
Anthem Dev Tracker

04 Feb


Originally posted by Eightysix60

Seriously though. I played destiny since vanilla, thousands of hours. Every night after work for years. You guys and your involvement on reddit, actually listening and doing stuff, like the launch bay... its awesome. Keep up the great work.

Glad to be here, we're going to try and keep it up.


Originally posted by devoltar

The main tweak I would recommend is to not have it happen until all yellow-bar enemies are dead. It feels like the fight is unfinished to have them suddenly disappear before they die, and I've seen that happen a couple times. Fodder enemies vanishing at that point isn't as big of a deal (they better run!)

You are correct. This is one of the adjustments we need to make, encounters shouldn't wrap up while high-value targets are still in the world.


Originally posted by SirScotchelot

I'll forgive you if you turn the servers back on! <3

We are turning the servers back on! On Feb 15th!


Originally posted by Baelorn

Are you guys aware of the EXP bug where a player levels up in the post-Expedition screen but EXP values are reset when loading into Fort Tarsis?

This is not the same as the game crashing and not rewarding EXP. Going on another Expedition and completing it doesn't seem to do anything. I've been the same level(11.5) since last weekend and nothing I seem to do retains any EXP.

If this is what I think it is it's a display bug and I'm pretty sure it's been tracked down and resolved for launch.


Originally posted by CroogQT

Cool! Well then enjoy this:

Your game is really f**king fun so far. I loved every second I was playing (I'll let the crashing slide...for now, lol). I've never had a game make me feel as powerful as Anthem does without also trivializing the content. Honestly, f**king bravo. Me and my friends are all rooting for a successful launch for y'all! For those of you who are open about your careers with the public, I'll be following your development endeavors for as long as you continue to do so.

I hope you're extraordinarily proud of yourself and that you keep designing video games for me to play.

*wipes brown off nose*

Thanks so much for the kind words, I'm very glad you enjoyed the small taste of the game and can't wait to see you and your friends in game at launch.


Originally posted by PsychoticHobo

These things are awesome! I couldn't find a mention of them in the Codex, but it's possible I didn't acquire the lore somehow.

/u/biocamden /u/benirvo /u/biowareben what are these things called and why are they better than Grabbits?

I actually don't remember their name off the top of my head. :(


Originally posted by phrawst125

Why can't all of the internet be this pleasant?

They choose not to, is really all it is. :)


Originally posted by SwordOfCheese

There definitely should be if there isn't lol. That could be very detrimental to gameplay if you go halfway across the map and run out of ammo only to be short changed by a drop sitting in a pond haha. Maybe another option could be that one of the ammo/health/shield drops is set to drop from an enemy and there's already 3 out in the world the one set to drop would replace one of the other ones out there and that other one would disappear.

edit: My friend just brought up a point to me. While we were playing there were drops left behind but when we finished another fight there were also drops that would add up to more than 3 total for each kind. Sorry if I'm making this confusing lol I'm just curious as to how you guys worked it out because I live that no ammo Ranger life /cry

Yes that’s in place already, if a new one is set to drop from a creature that was just killed it will remove an existing one from the field.


Originally posted by yG6ll7

Regarding the Aura stack amount, what exactly do you mean by this? Does each stack make it last longer, or does the ticks get stronger with each stack?

How quickly it applies the status effect to enemies.


Originally posted by FlameInTheVoid

Does stagger build up to overcome a resistance? The way status effects and primers seem to? Does colossus have a resistance multiplier for these? Or a higher limit perhaps?

It seems like colossus in particular would benefit from a baseline reduction to all incoming stagger (and even damage) rather than a percentage resistance damage modifier.

Something that would basically make small arms fire below some threshold just completely ineffective. Total stagger/damage negation for tiny stuff. And a flat X point reduction before (or after) multipliers for everything else.

When it comes to an AR-15 vs an M1-Abrams, 1 is the same as 20 is the same as 0.

As far as stagger goes, I guess it comes down to momentum. If it weighs 5x as much, it should only get knocked back by 5x as much force.

That’s a good question and good point. I am not sure if the Colossus is on a different scale for our hit reacts. I’ll have to look into that.


Originally posted by Eightysix60

friction friction friction

/poke zap


Originally posted by yG6ll7

u/BioCamden u/BiowareBen u/BenIrvo

This is excellent Interceptor feedback, and hits every single little issue i had with the class.

I really do feel like the aura combo could use a buff, given that you need to get into melee range for this to have any sort of use.

Replied to the post! Thanks for the tag yG6II7!


