
Valorant Dev Tracker

01 Jun


Originally posted by Ralouch

The changes you've made to raze and omen are so well thought out, so great job so far. Maybe if vipers identity was more apparent/powerful. She's so map reliant with her wall cheese that maybe some adjustments can be made to make her more well rounded.

Thanks! Game balance is always an ongoing lesson, so we'll continue to iterate as time goes on. And yeah, I'd agree with your assessment on Viper. Can't speak to any details yet, but we're on the same page.


Originally posted by SyzbuH

Just curious, was there a reason you guys never had the snake bite slow implemented? Was it something that was tried before beta and wasn’t liked, and just never taken out of the description?

Just an out of date tooltip, Snakebite hasn't slowed for a very long time internally iirc. For clarity, that's not currently something we're looking at for future Viper changes either. Maybe that'll change, but as it stands now it seems unlikely that we'd add a slow to that ability anytime soon.


Originally posted by TheOnePercent44

They added Frog Hat.

That is all.

froggie hat


Originally posted by netv4r

Hey there, They didn't say anything about agent contracts in this patch notes even though they said they'd make it easier? Also nothing in the new gamemode?

The Character contracts have been tuned and updated from when they were last seen in CB but didn't get in the notes, that's our bad. It should be much faster to unlock the character within a specific contract assuming you're finishing your missions.


Originally posted by MordeOrDodge

They will be buffing her in one of the followup patches they've said on streams and on Twitter.

We're currently testing a couple ideas for Viper internally but didn't feel comfortable rushing them out. She's on our radar, we haven't forgotten about her.


Originally posted by Franckgonzalz

Thank you for the work you do, take my wallet.

Take mine too! u/RiotSWAGGERNAU7 and I will be buying Prime for sure.


Originally posted by SkatoGames

I would like to thank all the devs for the work and love they put into this game. Don't let the toxic f**ks put you down and make all of you hesitant to communicate with us. I've seen the community get to Apex devs and they bite back and it's just feeding the miserable players.

Thank you again!

Ah most of you have been really nice, so it's no problem! :) We definitely put so much love into the work we do, so it makes us so happy to see all of you happy and having fun.


Originally posted by TuffPeen


Edit: No viper buffs I cry

We've got lots of ideas for Viper, but nothing that we felt comfortable fitting into this specific patch window. We haven't forgotten you poison bae mains though, keep an eye out in the future!


Originally posted by Riot_Preeti

You're all so sweet! We're loving all the communication with all of you, so hope you'll also keep it up after launch! Keep giving that feedback and reporting those bugs! :)

+1 to what Preeti said


Originally posted by Epicnudle

Is there going to be Odin skins?

Can't say. ;)


Originally posted by KurtMage

Yeah, they're super committed to competitive integrity. Shot and reload sounds are always the same as the base gun from everyone else's perspective to keep it fair. Love their priorities on this

Glad to hear yall are enjoying the skin aesthetics! We always try to make sure a skin never feels like it provides advantages or disadvantages and we appreciate folks feeling that way =] Let us know as we introduce more skins if we're not hitting that bar!


Originally posted by Skywarriors101

When they said the launch skins would be better than the beta skins, they weren't wrong like holy shit these look like straight fire.

Tyty! I wanna hear what you think once you hear it with sound!


Originally posted by ntraugh

“I’m not gonna buy the first cool skins they come out with just cause I have an extra 20% now”


I hope you all love these new skins! We've been so excited to get them out to all of you at launch!


Originally posted by RiotSWAGGERNAU7




Originally posted by rubydestroyer

May we have an F in the chat for the wallets lost to riot today



Originally posted by amiray

What really? Period and Comma activate voice lines? Like Yes and No?

One is a Tribes/CS radio menu and the other is a wheel like OW. If you intend to use them regularly (and you only need one or the other), we recommend rebinding to whatever keys are more convenient based on your personal controls.