League of Legends: Wild Rift

League of Legends: Wild Rift Dev Tracker

07 Oct


There are a lot of things we take into account when deciding when a champion should be brought over. But at it's core...

We want to prioritize bringing over champions you all like.

We want a diverse set of champions for positions, classes, roles, etc.

We consider how a champion plays with Wild Rifts controls. Do they have unique/interesting abilities that Wild Rift's controls can take advantage of? Maybe it's something we can enhance with twin stick controls, like Nunu's E, ASol's E, or Ashe's R. Or a champion who we think can take advantage of our controls well, see Rammus or Singed.

There is also a lot that goes into when a champion should be released. We don't want to release a bunch of champions for the same class/position in a row. And we want to make sure players don't have to wait too long to get a champion they can be excited for. Basically, we want to make it so that everyone has a champion for them.

These goals also evolve over tim...

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Originally posted by DevastaTheSeeker

It's all good. Game development is hard. Just take the last part I said into consideration more than anything. If you aren't able to replace it right away might as well extend it till you do

Yeah - I actually chased that around a week before the pass was due to expire. We worked through a bunch of possible solutions for it (unfortunately it's not as easy as it would be in games where we can just adjust a config in the background, it turns out, and would have required a bunch of dev work and a patch) - Given that the 2.5 patch was around the corner the team opted to not fix it this time, but they're aware of it in case something similar happens again. The upshot is that we did grant 10 extra levels to everyone partway through for an unrelated thing, so hopefully people got what they wanted in the end anyway. I realise it feels like a bit of a ghost town when the pass isn't live tho lol


Yep, that was something we said which didn't happen this time around due to the patch delay. I take responsibility for it, and I'm sorry

06 Oct


I know yet another delay sucks. It really sucks for us too. Fingers crossed this is the last delay! Hope y'all enjoy the patch preview when it lands, we worked hard on this one.


Originally posted by LieuVijay

X.0 or 2.X releases are always the ones that bring big/major changes as compared to the tiny 2.4x changes.

And they probably had to update/fix quite a few stuff. And bring possibly bring new features etc

It's pretty much this - the "major" patches are the ones that require a full new build of the game, reapproval by the app stores, full development cycle and so on, so they have a lot more that can go wrong (vs the "lettered" patches which are normally just balance/content/bugfixes)


Originally posted by Whats_Up4444

Unrelated, how was your reaction to sora in smash?

Favorite kh game?

To be super blunt I was quite tired (7am when it was announced) but when the Simple and Clean orchestral music started i literally had tears rolling down my cheeks lol. lots of memories of this series

favourite game is prob KH1 just for the nostalgia, but i am close to Chain of Memories purely for the time I put into it lol


Originally posted by shinigami656

Here's the thing tho. If your team truly needs a tank, not picking a tank is a sure loss. Your teaammatrs aren't the only ones going to miss something. If your carry is very weak early in the game, and there is no tank to peel him in the start, it's your loss. If the opponent has two fed assassins and there's no tank, it's your loss. Even if you're winning lane, if someone in another lane keeps getting turret dived and killed, the fed enemy is coming for you next. Whatever contribution you make, it's for yourself too cause you're playing with a team. It's not a sacrifice, it's just sensible.

This this this this this!


Originally posted by KatashiWR

Mind compensating us with a patch preview release date at least?

ya, we'll be revealing the schedule for everything later this week! (i realise this is an announcement of an announcement of an announcement. pls forgive)


I don't know if it'll "redeem" anything. There's just a lot of stuff to write about. I hope you enjoy it all!

05 Oct


Originally posted by Dr_Zoster

It feels like tanks have way less resistance than their pc counterparts, how does that work if it's supposed that the other archetypes share (more or less) the same stats?

This likely has more to do with perception than reality, as I hear similar things about tanks in PC being squishy. In both games however your odds of winning drastically shoot up if you have a tank on your team.

Looking at Malphite here are his base tank stats in both games.

Level 1 WR / PC
AR 45 / 37
MR 38 / 28
Health 650 / 574
Level cap
AR 106 / 101
MR 61 / 49
Health 2260 / 2104

However, if we are comparing across games, the largest difference is going to come from the item systems where the games are drastically different at this point. Both with tank item builds, but also in damage options.

But why can't tanks function in a MOBA like they can in an MMO? By that, I mean why can't you ever become unkillable. Basically, this comes down to the goal that the game needs to end, and if players could reach an unkillable state then this would DRASTICALLY slow down the game, to the point where nothing could happen. ...

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Originally posted by spiritxiv

u/draggles Care to elaborate?

we have a few things coming!


Originally posted by LieuVijay

Look up official WR’s Twitter to keep up. (Though personally we shouldn’t be doing this. Twitter is a dumb platform)

Follow the 1) main Wildrift Twitter 2) Alan deathstare guy - Project manager or something 3) draggles - comms guy 4) events lady 5) Matchmaking guy - who got flamed very hard (fk you flamers) 6) Jonathan chao - forgot his role.

