
Anthem Dev Tracker

06 Mar


Originally posted by ProfessorAntonHa

Hey Jer, thanks for your comment. tried all these and no changes. fresh install windows aswell, as soon as i installed the game and run it, sound went bad again. and i tried different headphones and earphones 3.5mm jack direct into sound card. it is certainly with the game

Hrm. That sucks. Can you send me screen shots of your windows audio settings?


Originally posted by tuanster1119

u/BenIrvo, I'm one of guys who has a knee jerk reaction and told you to F off when I read this comment. First off, I apologize for that. I wrote this as I was playing Anthem, having a blast doing freeplay in GM2 but knowing that at the end of my time I would receive the inevitable gut punch that is the loot summary screen. First of all, my reaction was an emotional one and I've been trying to think about why the word "Heya" triggered such a reaction. After giving it some thought, I'd say that the word that sums it up best is tone deaf. Before launch you guys were active and updates were flowing frequently. Honestly, something along the lines of, "we're working on something, you'll hear from us soon" would've been a better reply than "heya" considering the current state of the game and the issues that are mounting. This game is so frustrating because the core gameplay is fantastic, you've built something fantastic here but the loot system is broken and when...

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So in the last 7 days (lets start tomorrow - wed). I will have done 2 live streams, set an appointment for loot. Followed up with the loot description then the loot patch. And done numerous posts. In 7 days. We also did a bunch of game patches.


Originally posted by mavalent

Mine still cuts out at 35-40% master volume. So don't think it's completely related to that. I do hear it start to pop before it goes out though.

Good to know - we have multiple fixes in the pipe for this so hopefully it's addressed soon :)


Originally posted by Gronti

Can I please have the audio file of the Colossus' Cloudburst? I want... no, I NEED to make a 10 hour loop of it starting up and firing, over and over and over. It's soooo satisfying!

Hahahahah...awesome. We can't hand out assets but maybe we could make you a special version :)


Originally posted by MCXL

Well I mean dynamic music of some kind is the norm for action games these days, but that seems like a whole lot of factors. This strikes me as one of those trade offs of you could use less voices if you made more versions of the tracks on the dick, and then chose those mixes based on those factors (IE go down to a 4 track solution, but have 4 times the music on disc to maintain the same amount of options as far as music corresponding to action.)

Still, would love to see the logic trees that dictate the mix, etc.

Well technically it's 'less' - it's the fact that we play music in quad (Left, Right, Left Surround, Right Surround).

I actually have a cool presentation I gave at a conference, I'll see if I can dig it up. It explains it much more eloquently :)


The short answer is that the cost of transparency is things change. We did our best to be transparent on the journey to going live but with that we knew things would be different in some situations. Sometimes people would be happy and sometimes they would be upset.

It’s the cost of transparency.

Edit: to elaborate - game development is full of change. There are a million reasons why you set out with an idea and it evolves over time. This is common in every game. We shared as much as we could. Some things change. So the cost of transparency is that some things we said become not true, not because someone was dishonest but because it changed over the course of development.


Originally posted by RoninOni

Perhaps that's the best way to fix it?

Common items count for each, but you can have up to 250 for any single jav would be a fine solution.

The "can't start mission until under 250 items" block would only apply to that particular javelin.

I mean, simpler to let us spend coin (w/ shards option) to increase vault space...

Vault space is for your entire account, we could absolutely present it as per suit but ultimately that would be an abstraction of your account limits. 😊


Originally posted by Denidil

So are you saying it's literally a bug right now that it's 250 period?

edit: he typo'ed

No sorry I was thinking per character not per suit, I updated the post - sorry for the confusion!


Originally posted by Tilted_Till_Tuesday

Do you mean to say you agree with 250 slots, because it seems like you're saying we already have 250 per javelin which isn't true.

Blah sorry you're right, I was thinking per character not per suit - I'll amend the post (it's wrong).


