
Anthem Dev Tracker

03 Feb


Originally posted by Elprede007


PTT set?


Originally posted by ThorsonWong

Pinging u/BioCamden and u/BenIrvo because I forgot earlier.

Hey Thorson thanks for tagging me and for the great info and report here. We were able to take a look at this yesterday and got it reproduced. We’ll be looking to fix it as soon as we can.


Originally posted by Elprede007

I want to just add here and say that VOIP seems to work for some people, but no one can hear me, and my friends couldn't hear some people we were in a squad with. I have VOIP enabled and all the settings look fine, but I can't communicate with teammates and they can't communicate with me.



Originally posted by Defektivex

I tested the following:

VOIP Setting Headphone/Stereo Outcome
On Headphone No audio
On Stereo No audio
Off Headphone No audio
Off Stereo No audio

Additionally, I also confirmed my PC settings were set to ensure my headphones are both the primary input and output device. I also tested the audio prior to opening the game.

Hrm. It could be origin actually, the point below is interesting because it turns off when you connect to the servers, which would make sense.

02 Feb


Originally posted by Sun-Taken-By-Trees

Just had to bail on the stronghold because another player picked up an echo and then went afk, or was purposely trolling and refused to turn it in. Either way this feels like a big oversight that needs to be addressed.

We are looking into solutions for this


Originally posted by Defektivex

/u/BioWareJer you or someone on your team may be interested in this. Always welcome to provide more detail as needed.

It may be trying to control them as an output device, but that does sound weird. Try turning your VoIP settings on, set output device after booting the game, and make sure headphone and stereo are selected in the in game options. Let me know if any of that works! We can keep trying.


Originally posted by PapaCharlie9

Confirming: once you are a member of an Alliance, you can't be a member of another Alliance?

No, you can be a member of as many Alliances as you have friends.


Yes, it’s a shame we couldn’t get this in the demo. Makes a big difference for sure


Originally posted by Silversilence1

Not sure if this was posted, there is a ton to read so I apologize if this is not the first one.

While playing a stronghold it became clear to me there was one thing I think we should be able to do. I went down was stuck waiting for a revive and my teammates all blues ran past me when they cleared the area and moved on. They had no interest in helping. I feel that when playing a matchmaker game mode we should be able to revive ourselves (or respawn) after a set period of time. I spent a long time just sitting around staring at empty space as I waited for a teammate who felt sorry for me to revive me. It's a bit discouraging being stuck sitting around waiting fifteen minutes for them to decide to help.

Edit: from the below discussion. Some.of the issue is that we cant see downed allies very well in the game. If anthem could have a beacon that pops out of your suit that is visible to teammates then we can be more likely to assist.

The squad widget for launch will help. It will show that a squad mate is downed. Without it, it’s definitely hard to tell



Originally posted by koutsos

The console-UI idea of switching menus by using Q/E (or A/D, or anything) makes no sense on a PC. If I see a menu option, I try to click it. I am constantly confounded by the menus because you can see a preview of what's on the next "tab" but you cannot click that next tab. I have to go back and click the tab I'm on for some reason. It's very confusing.

In general: you should never have to use keyboard commands to navigate anything on PC - just click. The mouse is your primary input device. Having shortcuts is fine, but clicking should be the main way to do things.

Also, please allow for faster scrolling, and more obvious scroll bars on the side of long menus so I can more easily grab them and pull them down.

You can click in as part of the fixes. No keybinds required


Originally posted by Danknoodle420

Apologies for dragging you into this. Didn't really notice the flair until now. Thanks for all the help you have provided though.

Great support though. Shows the love you guys have put into the game. Let's hope EA didn't spoil too much.

All good! I know you're just trying to play and enjoy the game. I'll dig into it and see if there is any more info I can provide.


Originally posted by OtterJethro

I cannot get the barrel roll to work on PC. Anyone able to get this working properly?

Push A when you push your evade button (mouse wheel in by default)


Originally posted by totallytim

Well sadly I won't get to experience these patched controls, since playing the "demo" controls made me quit the game during the first mission. I don't have the time to to put up with developer laziness. Considering the performance and controls PC was clearly an afterthought which made me lose what little interest I had to begin with. Maybe they'll get it right with Anthem 2.

That’s a shame, hopefully you will change your mind when people love the launch PC controls


Originally posted by 7Z7-

u/BenIrvo Can you tell us why the "Alt" key (to the left of space) cannot be assigned? I would have liked to use this key to fly over.

I don’t know, I don’t think there is a reason, may be a bug


Originally posted by Sleepy_Buddha

u/BenIrvo Please add a resolution scaling slider, it's basically a must have feature on PC nowadays. ME: Andromeda had it, and so do all modern Frostbite games.

Do you mean a UI scale slider?


Originally posted by Danknoodle420

Thank you for taking the time and replying but it seems that thread pinpoints amd phenom II and X4 as the culprits yet I have an Intel I5-8600k. I was able to play Saturday during the vip demo, I skipped Sunday due to the rubberbanding.

I was given an update a few days ago as everyone else was. Yet today, when I tried to launch the game for the first time during the open demo weekend, I run into the same issue I had at the start of the vip demo.

The previous troubleshooting customer support did not alleviate the issue so I conceded to the game. The next day I decided to give it another go and it opened first try and I was able to launch the game for the rest of the Vip demo. I work this weekend so I didn't have a chance to try and launch yesterday but I decided to hop on today before I end up sleeping and I run back into the same issue.

Customer support was no help so I figured maybe asking a member of the community feedback team could help. If not, maybe th...

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Hey Danknoodle, yeah unfortunately I’m not really a community manager and I’m less involved in tech troubleshooting side. My expertise and responsibilities are as Development Manager for the combat and creatures teams. I’d suggest keeping an eye on those forums and trying to get an expert there, or reaching out to the community managers there.

Sorry I couldn’t be more help.


Originally posted by Fried_Fish_Filet

Are you planning on making any changes for temporary internet disconnections? My internet will cut out for literally under 2 seconds and it completely kicks me out of the game, and roughly 25% of the time the rejoin group function doesn't work. I know the simple answer is to get more consistent internet, but i'm already on a fiber connection using Ethernet so there isn't much beyond that I can do.

Well the fix there should be encompassed in the rejoin expedition function working properly. If there are issues with that feature (which there appear to have been in the demo) we’ll do what we can to look into it. Did you have more in mind outside of that?


Originally posted by Stuart267

Seems to happen when other players join instance or mission you are in.

Health bar halves then you get player joined notification

That’s good info, thank you Stuart