
Anthem Dev Tracker

28 Feb


Originally posted by Geksinforce

Can you guys make it so whites and greens don't drop when you're above level 25 they're completely useless and feel like a wasted space


Originally posted by HappyLittleRadishes


So luck has no effect whatsoever on loot rarity until it's OVER 100%?

Many (I presume ALL) players reasonably assumed that [Support +60% Luck] meant "you are 60% more likely to get rare gear", or "your odds of finding MW's is multiplied by 1.6x".

But you are telling me that it actually means "you are 0% more likely to get rare gear UNTIL you get more than 100%, THEN AND ONLY THEN it starts affecting your gear rarity drops"?

  1. What, then is the point of expressing it as a percentage, if rare loot probability isn't being affected proportional to the % luck? Why would you purposefully express the statistic as a percentage when it does not behave like one?

  2. Why does Luck fail to affect rare loot probability until it reaches an arbitrary threshold?

  3. Do other statistics expressed in percentages work on a similarly tier system? Does [Ammo Drop +50%] not increase the rate of ammo crystal...

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I updated the post after doing a bit more digging - Base luck is 100 for everyone.

You're probably right that Luck should not be represented as a percentage... because it's not really one. We can probably look at changing that so it's more clear. It's really a "Luck value" not a %. 😊


Originally posted by JerryDaJoker

Not necessarily. Keep in mind that these seem to be directly pulled from code, so the 0-100 bracket is more than likely something to prevent the code from breaking if somehow it is reduced to below 100, rather than saying luck below 100 is supposed to exist in game.

Yeah, this is correct - I spent a bit more time digging into it. Everyone has 100 luck by default (I'll go and edit the post above).

The highest threshold will be reached once you have 90 bonus luck. 😊 (Good guess, and sorry it took a bit to get back to you!)


Originally posted by TheEmpireWasRight

The way you describe other factors masking the effects makes it sound like diminishing returns are involved in the rate and rarity formulas.

In which case, luck is actually less effective on higher difficulties, against tougher mobs, etc... Is this the case, or are you just saying that the drop rate bonus from the mob type is more significant than the luck bonus?

Also, you mentioned that it only applies to the maximum potential rarity for your difficulty. However, if drop X has a higher probability of rolling Masterwork due to luck, should we not inherently see a smaller % of Common-Epic drops?

Specifically for drop rate, some of the modifiers that are applied based on enemy type are more significant than the luck bonus.

Yes, as your odds increase of getting your top rarities - the others shrink. So at level 30, you get an increased chance of MW/Leg and a decreased chance of Common-Epic. 😊

    /u/BenIrvo on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by GorillaDump

Any update on making GM2 and GM3 worth going through?

The drop chances of masterworks and legendaries is not that much more noticeable in GM2 and GM3 to warrant such a daunting task.

looking into this. understand the problem space for sure.

    /u/BenIrvo on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Hey All,

First off, thank you for all the feedback around loot drops, this is what we have heard:

  • Many inscriptions are not useful to the item they are attached to
  • Due to this, players need to get many masterworks of the same item to find a “good one”
  • Players want the frequency of masterwork drops to increase to help with the above OR…
  • They want us to change how masterwork inscriptions work so that they are more “useful”

There is more feedback, the above is a summary.

This is our plan for changes to go live on February 28th or March 1st (central US time)

  • Inscriptions are now better for the items they are on
    • This applies to new items earned in Anthem (not existing ones in your Vault)
    • If an inscription applies only to the item it is on (gear icon), it will be useful to that item. Otherwise the inscription will provide a Javelin wide benefit
    • For ...
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    /u/Darokaz on Reddit - Thread - Direct

༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ Summon the u/BenIrvo ༼ つ ◕◕ ༽つ

    /u/BioCamden on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Favure

I’m sorry but I just put together a melee ranger build with MW frost grenade and MW pulse blast, which equates to a 235% melee damage, I also stacked on the MW component granting me an additional 30% melee damage, so with all buffs and passives active I was able to reach 265% melee damage and on gm1 and I wasn’t even able to kill or barely even do half the health of a red bar scorpion or red bar scar.. where was this tested this on hard mode? I know this is a week or so old and I’m not trying to be an ass but a lot of these MW perks and components feel horrible on the ranger and the good ones like recurring vengeance (MW seeker missile) doesn’t even work if you get a combo kill.

