
Anthem Dev Tracker

27 Feb

26 Feb


Originally posted by SwirishNinja

This is interesting because they said in the personalization stream that your gear would inherit your javelin color.

This is a bug. There was a time when all masterworks were supposed to be unique but we decided to make everything inherit. Unfortunately, something happened to the data along the way and the masterwork changes did not get into the final build, which we noticed too late. During early access we talked about it and agreed to leave it as is until we can get a toggle-able option for the player to choose themselves. We are looking into this.


Thanks for the write up Mods, good stuff.

I wanted to take a moment to thank everyone here for sharing their thoughts, both good and bad. I read through all of the bug reports, the feedback posts, the highlights.....all of it. The team is still hard at work fixing the issues being reported while also working on the roadmap that was recently revealed.

We'll be sharing more details soon :)


Ok that was really fun to watch.


Not sure what I just witnessed but I like that A LOT. Awesome weapon too. Well done Freelancer!


Originally posted by badcookies

It's odd I swore one time walking through town when it was about night time I did here a lot more but then other times it was quiet again.

Anyway looking forward to more/fixed sounds :)

Yeah night time is when the party starts :)


When Alliance points reset today you’ll notice you didn’t receive any Coin, but worry not, you haven’t lost anything. The dev team has everything recorded and will be granting all of the Coin you earned the previous week by 12pm CT on Feb. 26th.

This was done to prevent some strains on the system. This will also be fixed tomorrow so that this doesn’t happen in the future.

25 Feb


Originally posted by badcookies

Great! I figured it was missing or incorrectly happening since it was so quiet and usually your games have good ambient noises.

Also enemies hardly make sound as well any attack cues and such might be missing as well?

Really enjoying it overall though!

Thank you! We have taken this feedback and will incorporate it.


Originally posted by culture_crab

Some delayed info: changing output to 16/48 didn't help Bluetooth. On the opposite: something made it worse. It was either one of the game patches or new nVidia drivers. Before I could turn on Bluetooth after I log in to the game and it would work, now the sound disappears immediately. On the other hand, changing to 16/48 fixes the issue with the sound when it sometimes glitches. For example, 24/96 made the theme on title screen sound like Squarepusher's remix of itself, and I even thought it was intentional until I changed the parameters and found out that it's not. It still won't fix a bug with the sound disappearing entirely and only coming back after game restart, I have this one once in 4-5 hours. Or sometimes the sound becomes 2x faster or 2x slower, also only fixed by restarting. I also tried to put everything to 16/44.1 which is my headset specs, didn't work.

like Squarepusher's remix of itself

Hilarious! If it wasn't a bug :(

So yeah sounds like you are hitting multiple issues - the sound dropout bug is being worked on (it's actually multiple things that can cause it) - we hope to have it totally fixed in the next couple patches.

For the sample rate thing - the official word from Frostbite is that anything higher than 16/48 is not officially supported. Can you double check that ALL possible 'enhancements' are disabled and ALL output devices (speakers, onboard sound, headphones, everything) is set to 16/48? I know switching while the game is running caused total badness so I'm not surprised by that.

Also do you have wired headphones or the ability to disable USB/Bluetooth and go ol' school analog to test that?


Originally posted by Strickers95

u/biowarejer Is it deliberate that we can't bind Left-Alt or the key above tab on PC in custom key bindings? As far as I can tell they're unused, and bindable in other games without issue? ( `¬¦ key is the one above tab)

I have no clue, sorry. I will ask around though :)


Originally posted by ShiinjiiFR

When you use "Nahimic 2" sofware for boost your sound, the game work good after your last patch... Now when you start your game with it, you have no sound on your game... You need to stop Nahimic 2 sofware before start Anthem if you want to play with sound...

Good to know - I have no idea how that will affect it but we will check it out!

Thanks for the info :)


Hey Travis, thanks a ton for taking the time to write this feedback, I really appreciate the unique insight. I’ve passed it along already in case others on the team haven’t seen it already.

Love your work, huge fan.


Originally posted by slypherous

Hey, Camden, quick question- on my Storm, my inscriptions add up to 1,800+ shield, and one increases base by %25...and I'm still getting all of my shields and a good chunk of health dropped in one to two hits. Is this just because the storm is inherently weaker than the other classes? It's slightly frustrating...

What are you fighting against and in what difficulty? It’s certainly possible to be killed in two hits depending on what activities you’re doing.


Originally posted by [deleted]


We’ve been actively looking into this one all week. There appear to be several contributing factors and will continue to update as we go. Thank you for the report Stuart.


Originally posted by Ikarostv

I get that.

But you can still give an update, to ease the minds of people. Even if you need to take some time - just let people know it's still a priority. At the very least, it would partially eliminate some of the posts we keep seeing daily regarding it.

It's a priority and the team is still investigating. Does that ease your mind? :)

Seriously though we're looking into it, it's not on the back burner or anything. We have multiple teams looking in multiple things at the same time. Some fixes that the team fixes can be done with a live update like we did today, others take more time and need to be put into a client update, which requires a download.


Originally posted by [deleted]


Is it reproducible every time between private and public play?

24 Feb


Originally posted by unkyrona

Generally when I lose my audio it's because too much stuff is happening at once. Multiple explosions and skills going off, so it almost feels like the audio is overloaded and just blips out. That's what happened my last two times.

Yeah that's exactly the issue - we have identified FOUR things that can happen in the audio system code that can cause this. We have fixed 2 (1 in Early Access and 1 in the day 1 patch) and we have a third fix ready for the next patch. The final issue we JUST managed to 'trap' to reproduce and should have a fix soon. Thanks for your patience!


Originally posted by DatSoySauce

I had my audio go out once today or yesterday, forget which...Was during a stream too if I recall so I could clip it for you...Also using CD Quality audio, 2 channel with the 46000 rate or whatever it was

So there are two separate types of issues - one is the audio dropping out while the game is playing (which is sounds like you hit, a video would be awesome for us to look at) - and another where switching audio devices with different sample rates can break the output (we are still trying to determine what is happening here, it's likely a Frostbite issue too).

Thanks in advance!