
Valorant Dev Tracker

13 May


Originally posted by JohnnyH2000

Thanks for the response even tho everyone else didn’t like it

Reddit can be fickle, sorry about that. Your points made sense; I hope my post helps convey a bit more of our philosophy around the change!


Originally posted by Gloopburtnoodge

Bhopping feels way easier after the patch dont know if that’s just me tho.

You’re just nutty at bhopping, go get em champ


Originally posted by JohnnyH2000

Not gonna lie I’m kinda unhappy about that.

My comment about this about a week ago:

Whenever I resurrected someone, there are a bunch of ways for people to notice.

  • 1: Distinct noise (+ animation time of vulnerability)- which can be used to sonically locate where I and my teammate are.

  • 2: Kill feed notification- instead of red/green or green/red, it’s all red (to the enemy team).

  • 3: Top bar, I doubt anyone would miss this- as soon as someone is resurrected their agent icon is returned to the score bar.

  • 4: The teammate I’ve resurrected themselves- any usage of abilities, saying voice lines, or instances of getting spotted by the enemy team should be more than enough of an indication that they’re fully alive and capable of shooting back.

  • 5: The scoreboard- Holding TAB displays the statuses of everybody’s Ultimate abilities. If you notice that all of a sudden my ult status which was READY w...

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I don’t disagree with a any of the points you’re making - there are plenty of ways to notice Sage Rez outside of the VO line, it’s just more about sticking to a consistent, easily understandable paradigm for ult callouts. We want ults to feed into the tactical decision making loop for a round, and want all players to be immediately aware of that info to inform their strategy. The idea of an ult having extra power because it’s easy to miss in the moment doesn’t sit super well with us in general.

Sage Rez definitely showed players a good amount of info, it just wasn’t as clear as other ults and didn’t fit our intended paradigm, so we brought it into the fold. I can’t speak to Sage’s character on the yelling portion unfortunately, that’s not my specialty!!


Originally posted by treyhest

Snakebite slow when?

Haha we think Viper needs some love, but as far as I know right now this isn’t something we’re considering at the moment. That tooltip is just outdated! We’re mulling over some other options for Viper in the future, though.


Looks like we made a little booboo with some of the physical pieces of the dart. We are working on a fix right now. Sorry everyone!


Thanks for the report. We have a fix for this internally. It'll be resolved in an upcoming build.


Originally posted by Syncroshade

Any idea if this has been undone or still not implemented? Still a bug in my game

Yeah... My bad, I made an assumption that it would be fixed by now. It's definitely on our list of known bugs, but we're waiting on a bigger UI clean-up pass that will (hopefully) be done in the next few patches.


Originally posted by OldSpyceyy

Oh ok, so they still work the same then?

Mechanically things should work the same, yeah, the animation just looks a bit different now!


Originally posted by OldSpyceyy

Did y’all change the animation for b hops?

Jumping anim changed a bit this patch yeah, so bhops look a bit different too. Not an intentional change to target bhop animations, just an emergent result of other anim work


Originally posted by Deranox

It's just amazing how much Riot is listening to player feedback. I can't say I remember the last time another company listened this much. Honestly, mostly everything I saw in here for the past 2 weeks or so is in this patch alone. THANK YOU! <3

P.S Please take a look at spraying and slow percentage when you're hit. I get that there's supposed to be a slow, but it's just too much atm and it effectively freezes you in place because of 1 lucky shot.

I'm really happy to hear you're feeling heard, we love this game as much as the rest of you and care a ton about your feedback. Please continue to talk to us and help us make the game better.

Bullet tagging is something we're looking at right now! No details or changes yet, but we've gotten a lot of feedback from the community about it and it's getting talked about internally.


Originally posted by 514484

In CSGO, there are guns that are pretty similar, and then you just swap them around in your collection tab (Desert Eagle vs Revolver, suppressed vs non-suppressed M4 come to mind) Is this something you guys might consider in the future?

We've talked about it way early on but there's no plans to take a look at that yet. We havent found any particular instances where we were needing to make a gun that we didnt already have, and we wouldnt want the tradeoff to be arbitrary.


Originally posted by leftysarepeople2

Fore grip one of thhem

Like was mentioned in the article we tried some sort of attachments system - one of the potential problems with doing visual attachments is the comparison to other games. A foregrip for example in another shooter indicates better recoil control - we want to make sure we dont give any false expectations that having a weapon with an attachment gives you a distinct gameplay advantage, and we wouldnt want the visuals of a weapon to influence your choice to use that weapon or not.


Originally posted by TheMrMintt

Vignette: Off

Vsync: Off

Anti-Aliasing: MSAA 4x

Anisotropic Filtering: 8x

Improve Clarity: Off

Bloom: Off

Distortion: Off

First Person Shadows: Off

Thanks! The only thing I would test on your machine would be flipping MSAA 4x to Off to see if it has any impact. We're tracking a rare issue with it that impacts some (but not all) machines -- should be fixed in a future build.

New week, new us. From the last week to this one, our family and community of VALORANT has grown exponentially, and we’re happy to be able to see players in Latin America, Brazil, and Korea getting into the closed beta! Welcome! And now that you’ve all been playing VALORANT, we assume you also have endless questions that we’re here to answer.

We’re going to keep our intros short because there are three topics we’d like to cover. The first is one we’re passionate about: peeker’s advantage. Specifically, in the times when an enemy player comes around the corner and appears to be running and gunning while still being accurate. Here’s David Straily, VALORANT’s technical engineering lead to explain:

Hi all! Let’s get right to it:...

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12 May


Originally posted by TheMrMintt

Material Qual: High

Texture Qual: High

Detail Qual: Medium

UI Qual: Medium

I'm willing to sacrifice the quality for performance, but only if its absolutely necessary. Those settings were all on high before the first few patches and the lag wasn't as intense. Thank you so much for reaching out and responding, this Riot team really cares.

Could you also share the ones further down? I don't think tweaking the quality settings will make much of a difference on a 1080.

I think the full list is:

  • Material Quality
  • Texture Quality
  • Detail Quality
  • UI Quality
  • Vignette
  • VSync
  • Anti-Aliasing
  • Anisotropic Filtering
  • Improve Clarity
  • Bloom
  • Distortion
  • First Person Shadows

Originally posted by SmoothVelvetSlav

Stay tuned!

Any news on dx12 / vulkan support? future support?

Support is on our longer term roadmap (think months) - but nothing immediate



We made a good set of improvements for 0.50. However, the primary focus was on low/mid spec machines (those that are GPU bound).

There is more to come in the subsequent patch for high-spec machines & combat perf (during gunfights, etc..), which will help CPU bound folks :)

Stay tuned!

- David


We made a good set of improvements for 0.50. However, the primary focus was on low/mid spec machines (those that are GPU bound).

There is more to come in a subsequent patch for high-spec machines & combat perf (during gunfights, etc..), which will help CPU bound folks :)

Stay tuned!

- David


We made a good set of improvements for 0.50. However, the primary focus was on low/mid spec machines (those that are GPU bound).

There is more to come in a subsequent patch for high-spec machines & combat perf (during gunfights, etc..), which will help CPU bound folks :)

Stay tuned!

- David


This has been fixed, but just barely missed the 0.50 build cut - enjoy it while it lasts, next patch it'll be gone xD