
Valorant Dev Tracker

16 Apr


Thanks for putting so much thought into this! We're definitely going to allow third parties to access data such as this, though we haven't decided on exactly how it will look. You've pointed out some pretty relevant concerns, and we'll also have to think about retention policies, etc. Stay tuned!


Originally posted by Joebebs

Ok I’m starting to understand this now, I kept on wondering how working with angles in these games function, for the most part it’s a matter of distance, two people equidistant, one holding at a corner close to an angle while the other one is moving far against the wall and slowly working around that angle, that person walking up would technically win according to your 4th example. But anyone far away holding an angle against someone across whose very close to that angle working their way up would win because they have a more precise degree of visibility to play with than the on comer. This is actually blowing my mind a bit. Definitely gonna change the way I play and look at these maps now.

Oh shit I might actually need a 2nd illustration on your 3rd example there cuz they’re playing with 2 very tight/similar angles.

In the last example, Viper is holding the close angle and Jett is peaking with a pistol. Jett can see Viper before Viper can see Jett because Jett is further away from the edge. Each has its risks, the slower you work you way up the more exposed you are from your left (from A site) but you can beat someone holding a close angle if you slowly check it from a farther angle. Hope that makes sense.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Not necessarily. There's always reasons to peak and smart ways to do it (with a buddy or with utility). If you're going to peak long C, I'd say don't do it slowly because the person holding the long angle will see you before you see them.


Originally posted by Cakesmile

Since you seem to have a pretty good ideas on angles already in this game, do you happen to know if there's an advantage peeking from certain directions?

Like in CS you want to peek someone from the right since you get to see the other person just a tad bit faster.

Edit: Misspelled faster

I don't know definitively. I don't work on VALORANT, I work on the Riot Games API. I just posted this cause I've seen some people confused about how someone shot them when they couldn't see anyone. Maybe a member of the VALORANT team will swing by and let us know :)


Originally posted by Un111KnoWn


I noticed this right after I posted it /facepalm

For anyone else wondering, farther for physical distance and further for metaphorical, or figurative, distance. As in, if this gets noticed any further I'll get even more embarrassed xd


Oh hello Reddit! Glad y'all are finding this useful. I've got some examples in the Twitter thread if anyone's interested how this looks in game.

Read more

I used to play Bucky + Revolver every round. It was surprisingly effective!


Originally posted by mochimisu

im pretty sure timthetatman started it, but it's caught on and i call him gary in CB, and i know some people call him gary in internal playtests :)



THIS IS INCREDIBLE!!! nice job on the print!


Originally posted by Lefthandtaco

Please fill us in if he is called Gary internally. This is very important to me and the community as a whole.

he didn't used to be, but now he is


Originally posted by MattyLlama

... Is Gary what you guys at Riot call him? If so that is fantastic lol also, Boomba would have been a good choice too

im pretty sure timthetatman started it, but it's caught on and i call him gary in CB, and i know some people call him gary in internal playtests :)


i would also like a gary gunbuddy


Originally posted by hornytwat12

when is your article coming out? last you told me it was tuesday?


We're currently tracking this internally, thanks to a handful of useful player reports that let us isolate the cause. We'll hopefully have the fix out in the next patch or two, and it shouldn't be too commonly encountered in games


We're looking to add the ability to leave multi-person Custom Games in an upcoming patch, it is currently under test. SoonTM.

Currently you'll need all players to leave the match for ~5minutes for the server to terminate. Apologies for this awkward workaround, the work was non-trivial and we purposefully chose to focus our resources on the matchmaking flows. It was a choice between leaving Custom Games disabled entirely for the first Closed Beta patch or accepting this workaround for now!


Originally posted by inslang

The in-game FPS limiter is inconsistent. The frametimes are kinda bad and the capped framerate is not really stable at the value you set. Probably the in-game FPS counter gets updated every something like 1000 milliseconds or more so you can't see the microstutters and the displayed framerate value is steady. But with my monitor's native FPS counter or with riva tuner set to a lower delay I can notice the inconsistencies. I don't want to be forced to use external limiters like RTSS. Can you take a look? Thank you :)

Hmm, that seems wrong. Can you try using the stat -> Graph Only option to display your FPS? It should be polling very frequently, and you should still be able to see small stutters.


Originally posted by Escolyte

is it intended to be this tiny and if so can we get a visual fx update that reflects the tiny hitbox?

I'm really not sure :(

I know it's not bugged


Originally posted by maxi7cs

• Region: NA

• Type of Bug: Voice Chat

• Description: If you join a friend's party while they are in a game and you are not, you can mic spam them and they can't mute you, they have to go into their settings and disable party chat

• Reproduction rate: 10/10

• Steps to reproduce: Join a party of people in-game when you aren't and talk or press your party push-to-talk button

• System Specs: Doesn't matter

You can mute them via the social panel (the friends lift that attaches to the right side of the screen). Just right click the user and you can adjust their volume.

The party leader can also just kick the player from the same right click context menu in the social panel to save everyone from their trolling too!

15 Apr


Originally posted by Aniv1a

Okay great! I’m just worried because I do live in a rural area and I understand as a business my area will NEVER be a priority. I appreciate the response. Also, am I okay using a vpn? I don’t want to get flagged for account sharing or something since I’m always switching IP’s it’s just either this or I just play at a massive disadvantage

As far as I know there's nothing wrong with using a VPN.