World of Warships

World of Warships Dev Tracker

19 Jul


O Confronto das Classes está de volta! Se você quer começar a jogar competitivamente, esta é uma ótima oportunidade para começar. Leia no portal


¡Clash of the Classes está de vuelta! Si quieren comenzar a jugar de forma competitiva, este es un gran lugar para empezar. Leer en el portal


Clash of the Classes is back! If you’re interested in exploring competitive playing, this is a great place to start.

Read it on the portal


Leia para saber os detalhes do evento do jogo na Atualização 0.11.6! Leia no portal


¡Sigan leyendo para conocer los detalles de nuestro nuevo evento del juego en la Actualización 0.11.6! Leer en el portal


Read on to learn about the details of our game event in Update 0.11.6! Read it on the portal

    on News - Thread - Direct
Read on to learn about the details of our game event in Update 0.11.6! Read more
    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Please make a Customer Support Ticket about that!

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

We released a 6-month Roadmap on May 4th which talked about Operations. Our intended release would be within 6-months of then barring complications.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

Our Profile section only tracks Random, Ranked, and Co-Op, so it's not able to provide that information. We are working on Operations to bring back in the future, but I'm not aware of any work being done on the player Profile section of code.

    Ahskance on Forums - Thread - Direct

We converted the Service Cost Reduction to a higher +Credits% amount. For the Tier 10 permacamo the bonuses were changed from +20% Credits to +50% Credits, which is a slightly higher conversion that we did at other Tiers. We also altered Credit Earning a little to make it easier to earn up to the 200k amount referenced above.

While yes, a random Detonation or 0 damage game would result in more of a credit loss than with the -50% Credit Reduction, the +30% Credit difference and reduction of 30,000 off the old Service Cost should work out for you.

18 Jul

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

Having too much information on the screen at once actually hinders most people.

Veteran players who have ingrained most statistics can benefit from cluttered UI because they know what to ignore, but as stated here before it can be very new-user unfriendly.

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

This was the biggest reason for the exo/exterior rework.

The previous system was too complicated, so we created a new system to simplify it for new players.

Someone already said it, but the answer to a thing like this generally is that we don't want the UI to be too cluttered. You may feel like "more info = easier for new players", but the truth is that a barrage of data right from the start is overwhelming and makes people turn away before they even get started.

It's better to give their 34kt destroyer an indicator that speedboost increases speed by 8% and let them understand approximately what speed comes out. Knowing whether the final speed is 37.4kts or 36.72kts is largely irrelevant when you're in a match and would only serve to distract.


As of this patch, camos have become aesthetic choices only, so they do not offer benefits. If you are looking for Economic Bonuses that camos used to offer, look underneath your commander in port for a tab called "Economic Bonuses."

    Boggzy on Forums - Thread - Direct

As we stated in the Waterline episode and Roadmap, they are slated for 2022! Don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to them. IJN was the first of 2 lines of cruisers so I'm excited to see how new ones will fit into the current states of things.


Read on to learn everything you might want to know about the new branch, which is already available to research! Read it on the portal


Leia tudo o que você precisa saber sobre o novo ramo, que já está disponível para pesquisa! Leia no portal