
Anthem Dev Tracker

27 Jan


Originally posted by Rikkard

While on Tarsis I get basically zero sound. I don't know if it was like this the entire weekend, but it sounds way way quieter than any other location. Even the UI sounds quieter there.

It's like a spooky ghost town where Zoe occasionally says something, but I can barely hear it.

Definitely not going for spooky ghost town lol. I'm pretty sure you'll be happy with the main game, we spent a lot of time polishing it up. If not, let us know!


Originally posted by Xaolin99

There's a sound issue you guys might not know about. Sound on PC is extremely distorted when loading up the game at the main menu if your PC sound settings are running above 2 channel, 16 bit, 48000 Hz.

Yeah 96k can cause weird stuff. Not sure if it's a DAC thing or not. I'll check it out.


Originally posted by Raide042

I don't know if it's a bug or not, but in my 10 hours of play with my squad we have yet to see any equipment higher tried than rare. Also will you be implementing randoms stats on weapons and equipment for the main launch? Ie getting 3 whirlwind sniper drops all with different damage, rof, mag size, ect?

I'm not the right person to ask. What about Brenon?


Originally posted by zarjaa

Aye - already reported.

And btw, thanks for all of the hard work you guys are putting in, the gameplay from this demo has pushed me to pull the trigger on preorder. It can only get better from here!

Woo! See you next weekend and then get ready for launch. <3


Originally posted by mimic42100

Some. I had to run the game as admin and in full screen. Moving to an ssd also helped. This game is a ton of fun. Just these issues prevent said fun

I totally know what you mean. We're going to keep working at it. Thanks again Mimic.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Hey Baobab, sorry for the frustrations. I totally understand. Most of the connection and login issues have been resolved ( so I hope you were able to play today.


Originally posted by Pylon7

still cant get past the initial connection screen Tried reloading the game verified the game files. Game claims ive played for 7 hour. if waiting for the game to connect is the game, then ya ive played the game. would have been happy if i could have got into the game, but no such luck

This should be resolved for most folks now Pylon ( I hope you were able to get in and try it today.


Originally posted by v0r_t3x


Played on Xbox version last night for a bit after hours of trying. Had a few issues including the infinite loading and not being to access.

The lag / rubber banding is horrendous. It was nonexistent when I was solo but as more people joined it got worse and worse to the point of being unplayable in a group of 3 or more.

Not sure if private parties are available in final mode but should be.

Every time we collected a material or opened a chest the game threw like 5-10 unknown errors. Everytime! Opened a chest in Freeplay and got like 20 unknown errors!!

Didn't get any xp after ending Freeplay. We did like 3 world events and bunch of exploring but at the xp screen I got a boatload of unknown errors again and when I went back to tarsis I was still stuck at level 10 while my friend had gotten to level 12. He was unable to select a new javelin though.

I have one huge request. When players are in F...

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Hey V0r, I know this is late but you may want to try deleting your locally saved game data and reloading. Let me know if this has been working for you.

Here's the latest info I have and all of the currently tracked demo issues (

For the lost XP and loot in Freeplay, that should be automatically added to you the next time you complete another expedition.

For Freeplay you may have seen in the last Dev stream that we did add a party UI as well as a compass to better gaug...

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Originally posted by Madpup70

Any update on this?

Hey Mad, I know this is late but this should be resolved now ( Let me know if it's not.


Originally posted by zarjaa

During the stronghold boss fight, I've been disconnected 3 times due to load screen. (PS4) 1. What could possibly be causing a load to occur mid-fight? 2. This is further exasperated by the 95% load issue. 3. Upon closing to fix the load issue, it does not allow me to continue the mission and spits right back to Fort T - thereby forgoing any loot collected in strong hold.

Edit: Loot does appear after a "successful" mission. Had 3 back-to-back bugs that didn't complete a mission, but starting one then abandoning gave me loot for the last 3 failed attempts. I did however lose the completion bonus loot... Meh.

Hey Zarjaa, thanks for the report and sorry for the frustration there. Any loot that you may have missed out on should be granted to you the next time you complete an expedition. As for the other issues here's a good post tracking these ( I'm hoping you were able to get back in and play.


Originally posted by Cpt0bvius

Is there a possibility of resetting demo progress to see about getting the unlock naturally? It seems that there is a correlation between those experiencing the Javelin unlock bug and those that had disconnect issues that resulted in mismatched XP gains.

Hey Cpt unfortunately no way to reset XP or account progress but the javelin and XP issues should be resolved now ( I hope you were able to play.


Originally posted by DET_Archetype

Will the vip demo be extended? I haven’t been able to connect for 14 hours.

Hey DET, I am not aware of any demo extensions. I think I might have mentioned this somewhere but Chad Robertson did announce that anybody participating this weekend will get a unique vinyl to try and help compensate for this (

It doesn't make up for missed opportunity to play, but we're ironing out as much as we can. Sorry for the frustrations caused.


Originally posted by BearShaker


My experience from playing hard modes:

Javelins (animations, “feel”, traversal). - I got the jav bug and could only play ranger. Class felt good but at times weak without a Storm class freezing stuff for combos. Had to put all components into maximum HP and Armor to survive.

Gear (cooldowns, balance, damage, usefulness). - Cooldowns felt good because none of the gear seemed TOO op. It felt like good balance.

Creatures (AI, “feel”, challenge). - I played hardmode and they felt fine, just the shear number of them caused the issues. If you couldn't find cover that would protect you from all but 1 you'd die instantly. This wasn't really the case in free play areas, mob quantity seem much less.

