
Valorant Dev Tracker

21 May


Originally posted by SuburbanChocolate

Will there be any trouble if I’ve bought skins on an NA account and want to get it transferred to OCE on launch, would that be allowed and would the bonus RP be given still?

We're not going to have full shard transfers at launch (they will probably arrive at some point in 2020). The bonus VP will be on your NA account, you just might not be able to transfer it right away.

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by D3monFight3

So no fix for hit regs until then?

will be in by launch

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by teddy_tesla

How many maps will there be at launch?


    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Trickquestionorwhat

Fifthing the questions about hitreg and desync, will those issues not be fixed until release?

they will, the team is pretty confident they have the fixes

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by AdrenMostPissed

That means the next update (next week) is going to be a big one (possibly new map) since that will be the last patch before launch date since we are following the bi-weekly patch system like LoL and there's only 12 days away from launch date.


Probably no patch next week, which makes launch day patch a big 'ol one. Looking at the incoming drafts now... It's going to be fun.


Originally posted by Cheese_N_Toast

Will OCE get anything like the beta rewards the other servers had?

Unfortunately not 😞

    /u/Pwyff on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by PermissionError

Yay OCE! Great to at least have a solid date. But... WHAt aboUt tHE bETa CoSmeTicS? (Also the 20% VP is good as well)

Some may say that they aren't that good, but come on, you can't tell me that "First" is a bad title.

/u/RiotArkem - Thanks for the heads up on the Support for OCE thread. Perhaps maybe clarification on beta cosmetics + 20% extra VP above?

we're getting this information out tomorrow


Originally posted by Valroz

OCE, India, MENA, China, Everyone is in!!

Actually the accompanying blog post clarifies that India and MENA are part of our future plans. China is a whole other thing where Riot doesn't actually publish the game, so we don't have anything to communicate there yet.


Originally posted by anusflytrap


Yeah mate!


Originally posted by JebediahMilkshake

Will this fix the minor cosmetic bug that occurs on larger guns with the buddy clipping into the body? like these guns hold the buddy further away from the body? (i.e my buddies clip into the bodies of the op and phantom etc)

yea we've actually moved the position of the buddies on the op, phantom, stinger, almost all of them have taken a pass. we cant 100% prevent clipping from a tech standpoint but we're putting rules in place to make sure buddies stick within a specific boundary and making sure to place them in spots on weapons that allow them to have a decent amount of visibility and not clip through the gun or hands. i think this week alone the team addressed like 2 dozen bugs related to buddies so rest assured we're committed to making sure they're great :)


this is intentional - a while back we had custom holders for each gun buddy and it made things slightly problematic - mostly with regard to skins. if we had a skin of a certain thematic, say Reaver as an example, it would be weird to have that Phoenix holder. What we're moving to now is a system where you gun determines the holder, but you can have any buddy hanging from it. we're working on a lot of really cool and fun ideas for these so hopefully when we get to show them to you it feels a lot better :)


Originally posted by Steelkenny

Well there's a match history that players can see, so Riot can see it too. You can see all your kills per round, so the only thing that he has to filter on in the database is anyone getting 7 kills in a round in matchmaking - which is what I assume /u/oniram177 did (or the one who told him/her).

nah i mostly meant it hasnt happened in the time ive been on the project. for the last 4+ years we've played every day and the idea of even this being a thing hasnt come up as far as i remember. 6 kills sure because of the single Sage ult (which is why the kill banner gives you 6 pips in the ring when it happens.
At one point in time when we were hooking up the current implementation of kill banners, we had a respawnnable dummy in the level and TECHNICALLY those pips just divide themselves among the kills you get, so i did see in editor once like a 10+ kill counter on the kill banner but that was just to make sure the system worked :P


Originally posted by FireGodmc

Riot oniram I played urf with u

nice! i bet i was kayne and i bet i was garbage!

20 May


Originally posted by jayfkayy

Oh.The guns sound much slower at lower framerates and I did some rough testing (there seemed to be a noteable difference with guns like Vandal and Ares) and just connected the dots and figured this might have been overlooked. Should have tested more thoroughly before busting out the spreadsheet. My bad and thank you for the clear up.

It's good, posts like this have helped us find bugs before.

We really love to see them.


Originally posted by x_marshmallows

^ Don't let the above comment discourage anyone from continuing their own tests. Riot has said a lot of things about Vanguard and networking that were not true until they fixed them later on.

Please do your own testing we love receiving more data!