And drop some niceties once in a while. They might not be perfect but people tend to want to do their best. Flaming and hounding them doesn’t work. Ever felt tired AF and have your boss be nice to you and make you want to give your 110%? We are their bosses.


yeah we push a lot of stuff to twitter because we don't have a ton of easy ways of talking to players in game. the event was left up for a couple of days after so people could take in garen's amazing pose but it wasn't meant to be a long-lived thing! i think we should do those events more often imo, they seem like fun little repeatable things

03 Oct


As rule, a champion's stats should be similar. But there are a few notable things to call out here though, champions end to have slightly more base Health, Base Mana Regen, and Base Bonus Attack Speed, outside of that they should be in a similar ballpark to their PC counterparts.

With all that said stats do get adjusted separately when balancing both games, I wouldn't expect this to drastically change a champion's stats, but it will mean that matching all stats 1:1 is not going to happen.

02 Oct


Originally posted by alltodanceagain

That match WAS with a full group of my friends!

That game was just a punctuation to my point. Both literally and figuratively as it was the first game I had after making the thread! I also only bring it up because you are apparently a riot employee and this is a “systemic issue.”

kills are celebrated, objectives aren’t. This leads to the community going insane in many ways. It’s hard to win the game when people are confused as to what winning actually is.

You CAN push as any champion, you can take down objectives as any champion, but others do it better. Jinx is one of the best for it mid/late game, Kai’sa is better but has a rough early game. The problem is adc’s by definition are team-reliant.

For example as to what the point of the thread is: People always like “hard carry” champs for playing because you don’t need to rely on other players. Now what if you like to focus on objectives and aren’t a kill-based player? What are the “hard-carry...

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Kk, if you're looking for someone who can 1v9 carry by focusing on taking towers/objectives than I think Singed, Jax, Riven, Fiora (really take your pick of a split pusher) is going to be your best way to go about it in a way that involves as little team interaction as possible. Ziggs is great at taking towers, but generally can't handle well on his own vs these champions.

Neutral objectives are always going to have a larger focus on team coordination but if you want to make sure that you don't need to rely on anyone to secure the objective than you should be the jungler, and Nunu is going to be the best for securing these.


Originally posted by whackholez

Step 1) pick nunu Step 2) get to objective first Step 3) spam ping objective and attack when it spawns Step 4) profit

Step 5) Ride your Yeti off into the sunset without looking back at the explosion.


Originally posted by alltodanceagain

I agree on these, but I think the game has a severe systemic problem.

I just played a game where I singlehandedly split pushed ALL three lanes to nexus as jinx. We had all tier 2 towers still up and they had nothing. We still lost. I repeat: the enemy team had no towers for well over 10-15 minutes before the game ended, and we still lost because 4 of my teammates were playing aram.

the 27 kill akali (yes, TWENTY-SEVEN KILLS) was constantly flaming me for not fighting mid. the two others on my team were telling me to uninstall or to commit suicide. our jungler didn’t even have smite but it didn’t matter because he was ganking all game anyways.

My team spent ALL game in mid farming kills since minute five. We lost multiple lanes because of it. I then decided to just go all focusing objectives.

when my team aced the enemy team multiple times, they just sat there waiting in mid for the enemy to come back. they totally ignored dragon and baron. t...

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I'm sorry you had a bad game, I truly am but this sounds like you're talking about a separate issue than who can take objectives, in fact from what you're saying it sounds like you could have taken them with anyone.

If the enemy team had no towers left for 10-15 minutes you might want to group with them for team fights, not a lot else you can go for at that point anyway, and you should be at full build. Plus fighting in the mid lane when the enemy has nothing likely means you win from the side lanes pushing anyway, especially after scoring an ace, the minions alone should do the brunt of the work.

The game does tactically discourage teams from ARAMing mid, this is what the other two lanes and objectives do. I'm not sure what you mean by winning the "straightforward way" team fights have, and always will be, a valid and common tactic.

Regarding the "shiny graphics and loud noises" this is typically called "juice" and really makes something feel good. But it a...

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Originally posted by SmallIndieCompany

How come you guys never reply in the posts complaining about trolls, afkers, and bad players? Are you guys purposely ignoring the problem?

We have plenty of smarter people than me working on these kinds of problems. But I haven't worked on teams that deal with those kinds of issues so I can't speak to much. So it makes much more sense for me to stick to areas where I can at least pretend I know what I'm talking about.


Originally posted by RedKingDre

Does Ziggs fall into the same type? I mean, his A2 is literally a turret executor.

Oh ya I would put Ziggs in here for sure. His tower damage is a huge part of why he is so popular in Elite and pro play.


Originally posted by okarab

I want more of this event.

IMHO the events team knocked it out of the park with this one. Kudos to them on a really well-done event.


Generally, this would be split pushers like Singed or Jax, but Nunu is the BEST at controlling neutral objectives (Drake, Elder Drake, Herald, and Baron).