
Valorant Dev Tracker

27 May


Originally posted by aeneia

shame of getting embarrassed

I'm with you there; I was just riffing off the language used by OP. I'm not nearly good enough at the game to allow myself to be humiliated lol.
And I agree that a reward would feel really good. But personally, I'd prefer something that adds to my experience, instead of detracts from a unique kill banner or extra combat points or something. That's what I meant by rewards versus penalties.
Just my two cents though :)

Another poster recommended giving the killer extra ult points, and that would make me happy too =D


Originally posted by zeroingenuity

In a competitive environment as things are now, knives are high risk/no reward. Using a knife is STRICTLY a BM display. Adding a high reward means there's a justification for actually attempting it that is NOT just to BM. If a player can say "that knife kill was some bullshit but I can understand why he did it" then he isn't saying "that kill was bullshit and there was no reason for it."

I really like this line of thinking. You're totally right. With no rewards for knifing, there's no reason to do it unless you're just BMing.
By adding a reward for knifing, I think it actually improves the experience for all players, even the one who gets killed.


Originally posted by abszr

How about 3? 2 Doesn't even seem enough to justify the risk of knifing.



Originally posted by SpyX370

What about two ult charges instead of 1?

This idea, I like! Reward the player who did it, rather than penalize the player who got killed. And it benefits their team, too :)


Originally posted by ItsUnloadedNow

I don't really think knife kills are "humiliating". If they are you're probably taking the game too seriously. When I get knifed I see it as a high level expression of skill by an enemy, especially if the teams are pretty even. And since knife kills are so hard to get it should be rewarded in some way or another, whether it's this orb idea or extra cash.

shame of getting embarrassed

I'm with you there; I was just riffing off the language used by OP. I'm not nearly good enough at the game to allow myself to be humiliated lol.
And I agree that a reward would feel really good. But personally, I'd prefer something that adds to my experience, instead of detracts from a unique kill banner or extra combat points or something. That's what I meant by rewards versus penalties.
Just my two cents though :)


Hmm... While I do love the idea of providing a reward for knife kills (since they're WAY harder to obtain), do you think it's fair to equate rewarding one person with penalizing another? "I feel rewarded by not only humiliating, but debilitating another player" doesn't seem like it would translate for everybody.

26 May


There is a small (and I mean very small fractions of a second) randomization on the bomb VFX/SFX timing. This is to make sure close defusals aren't 100% known or not and you have to make a judgment call on whether you have enough time to defuse. The "I got it" voice lines for agents is the same - it just means it's gonna be real close. The actual bomb time is fixed, just the feedback has a tiny fudging on it

This should only be felt if you're using stopwatch-level precision, partially to make sure a tool like that also never becomes required for competitive play.

25 May


lol Ryze was in this game.. nice shooting too!


Originally posted by thekmanpwnudwn

You don't have to spend them to get the bonus


24 May

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


Ok we work on that and you work on your tone

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by [deleted]


Is this how you talk to your mother


Originally posted by JohnWesson

You're welcome!

We think that the game is very well done and we're looking forward to the official launch.

When you're producing another title for a company like Riot where its first reached the apex of gaming, the expectation, excitement, and bar is set to intimidating heights. Not to forget that it isn't piggy-backing off the pre-established lore and character fan base of League.

I'm very curious about what led to the decision of Valorant being developed and what drove the creative direction. I hope you guys will release a short in the future discussing how it came into fruition.

You totally get it. ;)

I hope one day we can tell the origin story and development process for the game. Honestly, there are so many good stories to tell about so many parts of the game. With all the comms we’re doing, I’m sure eventually we’ll tell many of those stories. It’s fun for us to share, and nice to know there are people like you who want to hear more!


Originally posted by JohnWesson

My friends and I have been loving the game thus far. For a closed beta, we are VERY impressed with how polished it is.

Spread our thanks to your colleagues.

I will! Thank you! We look at it and see tons of polish and work that still need to be done, so it’s so nice to hear that you and your friends are so impressed by its polish. 🥰


Originally posted by PetercyEz

Your game made me want to play it as my main game. And that is surprising to me, bcs I am a card/MMORPG games player. And now I am trapped in between with no time for the all!

Woah! That’s really nuts. I feel the same way between League and VALORANT. I can’t play both, so eventually I’m going to have to pick which one becomes my main and which one I play a little more causally. I know the answer, but it hurts. 😂


Originally posted by AlexandersLover

Devs did a great job, great attention to detail. Just wanted to shout-out Riot support for Valorant, I had some technical issues where the game completely wouldn't launch and they managed to help me solve it.

Aw thank you! The team has been working hard to fix all kinds of rare bugs, so glad they helped you. :)

23 May


Originally posted by ChaosDefrost15

It's good that I found one of you guys. I have a very important matter regarding a cheat that is going undetected by Vanguard for over a month and is being spread wide by people (many think it's even legit to use). can I write a private message to you explaining the problem? It is usually hard to notice with naked eye right away that someone uses it but it provides a lot of advantage.

DM me, we can take a look


Originally posted by bbjimin

Is there going to be Toronto or NY servers? I live in Toronto and somehow get absolutely shit ping to Chicago (like 40 minimum, most often 60-70+). I get steady 33 ping on League and have good internet connection. Could this be a routing issue as well/have you seen other players in my area with similar complaints? I don't understand how my ping is so high in this game.

We won't be putting more servers that close to our Chicago and Ashburn servers, it's bad for matchmaking to have too many servers (fragments the playerbase). If you get 33ms to League in Chicago there's no reason you shouldn't get that to VALORANT in Chicago, and we're going to continue to work with ISPs to fix routing.


That is so sweet of you to say. Thank you. :) We’re just so happy you guys are enjoying it. Makes all the effort worth it!


That is super legit! Nice work!


Originally posted by fromtheundead

Could you tell us where the ME servers would be located?

Not yet, sorry! You'll hear more details from us soon 😀