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23 Oct

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Ah, lucky you. You do not read all the comments, right?



1.89 Imperial Navy and 1.99 Starfighters would like a word with you )))

But no a .XX9 or XX3 patch does not mean France is confirmed to have a navy by any timeframe. Even on the Q & A we confirmed it's far too early to even be discussing it. So why people think it's close is a mystery.

Let's not get into map discussions here it's not the place. But a lot of people enjoy smaller maps too. It's a misconception that "everyone hates small maps" for top tier.


That's not how it works. We publish Dev blogs for things that are ready to show. We don't have lots finished blogs ready and waiting at the push of a button. Plus if we had to do 2 Dev blogs every day just because a particular person / group of people was "disappointed" in a blog on any given day, we would need to publish like 8 blogs a day to fully "satisfy" everyone.

Maps are also equally as important as new vehicles or mechanics.

His imagination.


Mike and Oxy will have a stream I believe but not the sneak peak stream.

Edit: No blogs today. But something else.

22 Oct


And full suggestion topics, that are far better for us to pass along to the developers for review as I said are welcome on these subjects.

People discuss lots of things all the time all over the place years before things get added. As I have said, things are already in the works for France in this department, it just fell that the German FlakRak was ready first. People are reading a little too deeply into things here. Lets keep things constructive here please and not stray into the realms of just negativity for negatives sake.

Your concerns have been voiced and we have heard them loud and clear now. Im trying to steer this in a constructive direction and not backwards down the slope.


We dont ignore anything valid and constructive at all actually and always try to engauge as much as possible with you guys, forward things on and providing answers wherever possible.

However, when you open topics here and see things such as:

and the other sarcasm, insults and everything else, dont then expect:

When every time you open threads, its full of the above.

We always forward all reports and always pass along all constructive suggestions. I think the point of misunderstanding here is these things take time. Its not just a case of heres the documents, why is it not fixed within a month or two. We have 1700+ vehicles in game for 9 nations.

We are not just making decisions and choices for the game that benefit France. We have ...

Read more

We already said we are not going to do this. There is much more to come and its just a case of waiting.


And as I have already said, we have plans already for French Anti-Air systems too.


As I said, we already have some future plans for more advanced French Anti-Air, I was just pointing out towed options wont come


We dont and likely wont have towed trailers in game. Full chassis vehicles or trucks like the Type 93 or FlakRak MAN are fine.


To be clear, the VT-1 we are getting was a joint French-American development, which was used by the French Air Force and Navy. Mostly French vehicles don't use this variant except on export productions.

This variant was explored and presented for the German systems modernization. This is both an interesting and unique machine that the community in general clearly enjoy seeing and are excited for. So it was very much the correct choice to add it.

With that said, we have plans for more advanced French anti-air systems, but as I have said not in this update. France have something else to look forward too this update.

If there was evidence it was tested / used / proposed to be used on a French variant, feel free to suggest it.


There is, but thats why I asked if there was a topic on it. Because its far better to go to them with something showing a demand for something and presented well such as a suggestion topic. Rather than a clustered topic, that often contains insults and rant posts like this one has already managed to accumulate


Best to just wait and find out


It doesn't work like that im afraid. We have lots of surprises and specials planned.


Roland 2 as an upgrade and reclassification to AMX-30R. It would be nicer to pass it as a singular idea.


Is there already a suggestion topic for it? I cant seem to find it.


This one is extreamly unlikely as it was only a proposal. Unless im mistaken, not even a mockup/prototype was made.


VT-1 was part of the program for this vehicle being introduced. We don't and have never based things on "operational service" as the criteria to add something.

And indeed, whilst the FlaRakRad and VT-1 on it are to do with the next update, the last 3 pages of off topics about possible French variants are nothing to do with the next update.

We have a French Ground Forces section where you can discus that and a suggestion section where you can submit proposals. This is not the place.

Nobody is dismissing your concerns. Simply asking that you used the correct place.

Plenty of the people in this discussion are quick to jump on others when going off topic, yet are now doing it themselves.