies offer 60,750 total XP. This will help make sure that you're still able to progress through levels at a healthy clip towards the tail end of a battle pass (rather than just stalling out at the later levels).

Hope this helps :)

(You can see the OP will be correcting the math in a bit)


Originally posted by Sirvulcan12

Top players?

Top players are the ones who buy the giant bundles, why would the top ends of the battle pass not be doable in 10 hours a week? That seems insane.

OH! I found this on the other Battle Pass thread! From SWAGGERNAU7, one of our Devs: "TLDR: The battlepass will take ~100 hours to complete.

Weekly XP's also scale up in every week to smooth out the experience curves. Just to give you an idea, the first set of weeklies offer 28,350 total XP and the last set of weeklies offer 60,750 total XP. This will help make sure that you're still able to progress through levels at a healthy clip towards the tail end of a battle pass (rather than just stalling out at the later levels)."

Hope this helps :)


Originally posted by Sirvulcan12

Top players?

Top players are the ones who buy the giant bundles, why would the top ends of the battle pass not be doable in 10 hours a week? That seems insane.

Do you mean that players who spend the most money are the same players who play the most games? That's not necessarily the case. Lots of players are die hard grind-only. (When I said "top players," I meant those who play the most games.) And I'm not sure off the top of my head how many hours exactly are required to complete the battle pass, so I can't confirm or deny that. I'm sorry I don't have that answer for you :(


Originally posted by Imbeiber

Yall are awesome! Riot is the best !

YOU are all the best. Like actually for real because otherwise the game wouldn't exist and we wouldn't get to work on it anymore.


Originally posted by Ouge

From all the people in Epherium's mini iron-plat tournament we thank you <3

Thank YOU for caring about the chicken so much!


Originally posted by IcyDrack

I like that I can check my progress by hovering over the little badge, but I think that the battlepass purchase should be in the shop. After purchasing, in my opinion the badge is a great place to leave the tiers and such. It's out of the way and as long as it lets people know where they can go to check tiers then it's a nice little home for the tier list.

We're aligned. :)


Originally posted by ludwigericsson

Will you be able to reward missed XP/skins and character unlocks retroactively?

Yes, it may take some time but you will get your content.


Originally posted by BigT232

You ought to put it in the store if Riot enjoys making money. Had multiple friends who didn't even realize it was out yet until I told them where to look. More casual players may not even notice it.

Hopefully a big arrow that says "BATTLEPASS" nips the issue in the bud. Agree that the premium purchase should be in the store, though it'd still need to indicate where the pass lives in the nav.


Originally posted by Twigler

Just curious, what was the reasoning behind not providing funds to purchase the next battle pass if you complete this premium one? It is definitely worth the $10 even if I have to rebuy the next one, but I believe every other pass across other games allows you to purchase the next pass for free.

I actually wasn't a part of the team when this particular decision was made! So I can't speak to that unfortunately :(


Originally posted by sireuben

Yeah. 100% agree it’s so annoying to have to scroll through 20 item I don’t have

A filter for "owned only" is on the shortlist. That said, all of the stuff you own should be grouped together at the front of the list.


Originally posted by ConfirmingBanana

Sounds reasonable:)

And pardon for asking, but does it say anywhere how long this first pass will last? Couldn't seem to find where/when it is due

...I don't see it in the client either.
I'mma go talk to the team about this lol. Great catch! Thank you for pointing it out :)


Originally posted by T_Salesman

This. I've completed my first set 3 times but keeps resetting... u/RiotSWAGGERNAU7

We're aware of the issue and the teams have prioritized fixing this. Once we have a fix we'll be redeploying it to the live build.


Originally posted by ConfirmingBanana

Sounds reasonable:)

And pardon for asking, but does it say anywhere how long this first pass will last? Couldn't seem to find where/when it is due

I...should know the answer to this lol. Let me go look!


Originally posted by a_mental_misstep

Thanks for the reply, I disagree with some of your points but thanks for voicing them.

I think it's important to note, too, that I'm just ONE person on a whole team that deals with this stuff. This is just one part of the perspective that gets brought to the table. These were a few easy-to-communicate ones that came to mind. (I've found that our players want to understand some of the thoughts that go into our decisions, even if we can't explain the whole thing.)

I would love to hear what parts of these points didn't land with you, if you don't mind sharing them. It's just more info for me ;)


We would like for you to be able to do that, too. It's one of those features that makes a lot of sense as the library of content grows, and we'll add it in the coming months along with some additional controls for collection browsing (like filters).