This melee build is in no way viable especially due to the fact that it wants you to freeze an enemy, follow up with a long range detonator then rush in with a melee before your buff goes away to not even be able to kill the weakest enemy on gm1. If rangers melee had no cooldown or the buffs also a...

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Thanks for the awesome feedback Favure. We’re actively and regularly reviewing all of the Masterworks. More to come.

    /u/BioCamden on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Burgo86


Does Blast Damage apply to Arc Burst? All other forms of blast damage that I can think of create a "blast", as in do some type of "explosion". This skill hits one target then chains to another, leaving me confused if this skill is actually blast damage or not?

No I don’t believe that it is blast damage. It’s effectively a chained single target damage skill.

    /u/BenIrvo on Reddit - Thread - Direct

2 hours and 18 minutes left in the day!!!

(Yes we are working from my local time!)


Originally posted by D_Banner

Hi Brenon, thanks for the breakdown. Anecdotally something seems off since the last loot patch with this stat. I have a 241% luck build and I consistently get less MW when running it than a 35% build. This has been on every difficulty from easy to GM1. I have played 6 hours each day this week and something seems quite off. Not sure if you can check with the systems team or programmers that something is off with implementation.

Additionally as a side note i get rarer items in easy mode than i do in GM1 running tyrant mine. I would assume this is not the intended design. Confirmed this with 10 runs on easy and 10 runs on GM1 with the same 241 luck javelin

Hmm, I'll poke some folks and we'll take a look. 😊

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

Originally posted by Ikarostv

I have to ask.. is your Reddit username UNTDrew in regards to University of Northern Texas?

I ask only because I am a Network Engineer and happen to work specifically with some technicians out that way who handle the phone systems, etc. :3

It is indeed! That is where I went to school. IDK why it's my Twitter name, but it kinda stuck. ;)

27 Feb


Originally posted by HeartySalmon

Happens through headphones (Sony Golds) or the TV. It sounds like static I guess. Like I said, hard to describe. It does it almost every time I walk through the big doors to my javelin in Tarsis. Or whenever there is a BUNCH of stuff going on out in the world. I can try and capture a video if that's helpful

I think I know what you are referencing - it is most likely performance related. We are continuing to optimize!


Originally posted by ShiinjiiFR

Bug on commando on his skill : seeking missile

The legendary bonus recharge your skill instanly if you kill someone with... but if you kill it with this skill from combo, this doesnt recharge your skill... why ? for me it's a bug, if no't this bonus was useless.

I can compare this with one other skill. "Pulse blast" if you kill ennemy with it you win % dmg on melee, and all the time i kill guys it's with combo ! and it's work ! So why the other skill doesnt work if you kill him with this combo attack ?? This is stupide so i think it's a bug

I'll let design know :)


Originally posted by cannibalssoup1

Same here, digital. Using HyperX Cloud Alpha with HyperX 7.1 sound card if that helps at all.

PC? Can you ensure all 'enhancements' are disabled and all your audio outputs and devices are set to the same sample rate @ 16/48?


Originally posted by Kodiak003

I'm getting the same thing on my PS4 Pro (downloaded digitally). It's not that the sound cuts out completely, but certain sound "channels" become choppy (or cut out momentarily). Eventually, it goes back to normal once most the action has subsided. For example, I was doing a Legendary Contract against Scars with 3 randoms and when the second Colossus did his Ultimate, it made the Scar gun sounds stop working for about 5-10 seconds.

I feel like it's almost as too many sounds are trying to happen at once that the game prioritizes some over others and the ones left out end up becoming choppy.

Sounds like performance - which is strange. What are you listening on?


Originally posted by HeartySalmon


Sounds like performance - which is strange. What are you listening on?

    /u/UNTDrew on Reddit - Thread - Direct

I got click-baited.


Originally posted by SuperSpikySplank

This is huge for me and a lot of other people I'm sure. You grind for hours for these masterwork gear drops and then when you put them on they look bolted on. Part of the allure of growing stronger is looking badass and as it stands masterwork gear does not make us look badass. You guys shouldn't leave it as is, you should fix it to inherit and then eventually introduce a toggle.

I will see what we can do.