Originally posted by -Boar-

If you don't mind me asking, what in particular makes it difficult for you guys to step into that conversation? Is it just that you're wary of promising things that might not be possible to put into the game?

A bit like the original post one of the things that really made this game feel different is just how open you guys were previously about what you were working on, what was good and what was bad. I completely understand that you guys have put years and a ton of effort into this game and some of the responses must be disheartening but it would be great to see you guys re-engage a bit here if it was possible.

A lot of it has to do with tone, like for example right now... we're having a conversation. 😊

When things shift to be more stuff like: "Why didn't you do X, it's the minimum we should expect for something like this!"

I understand where people are coming from... but if I go into that type of conversation, I feel like I'm on the defensive... and it's not even clear that people want to have an actual discussion, sometimes people just want to vent - and that's cool too!

Edit: Just a quick note, I'm have to bail on this conversation for now as I have to go pick up kids but I'll try to come back later tonight.

05 Mar


Originally posted by xJVIayhem

Do you know off hand how they interact with luck, if at all?

Like does Luck work off the modified chance, or is it a flat modifier added after luck has modified base? (kind of depends on how exactly luck and drop rates work as a whole)

They all contribute together, the modifiers are combined before being applied. 😊


Originally posted by xJVIayhem

Wouldn't happen to be able to share those modifiers would you?

Unfortunately I can't really get into specifics on the modifiers right now, sorry!


Originally posted by therealshakur

250 is plenty for one javelin but not if you use all 4.

Considering the game doesn't remove any items that are equipped (common in most games I think) we lose 44 slots just for that. If they changed this I think that 44 items would help.

Also this

You should have 250 per character, but that said - you're not wrong... we're looking into improvements in this area. 😊

Edit: Fixed bad info, thanks Tilted!


Originally posted by PlayingwithJulia

He's writing patch notes/planning live steam, per his tweet.

Part of the thing to keep in mind too is that the nature of a lot of the posts has changed, I know for myself I don't really feel like there's a lot I can add to some of these conversations beyond stuff like:

"Yeah." 😊

A lot of other posts are just things that I'm not going to comment on... the one on a stats screen is a good example - there's just no good way for me to come into that conversation, which is kind of unfortunate.


Thank you all for your continued feedback on Anthem! The team is already working on exciting new ideas and updates. Stay tuned to see what the team has in store. We can't wait to share more information when we're able.

Thanks again.


Originally posted by cannibalssoup1

Where those difficulty modifiers ever fixed? There was a tweet from I believe Ben Irving, but I could be confusing which dev..Said that the wrong scripts were put it, making them not be the proper drop rates. There was never an update for that, saying if it was fixed or not. This was during Early Access.

Ah, well... The values are definitely set up and working. When we run loot simulations, the output definitely changes based on difficulty. 😊


Originally posted by xJVIayhem

Wouldn't happen to be able to share those modifiers would you?


Originally posted by fanny_bandito

Is that to say that the higher difficulties are no more likely to reward rare drops, or that the term for that rarity adjustment is something other than "luck"?

Yeah, basically that. 😊

Luck has a specific set of modifiers... There are separate modifiers for difficulty that increase drop chance and rarity.


Originally posted by xJVIayhem

Probably referring to the game giving increased chances for MW/Legendary in GM2 or GM3 over GM1.

Having clear values stated somewhere on this would be awesome honestly. Because it really doesn't feel like any amount of increased chance between GM1 and GM2.

Ah, well yes... There are difficulty based modifiers. It's a bit different from luck, but it also affects drop chance and rarity. 😊


Originally posted by OriginalxSyn

No additional benefit but it's reported base luck at GM 3 is 200. So we get 10 extra luck that does pretty much nothing for us on GM3?

Sorry, where are you getting that from?

As I mentioned there is only one source of luck in the game (gear/weapon stats), there are no luck specific bonuses per difficulty level. 😊