
Valorant Dev Tracker

23 May

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by xXUtahraptorXx

u/Pwyff I need confirmation: so anyone who was eligible to get the Valorant drop will get the exclusive player card, or just the people who were eligible for the Valorant drop but didn’t get it?

the first


Originally posted by Its_Vexe

Abloopdadooda made some good points in this post.

While I do agree with many of the issues they’ve pointed out as interfering with a competitive environment, bugs on release are acceptable and most players won’t mind, and some of the bugs you listed are already being addressed (hitreg issue)and they probably had to discuss Raze/Jett and Viper boosting so that’ll be addressed for sure. They took out sage wall heaven-peeking on Haven so they will surely take boosting out too. It’s just a beta, release without ranked and the rare chance you come across exploiters in lower elo (mostly new players will be here obviously) it just seems like they’ll have it at an acceptable state post June 2nd.

All I’m saying is, Riot games should know what they’re doing by now(LoL is 10+ years), and they must have some plan to tackle the issues that have been most glaring/prevalent in the community.

I see a minimum of like 2-3 rioters a day addressing/looking at posts and replyi...

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Yeah, we're looking at all of the issues that get stated pretty often (FPS drops, hit reg, map exploits, etc.) and have solutions we're shipping for our launch patch. I know these things are frustrating (they're frustrating for me too, so I absolutely understand) but we're committed to fixing them and they're very solvable problems.

VALORANT is about to be a truly live game, and it will always have something to fix, add, or change - whether it's balance changes, improving performance, adding new content, etc. - and that'll never stop. I totally understand concerns around some of these issues coming into launch, but I also want to reinforce that we don't see launching VALORANT as the "finish line"; rather, it's the start of a marathon. We are committed to supporting this game for years to come, regardless of what issues crop up - so keep giving us feedback and we'll keep finding more things to fix, add, and change to make the game better.


Amazing detective work, you are the true Cypher. We've been able to reproduce this on our and and we're working on a fix for this right now. Thanks again for this awesome find!

22 May


Originally posted by preak1337

oh great! im pretty sure it wasnt mentioned in changelog tho

Actually, I was so pumped to add this for you all I made sure it was in there:


Cheaters are no longer referred to as “Hackers”

Profanity filter setting added; when enabled, will filter out profanity from chat

Added a setting that allows toggling between walking and running


    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by 19Dan81

Will we be getting any updates in the coming days as to what to expect on full release? As in promotional details about the game - ranked mode, unrated mode, alternative mode, Agents (including the teased one) maps etc?

It'll be a little weird if we and the wider community have to just install to find out about the changes and new content.

I really hope there's a extravagant reveal trailer pre-release and maybe some information on a new ranking system?

/u/pwyff Keep up the great work, I'm sure the reception from the wider community will be overwhelmingly positive.


    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by 19Dan81

Can I just confirm that your unrated MMR is completely separate from your ranked MMR? So if you only ever played enough unrated games to unlock ranked and then played 200 ranked games never playing unrated, you would have two different MMR values and that your unrated is merely a snapshot in time?


    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by kunfushion

A few weeks... Holy shit, lots of players very rarely if ever play unranked. Playing unranked is fun when it’s a new game but now that ranks been out this will no doubt cause a decent chunk of people to stop playing...

my dude I'm not sure that's a claim based on fact based evidence


Originally posted by oRKaRnaGe

Any reason why my game has never been able to run nicely? I have a mid-end rig and I was never able to even get 70 fps, when I should get easily above 144. I get more fps in AAA games than VALORANT, this should not be the case for a competitive shooter. For example, on CSGO I easily get a constant 250-300 fps, which is required for my 220hz monitor, while I can’t even play VALORANT due to EXTREMELY poor performance.

That definitely seems a bit out of the norm. I get about 300FPS in CSGO and ~200-240FPS in VALORANT.

What do your specs and video settings look like?


Originally posted by adELiNN1

Thank you for the detailed answers, i have a question what happened to the game after the first patches in terms of optimizations/fps drops, when the game was released everyone had an amazing fps and no fps drops and after the first patched all the problems start happening. Can you elaborate on what happened ?

This is a bit tricky to answer. I don't want to throw anyone under the bus. Suffice to say we checked in some code with the .47+ that slowed down CPU work across the code base. This code was fixed in .49. However .49 had another (less severe but still pretty major) degradation when we integrated the new version of UE4. So .49 was better but still degraded. We got back more of this perf in .50 and even more in 1.0.