Flight controls (specifically PC but console is helpful too). - Unfortunately the swim controls feel as bad or worse than when I played alpha. I had...

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Awesome feedback BearShaker and thank you for taking the time to write it up. Sent it over to myself to add it to the things we'll review. Specifically the gear/weapon balance info is very helpful. Hope you've enjoyed playing so far.


Originally posted by enthya

Do you guys have any intentions on extending the beta a little bit? Haven't been able to get in this whole time... I know it's probably chaos as you guys are putting out fires right now. Jw.

Hey Enthya sorry for getting back to you so late. I am not aware of any demo extensions, but Chad Robertson did announce that anybody participating this weekend will get a unique vinyl to try and help compensate for this ( I know it's not going to make up for lost time, but we're doing what we can. Sorry for the troubles.


Originally posted by mimic42100

When will you be fixing the loading screen bug? Its preventing everyone from playing and having an enjoyable experience. You all didn't fix it Friday night, a huge night for gaming. Its now Saturday and still zero word about you pushing a fix. This beta test called a demo isnt terribly good atm because nobody can play.

Hey mimic I am sorry for the frustration, totally justified. Here's the latest on the progress of our tracked issues (

Have you had any luck today?


Originally posted by CKazz

x1 user here, specific problem - profile, save state with the demo and have no reason to feel it'll change for Open demo without help

  • never was asked male/female on entrance, seems to have picked female

  • unable to launch / join any party / leave Tarsis, says havent finished tutorial* or not done downloading

  • cant use forge, never loads javelin, doesnt let me doing anything *cant try to equip 2nd wpn, suggests lvl < 4

  • have moved / dl'd files to internal hdd, seemed to get past some early problems but stuck per above

  • wifes account have been able to use forge, see javelin, equip slots per level 10, go on an expedition

  • evetually crashed and black screened there, stuck for both, uninstalled/reinstalled, back here again

id like to use my own account this weekend with what is left, next weekend, get my vinyl... help?

further update I can't play public or private with w...

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Hey Ckazz I know my reply is late so I apologize but some folks have reported success with deleting the local save data on their console and reloading. Or potentially uninstalling and reloading. Though the problem potentially is account side. Has any of this cleared up today?


Originally posted by bmak_try

u/BioCamden Here is my thoughts on each point

  1. Javelins
    1. Ranger
      1. Animations feel good, melee feels a bit odd to track, but overall it feels good
    2. Interceptor
      1. feels great movement wise
      2. I would like a better way to know how many dash charges I have, if it is there I have not noticed it yet
      3. The attack where you dart at something and like head butt it feels bad to use, as it seems to respond to where you are looking vs where the reticle is
    3. Traversal feels very good and use verticality to a great affect
    4. Gear
      1. I would really like to see what gear I get out in the field, holding all that excitement till the end does not feel as good. What you all did with Jaras wrath in the initial trailer, obviously toned down, would feel much better in the moment
      2. The guns dont feel quite different enough, especially LMGs and auto rifles
      3. I woul...
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Hey bmak, thanks so much for taking the time to write all of this up. I've added your feedback to my list of stuff to review with the team. No promises obviously, but we're taking it all in right now so every bit matters.


Originally posted by Thomas1097

u/biocamden Hate to say this, and frankly seems kinda weird saying it but, the graphics in this game are TOO good. Too many particle effects flying around during hectic combat to focus on enemies. Enemies are too “dark/blended in” with the environment to focus on. An auto lock on option when ADSing would be nice. Ranger ultimate feels very weak compared to others. The UI needs a lot more love in simplifying. Controls are great. The team combo system is the best inclusion to the game and honestly one of the most innovative game mechanics I’ve seen in a long time. I love how you made the bosses bullet sponges but also said “well you knowww...if you guys shoot in sync....;)”. This game has ALOT of potential...ALOT! Don’t overthink it. Go with the flow and make minor adjustments.

I’ll tell you what though. The most important thing you need to have in this game to make it a killer is endgame content. Give us things to chase (weapons/gear). Give us week...

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Thanks so much Thomas really appreciate this list of great feedback. For all of the balance stuff, we're continuing to tune that and will probably forever. We've gotten a lot of feedback about UI too so you're not alone there.


Originally posted by Giesler14

Hi, sorry for the late response but I’ve been playing a lot more. Basically I’ve started to have my shield out for pretty much the whole play. This is to keep my health up since it doesn’t regenerate. I’ve pretty much just using the abilities from a long range and sniping.

So my two cents,

I like having the colossus as a long range javelin. However, I still think he needs a regen and more Ammo. I think the ranger has like 340 and the colossus only has 150.

I’d really like a colossus that can be up in the front lines. I know that’s not really the play style of anthem, but I feel like the other 3 javelins have the option of close and far range fighting. To me, colossus is really only effective at long range.

So ultimately adding a regen and more ammo would make me happy, but it’d be cool to see a close range tank.


I think making colossus charge with the shield would be pretty great, it pretty much tells you that when you bring...

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Great feedback on the Colossus Giesler. Thank you.


Originally posted by Gkaruk

Unfortunately you dont have access to the first Anthem Demo Weekend despite having the demo via my friend giving me a key. He and our other friend (also given a key) can play, why cant I?

Account say ordered demo

PC Origin App - downloaded and shows ready to play

Game load, connecting, setting screen then instantly splash overlays say "Unfortunately you dont have access to the first Anthem Demo Weekend" why?

Hey Gkaruk sorry for the late reply. Some of this had to do with entitlements (the way keys or titles are added to your accounts) which was detailed here: