If you can pull examples, it would be helpful actually. I don't recall any off the top of my head, so it'd be good to have a reminder of anything that's slipping my memory.
As for the "4-5 times is too many", you should realize that we responded to a request from Co-Op Mains to make absolutely sure that the mode is included in main/side missions. Previously, we made events as we saw fit and the modes were reflective of the idea or theme that mission creator was making. We did have an internal push prior to my joining the team to be more inclusive, but the Co-Op Compatibility review was a process to make sure Co-Op saw more entrenched compatibility. Co-Op and Randoms are very different and Randoms is the core gamemode for us, but Co-Op is a viable play experience and the requests for greater inclusion were understandable and doable, so we adjusted our processes for that.