Thanks for fixing this, its really annoying when it happens especially in a stronghold or somewhere that takes a while before you can restart the game.
Since you are the audio guy, do you know if there is supposed to be some background music/audio while in Fort Tarsis? It is way to quiet, there needs to be some noise like you'd expect to hear when walking around a living city. The mechanics making noise when near the javelins, random background chatter from people (that we can't really understand or needs to be really voiced out, just mumbling and such), something like this:
It seems like it should be in the game so not sure if it was an oversight or missing audio files or something causing them to not play, but its just... so quiet which is why I think a lot of people think it feels lifeless.
Yeah it shouldn't be quiet - there is a bunch of exactly what you are describing - I think we need to take a look at the mix again. Thanks for the feedback!