We pop this network error indicator for a couple of different reasons:
1) Packet loss (burst - 111XXXXXXX1111, or sporadic - 11111X1111X11111111X)
2) When there is some movement desync between yourself & the game server); usually caused by network variance, or more rarely clock drift.
(by the way - Ping on the scoreboard is a rolling average; if it says "25ms", really you are often drifting between 20-30ms)
3) High ping (which in your specific case u/juhmikay, doesn't sound like you have).
On Round Transitions (from end of round, to the new buy phase) we were triggering this indicator incorrectly - all the "reset" of game state causes some network saturation, which is unavoidable. We are going to hide indicators during this specific bit, because no action can be taken. (can't remember if fix f...
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