Originally posted by XIII-The-Death

While I have enjoyed the demo(s) as a way to further test (to still not get a single drop of Acid Grenade or Shadow Claw no matter how much farming I did) and flex the various abilities and items available to Interceptor, as it will definitively be the Javelin I play the game as...I'm a bit concerned about the lack of polish around a few key points.

Now, originally I was far more devastated - because with the current state of Spark Dash, Acid Spray, and the occasional time-slows-down-animation-then-never-hits-but-animation-locks Tempest Strike - I was kind of pissed. For those who don't know, Spark Dash is the only detonator for Assault slots on Interceptor, and in the demo build, it would not aim where your reticle is, it would fly wherever your Javelin was facing, has a horrible hitbox, and does really meh damage. The ability is listed to strike everyone in the path of your dash, but it would also just end at wherever it first made contact with, and the aoe is so small ...

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Hey this is great feedback! A lot of these points are things that we’ve also experienced internally have talked about. So let me jump right into what we have done and should be in for launch or very shortly after.

  1. Increased aura stack amount. (~3x the current amount). Reward wasn’t high enough for the risk.
  2. Added ticking damage to the aura (not a ton but just enough to spice it up as well as give you better feedback about when it’s ticking).
  3. Spark dash targeting for ground/air and air/ground. There were quite a few improvements we did since the demo to improve the overall usability of this one.
  4. Air-to-air melee attacks. This allows the Interceptor to more effectively and repeatedly hit enemies in air, especially in ultimate mode.
  5. The air to ground melee (spin) does have a continuous hit box so you hit multiple times on the way down. This hit box was slightly increased.

Things we may need to look at, but might be ...

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Originally posted by SwordOfCheese

u/BioCamden is there a despawn timer on the drops? Say we don't notice they've dropped and we continue out into the world, surely there's something in place for that?

I don’t think there is a despawn timer, though there may be.


Originally posted by CroogQT

If you need a pick me up, go look at the number of players you and your team have managed to murder with your deathtrap of a stronghold.

I'm assuming that's how game devs get their kicks.

Thanks for the update!

Na, we're not making Dark Souls. I actually get more joy out of people playing it and having a good time. Death or not. :)


Originally posted by Cooldudeassassin

How about server drop outs. I have a reasonable broadband fibre optic internet connection and I still experienced sooo many drop outs

You were getting kicked back to Fort Tarsis or loading screen during a mission or freeplay?


Originally posted by linuxguyz

Does that mean there's no chance that I'm taking people with me when I end freeplay without a squad? I sometimes load in solo, then people join in. I'm sometimes worried I'm taking them out with me when I end it.

Nope, you're just going out and then coming back - you don't affect others (or at least you shouldn't be 😊).


Originally posted by xsnowshark

Hey, thanks for getting back to me. I've been trying to get the demo to work on PC, and have tried deleting the game and re-downloading it, as well as deleting the Origin cache. EA also tried to give me a different copy of the demo (as they put it) in hopes that the new code associated with that copy would let me make it past the title screen, but this still didn't work. Does this sound like an issue on my end, or would it be occurring on the Anthem server side?

Yeah that’s definitely interesting, my other best guess would be network settings for your home network? Are you able to connect to other origin or EA network games online? I’m pretty out of ideas at this point unfortunately, tech troubleshooting is definitely not me forte. May want to check out and make a post to see if other folks have had the same problem or if a community expert can shed any additional light.


Originally posted by oldschoolkid203

We need a way to "mark" gear as junk so we can do a mass salvage aswell

There is one, in the Vault. :)


Originally posted by Viperions

I think colossus' starts to shine more when you get the components involved, because of the sheer amount of armor/shield buff that they tend to give, and the frequency of +health drops. As a colossus', I found that it always encouraged me to be in the thick of things - I prime them, they explode, then everything around us explodes, and then I just keep doing that as I am picking up health drops from those constant explosions.

What becomes trickier is once you're not dealing with mobs that have much in the way of trash around, because suddenly those incidental hits are harder to get rid of - your shield can take a beating, sure, but your health regen seems to require a substantial amount of time out of combat, and you lack the overshield that other classes have to buffer you while you're low and trying to find more health.

I played my colossus' really aggressively, and it worked well. I didn't have a ton of super long ranged weaponry, but I didn't face much in the w...

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I was typing out a response, but you said it very well Viperions. I find Colossus is rewarded more for being more aggressive than the others.

Feed the beast with armor packs to keep the pain train rolling. Also, knockdown EVERYTHING with your shield. If they are locked up, then they can’t damage you!