It can all be quite tricky to track and manage as well because it's never one thing. You add new features that players love or ask for in a new patch. You have to get that perf back somewhere else. Sometimes you don't offset it completely. Sometimes you offset it and more. Perf might not get better EVERY patch forever in VALORANT but if you look at the long term trend you should see it going up and to the right. If perf ever got SOOO bad the game was going to be unplayable for a significant chunk of the audience we would block the release. We have pulled features ...

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Originally posted by preak1337

Whats the status?

It was added in 0.50!


Originally posted by -UnaBLe-

I think there is a few more issues which are realy important such as FPS drops and low fps, high ping and a few more but they can be fix fast because before 0.5 version we had a good fps.

We're looking at all of these for the launch patch (and have talked about a few in dev blog posts over the last few days). I don't work on any of the groups directly tackling these issues, so I can't give much more context than that, but rest assured we're aware of these and working hard on resolving them.

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by GossBoSteur

Pretty much, yes, especially since before launch there's a 1 week downtime, so that's several weeks without ranked. Not that it's a huge issue obviously, but on a personal level there's not much hyping me up for release as is, besides the new map. I'm ready to get downvoted into oblivion, but it's just how I feel as a player who cares very little about unranked play (even though I should, I'm way past my prime anyways haha)

I get you - you've got a sharp gameplay motivation that's satisfied by like one feature lol. I'm definitely more engaged when there's competitive stakes, but downtime can help (although with League I usually stopped playing after a week or two of preseason).

Probably also worth playing some unrated to learn the new map if that helps!

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by GossBoSteur

Not gonna lie that is pretty surprising. Basically means the official launch is more of a loss than a win for a lot of people.

What's that mean? As in they won't be able to play ranked at launch?

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by shawn_zzzz

So does that mean once ranked is turned on for launch our inital rank after placements is affected by our carried over unranked MMR? Or will unranked MMR have no affect on ranked at launch and only be affected by the 5 placements? If its the former than technically we should all be grinding unranked right now since I would assume most people stopped playing unranked haha.

I know you're basically asking what's the optimal path to getting the highest possible rank, so I'll give a deeper explanation:

This isn't a literal analogy but in the same way you could increase your chances at a CB drop from Twitch streams by marathonning hours and hours of viewtime, it wasn't mandatory and in the long run there were many other, much larger factors at play. So you could grind unranked as if it were ranked to give you a little bump going into ranked placements, but how you perform in your ranked placements (and ranked thereafter, obviously) has a much larger impact.

In general, we as the dev team tell you the important things to do because if everyone just operates in that way, the system works really well and everyone's happy (I mean it!). If people start attempting to game the system, it sometimes backfires or just turns into a messy experience overall.

Take that to this situation: with unranked being the only queue available for...

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    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by YYqs0C6oFH

Thanks for clarifying! Holding off on the ranked launch to let things stabilize makes perfect sense.

Just to be clear, we know ranked placement matches are seeded based on hidden MMR from unranked games, so does the fact that the 20 unranked game requirement is not being reset mean that unranked/hidden MMR is being carried over from the beta (or soft reset)? Or is everyone's unranked/hidden MMR also getting wiped/hard reset as part of this?

We'll probably carry over some (maybe all) of your unrated MMR to keep the shark pool from eating the incoming fish.

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by YYqs0C6oFH

/u/pwyff, can you clarify when it says "ALL PROGRESSION WILL BE RESET" does that include ranked and/or hidden MMR? Will it be a hard reset where we need to play 20 unranked again to re-calibrate MMR before doing placements? Or will it be a soft/no reset where we can jump straight into ranked on launch day (using hidden MMR as a starting point for placements)?

Edit: Dev replies below confirming ranked will not be enabled until a few weeks later and unranked MMR will probably NOT be hard reset:

We're not going to be launching WITH ranked, probably turning it on in a few weeks after once everything's stable. Your ranked MMR is going to be reset, but the 20 match requirement isn't.

We'll probably carry over some (maybe all) of your unrated...

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We're not going to be launching WITH ranked, probably turning it on in a few weeks after once everything's stable. Your ranked MMR is going to be reset, but the 20 match requirement isn't.


We have plans for this! (for all kinds of bad behaviors including cheating) I think it's important for people to get feedback when their reports lead to a punishment being delivered.


Originally posted by overwatchaim


Make sure it's a msg not chat -- chat disabled.