Complete simple repeatable in-game tasks to secure Coal, Supercontainers, and more! Read it on the portal
Complete simple repeatable in-game tasks to secure Coal, Supercontainers, and more! Read it on the portal
Take advantage of this month-long opportunity to win significant cash prizes through PayPal, whether you’re a new player or a veteran! Read it on the portal
Aprovechen esta oportunidad durante el mes para ganar importantes premios en efectivo a través de PayPal, ¡ya sea que sean jugadores nuevos o veteranos! Leer en el portal
Aproveite esta oportunidade de um mês para ganhar prêmios valiosos em dinheiro via PayPal, seja você um jogador novo ou veterano! Leia no portal
Read on to discover the thrilling activities taking place on our high seas! Read it on the portal
Continuem lendo para descobrir as emocionantes atividades que acontecem em nossos mares! Leia no portal
¡Sigan leyendo para descubrir actividades emocionantes que se llevarán a cabo en nuestros mares! Leer en el portal
I remember the thread you made. You did a comparison and thought we had only half as many battles played in February, which sounded rather scary.
I looked into the battle numbers and found the number of battles played was slightly higher in February than the previous year, so the data method you were using didn't work out.
If I recall, YouSatInGum used pulls from either ProShips or MapleSyrup? The goal was to compare overall from previous year to overall from current year, but the result wasn't correct.
I can inquire if I can present some basic data to you under the CC NDA. Please reach out to me and we'll loop in some folks to see what's possible.
Congrats on a new Personal Best! <3
Portal Chips are an in-game tracking resource that can be linked to out-of-client events. One of the better known events which used them was the Easter Egg Hunt.
I wrote an explainer for that event a while ago:
Resetting the Portal Chips resource allows us to be ready to start a new portal event <3
I don't think we've released that information, but it's on the calendar to appear in a future update <3
Hello, Captains!
A new DevBlog has been posted here:
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Hoje vamos falar sobre nossos submarinos britânicos e suas carreiras, vamos recompensar os Capitães mais atentos e também disponibilizar uma cadeia de missões de combate! Leia no portal
Today, we're going to talk about our British submarines and their careers, reward attentive Captains, and deliver a chain of combat missions! Read it on the portal
¡Hoy vamos a hablar sobre nuestros submarinos británicos y sus carreras, recompensar a los capitanes atentos y entregar una cadena de misiones de combate! Leer en el portal
Amount of data is very helpful. If it happens every day, please report it every day.
The more information I have to pass along the better the case for getting it addressed.
@Asym_KShas also spoken about this problem, but I haven't received a lot of reporting on it overall. Whenever you encounter 3 or more of an Operation in a row, or maybe 4 times over 5 or 6 presses of the Battle Button, please take a screenshot of your matches played and pass it along to me!
Also, Happy Birthday~
Happy Birthday to you, too!
Hello, Captains!
A new DevBlog has been posted here:
Please leave any feedback you have here.
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