
Valorant Dev Tracker

22 May


Originally posted by robinlol

Direct message sent now with information from tracert and a snap shot from pingplotter. Thanks for looking into it!

Make sure it's a msg not chat -- chat disabled.


Originally posted by overwatchaim

45ping in practice

Can you do a traceroute to and paste results? Still seems too high.


Originally posted by overwatchaim

wierd. But shoulf i use vpn then i mesn it maked my ping better Xd

You should not be getting 55 from Lux to any of the adjacent locations. What is your ping in practice?


Originally posted by robinlol

I have ComHem isp in Sweden and it's unplayable. I had to go and buy NordVPN and use a Swedish vpn, I have the exact same ping, but 0% packet loss all game instead of a constant 20-100%. Have already made a support ticket but got zero help sadly, just a "nothing we can do"

ComHem looks stable to me -- can you run a traceroute to and paste the results here?


Originally posted by overwatchaim

ISP id Luxembourg Online, VPN id NordVPN with NordLYnX activated

This might actually come down to match-making.. Luxembourg is difficult. You're right in the middle between 3 interconnection points (Paris, Amsterdam, Frankfurt) but the experience should be consistent. Frankfurt seems to win out most of the time. I'll keep an eye on it in coming weeks once the population starts to ramp up.


Originally posted by EtazisGG

Thermals are not great, and i've seen some throttling, especially after turbo boost. But they are somewhat fine, hovering around 80C, and clocks are around 2.4-2.8GHz. I've tried to tweak graphics, and never noticed real impact on fps. Also tried a lot of things with CPU settings and Windows, and it really made no visible difference, so i just locked fps to 60, and still have some occasional drops to 50 (but at least barley noticeable). Forgot to mention, i play on external monitor 1080@60Hz

Hmmm if it's dropping to 2.4 it's definitely downclocking from the 2.6 base. With those temps it's likely due to thermal load. Try seeing what you can do to run cooler and see if you can get those clocks to the 4.2 turbo the processor supports (likely can't maintain, macbooks/laptops can actually have a pretty hard time with cooling). A cheap quick test can be to very carefully set your laptop on some ice trays to see if you can get temps down. Please be extremely careful if you try this. Other options can be to buy laptop stands with built fans. Other options can be to try finding some fan control software and maxing them out.

Also try not using the external monitor. I've seen some weird HDMI issues that can cause gpu stalls for external monitors. When you switch monitors be sure to put your resolution back down to 1080 and not the 2880 I think your mbp supports.

Anyways I do have to get going now. It's pretty late here. I hope this helps!


Originally posted by EtazisGG

Thank you for the detailed reply. I have MBP 15, 2018 with I7 8850H and okayISH video card (radeon pro 560x) for light gaming on bootcamp. I understand that your concern is devices with real drivers and support, but really my question is how and why my fps dropped from consistent 140-150 to consistent 60-70 just in 2-3 weeks? Funny thing is that i get back my fps when watching someone play while im dead.

Hmm that's a hard one. I've definitely seen weird things when I used to use a bootcamped macbook for gaming.

You might check if your settings got reverted accidentally. With a Radeon Pro 560x you might be gpu bound especially if you're playing at higher resolutions. Try some of the GPU fixes (lowering Res, turn off improved clarity, turn off antialiasing). Does that change your framerate? If it doesn't you're probably CPU bound. Maybe a thermal issue? You can download a tool like HWMonitor to check on that, see temperatures and clock rates.

From the data I've reviewed I don't see specs dropping 50% average framerate even from best patch to worst patch. It's probably best to reach out to player support for something like this. They can maybe go through more of your computer's data and help find anything odd.



I want to dive in and address some quick points on how we think about performance and what you can expect from launch. First let me just say that we see launch or 1.0 as the starting line. We're in this for years to come. Perf is part of that commitment.

Performance is a wide range of topics but in terms of top priorities for perf we have 3.

  • Accessibility : We want people with low end computers to be able to join their friends in VALORANT. So invite your buddy with his Intel HD 4400 to game with you. They won't be slamming 144FPS down but hopefully they can have fun. For the most part, we seem to be hitting the mark here, there is ongoing work to get all character ability VFX in budget here but it's coming along at a fast rate. We improve a number of abilities every patch. Patch .50 fixed a rather large issue introduced with .49, one of our key GPU optimizations regressed and we had to go fix it up again.

  • ...

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    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TeamRedundancyTeam

I wasn't aware you were a dev when I responded and had no intention of turning it into a strawman. What I'm saying is people are too quick to ignore the possibility, and hearing things like "aggressive auto banning" without any kind of reassurances is a little worrisome to some people. I hope my concerns aren't dismissed because of how I wrote the comment or how it was read.

1.) I appreciate the response and won’t dismiss your concerns here. Team definitely hears it and is extremely careful in how they go about validating issues. From what I know, everything is still manually reviewed and validated before being implemented as a track/ban methodology, so what I mean by “aggressive auto banning” is not a sentient big data AI deciding the vowel “E” is scary and taking action but more the team can say “yeah we know how this thing works, ban it,” and they can do that en masse. False positives terrify EVERYONE, which is why it’s also a VERY common FUD (fear/uncertainty/disruption) tactic employed by cheat developers - they spread rumors that the anti-cheat bans someone for an innocent thing (it’s not) and maybe they can stall the confidence of the anti-cheat developers and continue their lives.

2.) I head up communications on the V team, actually. I just happen to work with every dev to know the underlying issues.


Originally posted by Trebunner

u/RiotKorensky My recent response from support....

Hey again!
Thanks for the update. Looking through this, the following steps should resolve your issue.

