It's a spawning platform that we use during development. 😊
It's a spawning platform that we use during development. 😊
/u/BioCamden, I discovered the root cause of my issue. For whatever reason when the colorblind options are used it completely messes up the brightness and contrast in the game. With these options disabled I no longer have an issue.
That’s awesome corrupt thanks for the info
Just show the damage from the combo as yellow text? Is that possible?
It’s slightly more complicated than that on the back side but yeah I think that might be the idea (I’m no designer though).
I always think about how sweaty it must get... 😶
Haha well... We know about a bunch of small issues that should probably be tweaked. (I abuse this on my dev account Storm as well 😊)
With you guys having dedicated servers, do you think it'll be possible to do cross saves?
I understand cross play -- playing with other platforms -- is limited by the owners of those platforms, but I'd really like to see cross save so that, if my friends jumped on PC, I could buy the game on origin and have it use the same save I made on Xbox, since everything is sorta linked through the EA Account.
That's what's bothered me the most with Destiny, I've had friends change platform but I'm already invested in Xbox so I don't want to go through starting from Zero just to play with them.
Its a bit more complicated, but it is something we're interested in and will be looking into post ship. 😊
When I pre-ordered the game a week ago, I was supremely disappointed that I was not able to take part in the VIP demo because of some unknown issue where I would get stuck at the title screen. No one that I gave my friend codes too had this issue, though, and EA's help desk was absolutely worthless. Now comes this weekend's event, and I am STILL getting stuck at the title screen. Is this what I can expect from the full game u/BioCamden?
Hey snow, what platform are you playing on and what error are you getting specifically? I would definitely encourage you to try making a new origin account if you want to try that. Other folks have had success deleting their locally saved game data or reinstalling the game.
I'd say where it is a little unforgiving right now is after his ult finishes and he's completing the animation of putting the gun away as well as taking a long drop back to the ground and slamming into it briefly. In both of those situations (more concerned about the ult) I feel that he starts to take damage but because you cannot deploy the shield, there's not much you can do about it. I'm happy with having to take a couple hits to use the rail gun for example because it's feels like a good "trade off" but taking damage for being stuck in an animation is not.
Not sure if that makes sense or not.
It 100% makes sense, I complained about the same issue last week haha. I’ll see if we can take a look at it.
Hello thanks for being so involved in the community, just out of curiosity.. does the same effect other Components?
For instance my Rare Lightning Inscription shows a boost in Javelin Armor at 208 while Health is at 104. There’s no way of verifying as the description doesn’t mention anything — was this as intended?
Hey Linus yes same applies to those. Armor should be shields, and health should be armor (green bar) in this case. Not intended!
If Anthem has dedicated servers, why does an expedition end when a single person leaves?That feels like peer hosting, and the host leaving ends the expedition.
If you're in a squad, the squad leader controls what the group does... So if they leave the whole squad does.
If you're not... It's a bug 😣.
Dammit Camden. I'll always love you, my dude. Hope to find my way into your free play session some day.
Star-crossed lovers destined never to meet. Hahaha
Cool. Question, if I may:
You (not you personally, you as in BioWare) mentioned that the reason why you will have dedicated servers is to make sure everyone is experiencing the same, right? Is that still up for launch?
Also, are the 3 platforms (PC, PS4, XBox) going to be synced as well?
Yep we wanted to ensure the same quality of experience for everyone, with peer hosting the connection quality can be fairly variable. It also lets us do a bunch more stuff on the service side as well.
Updates like this are global for all platforms 😊.
Sweeeeet, do we keep any souvenirs from the beta for participating in this “event” ? Just wondering haha
Your memories of a (hopefully) fun time? 😊
/u/BiowareJer / /u/BioCamden / /u/BiowareBen
Mousewheel remains bound to weapon-switch even if bound to another function.
When user rebinds the mwheelup AND/OR mwheeldown key to a function, it still continues to behave with default functionality: switching weapons.
- In game, bind mwheelup to Evade
- In game, bind mwheeldown to Evade
- Ensure Switch Weapons is NOT bound to mwheelup AND/OR mwheeldown
- Choose Ranger Javelin
- Launch Freeplay
- Scroll up or down on mousewheel
You'll observe that the Ranger does evade, as expected. You will also observe that the Ranger will also switch weapons, despite Switch Weapons NOT being bound to mwheel.
Hey Hadouken thanks for the report! This is something we’re looking into already. Great bug report and repro steps.
I really would love to be able to see base stats so I know exactly what the numbers actually mean. Like, is +200 a lot? Do I have 100 base stat? Do I have 1000? 10,000? It really helps to know these things. I hope you guys feel the same way and can add the information in the future cus having it be obfuscated is a bit of a pet peeve of mine that too many games do. Trust me, it's not too confusing, and it's not going to scare away casuals.
Also hope the communication continues and y'all don't get driven off.
A statistics page or character sheet is certainly something we want to do, yes.
I've said a couple of times in other threads the bars were mislabelled, but thought it was due to an early build and not something that was still missed by BW. Glad it's been brought to notice before release!
I took a look last night and it does appear to be updated on the build that I checked. I only did a brief glance at some components though, hopefully we caught them all. Does like this may have just been a demo thing.
Please tell me you guys are looking into why the colossus' health bars diminish over time? Or why the stqgger animations are so long on a javelin designed to get damaged a ton with no safety net? Just give our thicc boi an over shield (like the other javelins) but it only refreshes when the colossus' manual shield takes damage. Idk I feel like the animations are way too unforgiving on the colossus. It needs a way of feeling like the giant armor-clad tank that it should be. Right now, the most under powered javelin by far. Please help us!
We are going to look at the component issue. For animations and hit reacts it may also be something we look at again too if it continues to be a friction point.
Overall we are talking about the Colossus, primarily around shield use.
There's only shields armored hp and unarmored hp. All Javelins are armored. Our hp bars are green because it's common practice for over a decade to clearly differentiate ally and enemy nameplates.
Pretty much this. If we made enemy and javelin bars the same color it might be more confusing. But I understand the feedback.
For your potential amusement.
Was not disappointed
Legendary outlaw is a bitch but it feels so damn good to get him down.
There is also an encounter in Valley of honor with 3 Ranger and 2 Storm which is probably even harder but beatable solo if you manage to separate them : proudest moment of the beta when I first managed to do it.
Hell yeah that fight is fun. We just want to streamline these a little bit so it’s more empowering and less run/hide/separate kind of thing.