Thanks so much for responding!
My pleasure.
Thanks so much for responding!
My pleasure.
Question, when you say Launch do you mean the 15th for early access or the 22nd for Official release. It would be incredibly annoying for those on Xbox who have ea access to deal with not being able to complete anything for the 10 hours they have to play. my friends were having this issue in missions as well and they had to do one of them 4 times before it finally didn’t crash. Essentially making the time and money wasted for your customers.
Some of the fixes will be patched on the 15th and some sadly had to slip to the 22nd. I don't know which patch this fix is in. We've made every effort to get as many fixes into the early access patch as possible.
Gotta love this BioWare team, always on point!
We're trying to be the dev team you need.
I promise I'm not trying to be dense, but you're saying with the photos from OP it listing Armor/Health/Shield (Demo) and it will be Armor/Shield in live? Where Armor = Health the Green pool and Shield = Blue pool and the Colossus physical shield.
Therefor you will eliminate the word Health from live?
That’s the plan yes, should be exactly as you described.
You’re officially my favorite dev
ily camden ty
ily 2 bby
Can you clarify what you mean when you say audio output settings? Are we talking about Windows settings? I’m not sure how to verify that my microphone is receiving signal in game. When I talk there is no visual indication that I am using PTT.
In Anthem there’s no option to select output devices, but in Windows my Default Microphone is my only mic.
Voip - On Voip Activation - PTT Voip Volume - 100% Voip Silence Threshold - 72%
I’m happy to help, I’m just not sure what you need.
Have you tested it in origin?
Tagging the audio director
Hahaha! Wow that sucks. Repro steps?
A flesh wound? Your pinky’s off
No it isn’t!
Hey Camden. Have you guys ever considered adding affix modifiers to enemies so that they behave differently (similar to Diablo and other isometric loot-games)? For example, Diablo has a enemy modifier called Health Link on elite enemies that causes other elite enemies to share the same health pool.
Could add more variety to the game. It could also be a good way to balance both enemy damage and health gains per difficulty.
Cool idea :) I like it.
My man!
Yeah! Teamwork!
Let us add one more hero, who I think might actually be the one to look into this. :) u/biochrisschmidt
Yup, that would be me. On it ☺️
nothing carries over to lauch
This is correct 😊
Explain this.... SCORCERY!
What? It’s just a flesh wound...
That's a great philosophy to work with! Coming from a hardware testing background, the only times we ever (intentionally) changed more than one variable at a time was when we knew with 90% certainty that changing X would result in Y (usually from physics it other analysis).
It might seem like it takes longer, especially if there's a lot of iterations before getting it perfect, but vi usually found taking the time to do it right the first time is quicker than rushing, messing up, and having to scramble to fix the change and the initial issue.
I hope this "one change at a time" philosophy carries into balancing, since the thing I hate about Destiny balance is something will go from overpowered to completely useless due to them changing to many dials at once and not touching it again for months or years. Nova Warp getting the most recent example...
Yes that’s the idea, and is what we have been doing internally for balance testing. Like you said it can seem slow in that way but we want to make sure we do it right.
That is the one thing that sets this game apart from other Looter shooters (who will not be named.) You guys actually make the player feel powerful and it isn't like a steamroll onto enemies, if you run in stupid on hard mode you will die, but you don't make us feel weak to the point where you don't second guess what you can take solo or what needs an ultimate to burst down. This is a breath of fresh air.
That’s a very important part of our balance targets. To your point, if you dive in to some hard stronghold engagements way above your level and gear... well we really shouldn’t balance to that. But if you are playing to your power level, pilot level, and player skill we want it to feel engaging and rewarding and challenging. Should be a mix between offense and defensive (evading), cooperating with teammates, and using your entire arsenal.
Just extend the invulnerable state of the ult to compensate.
Yeah that’s likely what we’d look at doing.
Thanks /u/BioCamden! You're my hero!
Just doing my job. /soars off directly into a wall
totally off topic, but quick question...
in the E3 video we saw players earning Exp for discovering new areas of the map. this is not in the demo, will it be in the full game?
Not sure, I don’t recall seeing that myself but I could be wrong.
Any chance we can get a peek as to the legendary version of glacial storm/spear? As it is, its my go to setup and possibly the most broken build in the demo, especially with an Ice component for faster priming.
But that would ruin all the fun of discovery! 😊