1) I'd like you to make sure you've installed the latest Windows Updates. VALORANT is optimized to work best when on the latest version of Windows and updating can resolve a number of issues.

2) I know this might sound weird, but if you get high FPS try capping your FPS to 128 or lower in the in-game video settings. This will decrease the network load due to the way VALORANT works. More context on this can be found here:

3) It could be that other programs are interfering with VALORANT. To eliminate the possibility of that happening, let's turn off your unnecessary...

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I've had some discussions with the engineering team at Charter/Spectrum and they do balance the exit points for Florida between Atlanta or Dallas depending on their own core capacity. You shouldn't be seeing the packet loss issues that were present weeks ago but unfortunately It's still taking 50ms to get you to our point of presence in Dallas. You can see that fluctuation in the 2nd hop between 11ms and 29ms which is the reality of being on a large cable access network. Your first hop is unusually high. Are you on wired ethernet and how old if your router?


Originally posted by nite_

As someone in Texas that gets 50ms+ ping to their Chicago server, I’m glad that they’re going to have a Dallas server.

It’s odd that I get 30ms using a VPN when connecting to the Chicago server. I assume it’s a routing issue with my ISP (Google Fiber), but I’m unsure as when the Dallas POP server was down for a hardware upgrade, my ping was around 30ms.

Can you DM me a trace to I'll see if I can find something we can tweak here.


Originally posted by Miras321

Is there any info on Japan? Will it get routed to SEA or have it's own server?

We'll have game servers in Tokyo!


Originally posted by war10is

I’ve asked the same question to riot support before i decided to spend some money on skins and was told it wouldn’t be an issue. Massive bummer being told that i have to continue playing on 150 ping if i want to use what i paid for or just forget about the account till whenever you decide to allow it.

If Riot Support committed to it, they'll stand by it. For them to do it takes more manual work on their end. When I say "Shard Transfer" I mean a one button process that wouldn't require Riot Support or VALORANT Dev Team intervention.

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by TeamRedundancyTeam

Where is your proof that false bans don't happen? I'll never understand the false confidence people have in overzealous auto ban systems. You'll be overly confident until it hits you and no one believes you, and support refuses to respond, and you'll be shit out of luck.

Edit: see my comments below before joining the circlejerk and don't shut down valuable discussions with downvotes. People can't see dev comments or contribute.

I deleted the comment because I figured our anti-cheat lead could answer if he wanted to, but for anyone watching the response was "lol no one gets banned for auto hotkey"

You've certainly turned this argument into a giant strawman. I never said false bans don't happen, I just happen to know the anti-cheat team has been fairly meticulous about how they do manual bannings so far and you're swinging a fairly meaty anecdotal example with no evidence of your own.

I also know a lot of cheaters DO get banned and come in saying, "I was super innocent I just uh wanted to install a new driver while playing solitaire," and that becomes a strangely repeated fact so we seem to be at a crossroads of slinging anecdotal information.


Originally posted by IndividualWolf5

Mate, I don't wanna be that annoying guy but this is the same thing most of the devs have been saying for the past 3-4 weeks or so. I appreciate that you're saying performance work will land in the launch patch but I saw a dev say this before for a previous patch and it literally did nothing.

I ain't a game designer so I have no idea how it works but is there a reason why prior to patch 0.49 the major FPS drops were not noticeable?

There's a bunch of different factors impacting performance. It's useful to think about bottlenecks: what is currently the slowest part of the game? Removing that bottleneck improves framerate until you hit the next slowest piece. Then you optimize that piece, then the next, and so forth. The slowest piece is different depending on scenario (ex. shooting a gun, running around the world, lots of abilities firing) and depending on hardware (i.e. how fast is your CPU vs. GPU). The pieces also change as we add and update content and behaviors.

Sadly there's not currently just one chunky piece that we can fix to unlock dramatic improvements. We're working on a bunch of different pieces that each unlock fractions of a millisecond every frame. Combined these optimizations add up to more FPS.

On older machines VALORANT's performance tends to be constrained by GPU. The game's overall performance on these machines scales directly with the quantity and complexity of what it has...

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It’s over.

Drops, that is. And the VALORANT Closed Beta shortly thereafter. Let’s talk about the end of the world and the welcoming of a new one.

World-wide* launch is June 2

  • You’re probably aware of this, but it’s worth reminding. There are still some regions that we can’t get to just yet, like Vietnam, India, the Middle East, and a few others, but everyone is welcome.

VALORANT Closed Beta drops stop now

  • If you still haven’t gotten closed beta access but were eligible, you’ll have an exclusive Twitch/VALORANT player card sitting in your inventory at launch (June 2). It doesn’t make up for not getting closed beta access, but we’ll see you soon enough.
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21 May


We have a bunch of developers grinding on performance. Some performance work will land in the launch patch. Additional performance work will land in future patches. We will continue to patch the game regularly; launch is just the beginning.


Originally posted by fromtheundead

Hey, Any idea when we'll be getting middle east servers? On twitter it was promised they'd be here by launch date and now it won't be there by launch, could you please let us know by when we'll have ME and India servers? ANY ETA Would be greatly appreciated!

There was a miscommunication about the servers at launch, sorry!

We'd like to have them in place by the end of the year, but a lot needs to go right for that to happen. You'll hear more from us as we make progress!

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PermissionError

Oh right, I re-read my comment and I wasn't really clear on what I was saying. I meant to ask whether OCE (and other regions) will have the opportunity to get the beta cosmetics and the bonus 20%. Just in case I wasn't communicating it properly /u/Pwyff

Ahhh no, sorry mate :(