
Valorant Dev Tracker

15 Apr


Originally posted by MicOxlong

Anyone had one where you have to aim your cursor to the right to click on what you actually want to click on, not in game, just the interface like when in agent select or viewing weapons or contracts etc.

This is a known issue, most commonly seen if you have your taskbar on the top of the monitor instead of the default bottom taskbar.


Originally posted by [deleted]


You might want to double check that the account linked to your twitch is the one you're checking on the VALORANT website. Sounds like a wrong account issue.


Originally posted by Portaljacker

  • Region: NA
  • Type of Bug: Riot Client Updating
  • Description: No matter which of the 3 Riot Games I open, the updater fails giving the screenshot linked below
  • Video / Screenshot:
  • Steps to reproduce: Try to open Valorant, League of Legends, or Legends of Runeterra
  • Expected result: The game launcher opens
  • Observed result: The above screenshot happens
  • Reproduction rate: 100%
  • System specs: Windows 10, i7 4790k, 32BG of RAM, 980ti (none of this really matters given the issue)
  • Things I've tried:
    • Running the installers again,
    • Running the games in admin mode,
    • Reinstalling Valorant,
    • Uninstalling all 3, reboot, reinstall, re...
Read more

The workaround here was to not install to a drive mounted as a folder. We dont support this yet.


Originally posted by TheGrizzlyOP

For some reason when I started a game this afternoon my mini map disappeared. I finished the match and restarted my game and it came back again.

I forgot to mention that one! We're looking into this, but having a hard time reproducing it. If it happens to you, spamming the map key seems to bring it back.


Originally posted by Vonspacker

Well that didn't take long lol.

Neither fix has worked for me.

After updating I was able to stay in a game until the last round of the first half.

After this I turned off firewalls and restarted the client and was able to stay in for 2 rounds before the issue happened again.

I find that generally once i've been kicked once over this error it recurrs far sooner each time.

Grab your logs, zip them up, and you can send them my way (PM). They'll be in "C:\Program Files\Riot Vanguard\Logs".

What antivirus are you using? Just Defender?


Originally posted by icemoo

What is defined as an exploit? Camera gun sure 100% not intended but what about edge of map sage boosts like that Long A haven to see heaven and corner of stairs? Is that defined as an exploit?

Getting entirely out of the map, getting into normally inaccessible areas where you can see opponents but they can't see you, things like that, I would consider exploits.

If you're able to boost and see opponents, but they can also see you, maybe it's just a cheap angle, I would not necessarily call it an exploit. We'll be patching these out and addressing them as we go. Some of these boosts might end up being 'intended', and others might get patched out.


Originally posted by Cahootie

Are you saying that we should PM you for access instead?

If you PM me for access, I will tell my dog mean jokes about you and ignore your message.


Originally posted by zandm7

That's awesome, thank you so much for letting us know!

Out of curiosity, do you have any idea when we could expect those fixes to go in?

Also, do you know if these window-mode improvements will also cover the issue of certain high-res/ultrawide fullscreen resolutions not functioning properly?

For example, I filed ticket #46890006 with support reporting that on my 5120x1440 display, the game launches in fullscreen at 3840x1080. Trying to change the resolution to any 1440p resolution (2560x1440, 3440x1440, or my native res of 5120x1440) just reverts back to 3840x1080 even after hitting Apply > Confirm.

Thanks <3

Yes, this includes superwide resolution fixes.

I can't say when the patch is scheduled


Originally posted by [deleted]


we hear you


Originally posted by IkeKap

Maybe that was intended (but bad behavior) from the driver. Like it recognized that a certain process was hindering its behavior so it would close the game because it wanted to try again after the "troublesome process" was eliminated?

Hahaha, maybe? I'm really not sure, this was a very odd one.


Originally posted by Vonspacker

have tried updating/disabling my antivirus which did not work.

Have just updated windows and will try again, will then try playing with firewall settings. Will feed back once I've tried all these options, thank you!

Thanks for the help! I hope you figure it out :D


Originally posted by hoosakiwi

Just want to use this as an opportunity to re-up our bug megathread.

Contrary to popular belief, these megathreads aren't used to hide away the bugs, but rather to make sure that the issues we all face as players are seen and (hopefully) resolved by the devs.

Thanks! As a QA person, I love that y'all do this. It's so helpful to have the information consolidated in one place with default format expectations, etc.

Back in my LoL days I regularly hunted through those megathreads for issues :D


Originally posted by Kodokai


Was hoping he'd have more input on weapon handling/spray patterns etc as 1.6 was some of the best gunplay in a competitive fp and Valorant is off.

Ah, just because he works on map design doesn't mean that he has input into various gameplay elements. He most definitely has input! I don't work on that side of things, but I know that there's a ton of ways that the design team work together with each other, and with the broader dev team to make sure they are getting feedback and tweaking things accordingly.


Originally posted by L__O__G

I'm not sure it's that. I've had this since I started playing (first day of beta). When I send a message in team chat, nothing happens. But whispers, party chat, and all chat work perfectly fine for me.

Really strange... Can you submit a ticket to player support with your issue? They will be better equipped to troubleshoot and help you out.


Originally posted by RicardM7431

Thanks! I'm not sure if you guys mentioned it before but would there be a possibility of adding a range/spell indicator for agent's abilities in the future, similar to LoL's indicator?

I have no idea! Sorry, I don't work on character design at all :(


Originally posted by Vonspacker

Thank you for responding and showing the progress addressing these issues.

I've been plagued with the "anticheat error" kicks in every game I've played and honestly had seen no official response to it until now.

Initially I thought it was an issue with the vgc service crashing. I set it to automatic and restarted the process and such and was able to play a single game the whole way through before the issue began again.

Absolutely lost as to what I need to do to fix it but glad you guys have noted this.

Some players have fixed this issue by:
1. Updating windows
2. Updating antivirus software
3. Making an exception for VALORANT in their antivirus/firewall

Give that a try and let me know if it helps! We're still trying to figure out the exact cause of this.


Originally posted by RicardM7431

Also, are abilities that go above the map intentional? There are certain cases where Sova's recon bolt can travel very far distances above the map and above all the structures

It is intentional that there is no skybox for abilities.


Originally posted by Kodokai

I'm glad you're focusing on fixing the major issues ;)

OT: I'm curious, what was Volcanos job on valorant?

Volcano is a map designer!


Originally posted by LoFiEnthusiast

My FPS has been fine in every game except this one I'm in right now. Idk what map I'm on, but there is a smoke texture in the sky, but it's surrounded in a black box - as if the transparency isn't working.

It wasn't like this earlier and it's causing terrible FPS. I'm going to restart my computer after this game to see if the issue is fixed

That sounds like a bug I've seen before on really low-spec machines. If you're on a low spec machine, it could just be that your PC is struggling to keep up with the VFX.

If you're on a high spec machine, you should check to see if the game is using your integrated GPU instead of your dedicated GPU.


Originally posted by L__O__G

Thanks for the work!

Have you seen anything about people not being able to use team text chat or am I the only one with that problem?

We have had intermittent outages with chat due to service load, so maybe that's what you're having?