What about the Cyper camera bug? I got killed multiple times. Fun fact, when a sheriff on Cyper camera, it has no recoil neither.
This was fixed today
What about the Cyper camera bug? I got killed multiple times. Fun fact, when a sheriff on Cyper camera, it has no recoil neither.
This was fixed today
I get rather frequent crashes but due to there being no crash screen I can't figure out why or if a crash report is being sent, is there a way to check?
Crash reports are automatically collected - no need to push any buttons!
Is the bug with floating weapons known to you? I've seen it a few times already.
Yes! This one is particularly confusing. We're working on a fix.
Could you also take a look at insane upload rate on high FPS that many users have reported? People with potato internet are having major problems playing the game without lag spikes and capping FPS is just a bandaid
We are working on a fix for this
We’re working on a fix for this. Fun fact - it is really, really hard to time this correctly in testing.
I chuckled reading this.
“When I press SHIFT or CTRL, my game suddenly quits, but only if I have this specific printer” - FIXED
Special shoutout to /u/Minnifutzi for finding and identifying the root incompatibility causing this issue. We pushed out a fix for this last week.
This is an hilarious bug. How you not gonna divulge what printer it was and why a freaking printer would cause this?
I answered above with some more details. I didn't put the specific printer because I don't want to call them out (I also don't know if this possibly affected other printers too)
Thank you for your work and transparency within the community! Its very refreshing having devs who are so open and i'm glad to hear it's more than likely going to stay that way.
Thanks! We try to be as open about our progress (and struggles) as we can. Most often when we aren't responding it's just because we're busy, exhausted, or just didn't see a particular issue or comment.
We're all humans too! Also as a bonus right now, we're all working in our living rooms/kitchen/bathrooms, so it's a bit harder than normal...
Thank you u/Koalifier for your shoutout 😊 makes me happy
When I read your comment my reaction was a mixture of happiness that you found it, and utter confusion that this could cause the issue
Thanks for introducing me to android52
I found a bug where if u refund the reaver set with unlocked operator chroma and then rebuy the reaver set but this time not unlocking the lvl 5 chroma skin, I can still pick and play with that skin becuz I had it selected already before refunding
Thanks for the report! This is something we're looking into!
I found a bug where if u refund the reaver set with unlocked operator chroma and then rebuy the reaver set but this time not unlocking the lvl 5 chroma skin, I can still pick and play with that skin becuz I had it selected already before refunding
Looking into it, thanks!
could you please really reconsider the 24/7 on startup part of the AC?
it's been negatively impacting other games i play, and having to restart my pc just for a game makes me not want to play it.
also if you wanna be safer when it comes to competitive play why not request to connect a phone number for it like you guys did with league's Clash?
Would you be willing to work with me to troubleshoot? There's some logs you could send me that might help us get to the bottom of your issues. If so please send me a DM.
Not the other commenter, but please, don't have a "our anticheat is always right" attitude with your product.
I understand that it's difficult with so many cheaters around to try to judge individual cases, and trust that your system is flawless, but some of us were badly burned by an anticheat that detected a false positive, and for an avid gamer that's one of the worst things that can happen to them. It's unjust, there is no recourse, you have no way to fix it and usually you don't even why specifically you were banned; perhaps what software got you flagged so that you can avoid it in the future.
We're definitely not perfect and we're willing to review punishments we give out to look for false positives. We're happy to overturn bans if we have made a mistake.
Does the anti-cheat software ban you from taking screenshots?
I'm using Lightshot or an equivalent program that replaces the default print screen functionality on my computer. When I press print screen, my game force closes. I believe I got an anticheat message too. I was trying to get a screenshot of an arrow lineup for Sova.
We aren't specifically blocking screenshots (for example, you can use the Nvidia Shadowplay overlay to take screenshots), but 3rd party applications like that one might have issues if they have unsigned drivers.
Are you aware of anyone hearing ghost footsteps or audio in general being odd?
I was in bind-bathrooms during a 1v1 and heard footsteps through the wall to my left but the only opponent left was directly in front of me. Here is a diagram
It was a 1vs1 vs an Omen, so it's possible that he teleported but I did not hear any teleport. I'll watch the demo tonight if that's possible and make a video of it. My whole team heard them too.
We had an issue where you would sometimes not be able to hear "low priority" sounds, which was mostly cosmetic stuff, but notably ally footsteps. We put out a fix for that issue yesterday.
For audio, I think that might fall more into the audio readability feedback bucket - I don't think it's bugged.
I'm using AVG, I have tried running the game with this off however to the same result.
I'm happy to try sending them to your account on twitter or something you're verified on if that's ok with you? Simply on the paranoid principle of not sending any logs or anything to a non-verified Riot account.
You can DM me on Twitter then. Still trying to get flaired on this subreddit. https://twitter.com/0xNemi
Are you working on AMD cpu LOW fps/stutters?
I can't see the circle around my agent on the map, which indicates footsteps. I know it should only work when I'm running and it doesn't work most of the times.
We're working on a fix for this!
The vandal and some other gun reload animations drop multiple mags even though it should be just one
We have a bug open to fix this, but it's low priority.
What? Nonsense! How can it be possible? I've been spamming your discord feedback thread since 7th first hour of release. How am I not on the list
I've found 30+ people around with the same issue. I had a script sending mouse input to the game to confirm my theory. There really is a mouse inptut lag issue
And everyone who report about this input issue have another weird quirk:
When you look completely down or up at character camera limits, your left and right mouse input is choppy, instead of being smooth the camera does miss the input and jump suddenly
Everyone with this little quirk also experience noticeable and constant mouse input lag overall that ruins all experience. I've reached level 5 of beta challenge few days ago and it was unbearable pain to play all this time. The moment I change to any other game it feels like heaven, everything is so responsive
Tell me you saw this, I'm tired of bumping this issue twice everyday j_j
Hello! I'm not active on the discord community :(
We have a bug open for the issues around looking straight up and straight down, but haven't prioritized fixing it since there's not a lot of gameplay reason to look straight up or down, but it is on the list.
We're looking into mouse input lag issues, specifically most notable at low sensitivity while scoped, but I'm not sure what the progress is on that.
If you use the ability paranoia with Omen, it often happens that the opponent is not blinded even though you hit him 100%
The hitbox is tiny on that thing