
Valorant Dev Tracker

20 May


Agreed! We are taking a pass on all of our gun buddy positions across guns.


Hi! We are aware of this issue and are working on a fix for it. It's a bug and it's not intended. :(


Originally posted by TheManInAquamarine

Sweet, thanks for the reply I really appreciate, just wanted to let you know so the art guy knows he didnt mess up. The animation is very clean and minimalistic. Love it. You can pass these words on :)



i love this - its never happened before and i hope to see it one day :)

Hi everyone,

If you’ve been following along, you probably heard our announcement that VALORANT is launching to most of the world* on June 2 (yes that also includes you OCE!). That’s in a few weeks (we also said that)!

We also know that in announcing our launch date we raise a number of questions, with the largest being the title of this piece:are we ready? Every week we’ve touched on a number of questions, concerns, and hot topics, but it’s an entirely different conversation when launch is around the corner.

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19 May


Originally posted by _Yank

Does this mean there will be a higher performance hit with them? Also, will there be any improvements regarding CPU frametimes in the upcoming patch?

The geometry isn't free but in general the scene has many thousands of polygons visible so adding a handful more shouldn't impact performance noticeably.

We've been working on CPU optimizations and hopefully some of them will be ready for the next patch but nothing has been finalized yet.


Originally posted by Air3s


Thanks for the update!

Is there an FPS range that this would apply? like is 200+ fps the area that the bug is least impactful?

I this bug affecting only certain servers and player?

Also, how desync'd can the server be to the player, are we talking about milliseconds or seconds? The reason I ask is, if an enemy player 'was' moving, but comes to a stand still, and a player hits them with no regs, would that be a fitting explanation to something like in this clip?


The bug affects players at all FPS ranges, but scales in severity the lower you go. At 30-15 FPS it gets pretty bad- not hugely bad but bad enough that the shots (as seen in your video) would miss a moving target if you were lined up directly on them. I believe that's what is going on in the video you linked here- you can see the player dips to about 70 fps while shooting- low enough for the hitreg desync to be large enough for the shots to miss.


Originally posted by SoraKuroi

To be honest, on the top of my mind:

-I'd love some discreet star/spatial accents in between the seams of the gun, nothing too drastic but enough to feel like the gun is held together by some strange cosmic power.

The gun would have some gold and iridescent white in terms of colour, the gold acting as a complementary colour to the dark blue of the spatial effects and the iridescent white giving the idea of some alien weapon.

-Pew pew effects akin to a shooting star but with good impact, which could be difficult to implement. Maybe it could be something like a small star exploding inside the gun and pushing the bullet out of the chamber, which would lead to a sharp shooting sound preceded by a big fiery BANG ?

-Constellations/dark matter forming the visor in ADS ?

-Reloading by disintegrating/reforming the magazine/bullets into existence?

Or maybe the magazine could be something where we load stars in instead of changing the ma...

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daaaamn you thought about this a lot! this was a fun read, so ty for sharing <3

exploding stars? I'm in.


Originally posted by stormcaller_op

I don’t know if you can actually give real info about future development apart from opinions, so no offense taken from no reply or a “can’t tell you”. Worth a shot to ask.

Is the leaked Hype Beast set going to come out during beta? We also saw the Toy line for the Bucky, Ghost, and Spectre, and the Drips line for the Sheriff, Bulldog, and Operator, which were all usable during the alpha, while the Hype Beast set is just an image. Any of those planned either?

I have creds ready, give me my regal color scheme weapons or give me death!

haha "can't tell you" :-)


Originally posted by TheManInAquamarine

Hello, I'd like to say it's very hard to see the Avalanche animation in the menu unless you rotate the gun, it almost seems like a bug. Might be worth looking into as I never even noticed the animation on the Avalanche skins and I've looked at a lot of them.

Thanks for the note! We're actually working on trying to make stuff easier to see in the menu. Can't say when it'll be ready, but it's something we do want to make better.


Originally posted by requar

I also really enjoy avalanche- it fits the theme and doesn’t take away from gameplay- it isn’t “loud”.

Thanks! That was a big part of the balance for us -- how do we make it cool without making it distracting?


Originally posted by PanduhSenpai

Hands down best part of Riot rn, the constant communication with your community makes us as players want to play. Honestly very rarely do deva take care of their player bases, riot has for awhile now been super consumer focused and it’s a breath of fresh air in the gaming world.keep up the great work! Can’t wait to see where VALORANT goes!

Aww thank you. You guys being so receptive to talking to us makes us want to communicate more. <3


We have a temp fix that'll come in the next patch (we added some actual geometry to these abilities) and a proper fix coming in one of the two patches after that (nvidia gave us some helpful suggestions for this).


Originally posted by roosterGO

Thanks for the there any ETA for the next patch? Safe to assume next Tuesday?

Generally speaking, a two week cadence is our target, but we're still in beta to exercise all of those muscles and understand what works best, so I can't make a commitment yet. Thanks for helping us figure this out!


Hey Youbekay! This is a known issue, and we'll be resolving it next patch, but due to the impact of the current state of the live game, and impact to future development, we think we can make a better experience by focusing on current bugfixes and feature work for the upcoming patch instead of using those same resources to get a fix out for this specific issue now.

We know it sucks, and we've added additional test coverage to some of our test suites to ensure we catch this particular issue in future builds, but we feel like the risk to stability outweighs the value we'd provide to players. But we'll have it fixed during the next planned patch!

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Originally posted by dtrain6010

Been having a problem with planting and defusing the spike for the past month or so. If I have the spike and walk into the area to plant, it automatically starts planting without me pushing any buttons and I can’t cancel it when it starts. Keep getting killed from this and the same thing happens with defusing. Many rounds lost and want to see this fixed. I can submit clips of this if necessary.

what button is planting the spike bound to? try changing it and see


Originally posted by jokey321

Yeah vanguard got its ups and downs , friend got banned because he used a macro for pressing 12345 in a different game while vanguard was active

This sounds like a mistake (or your friend isn't being completely honest) feel free to have them send me a reddit message with their username and I'll review their case.