
Anthem Dev Tracker

01 Feb


Originally posted by balrathamir

Added Auto-Centering for PC Flight

Added auto-centering behavior on swimming and flying by default for PC.

When mouse input stops (after a delay) the crosshair will automatically return to center.

This will singlehandedly fix flying for me I feel.

It feels awesome, I am really excited about the changes that we got in this week.


Originally posted by LawbringerX

Awesome news! The PC players definitely appreciate the fact you guys are working so hard to make the game's controls smoother on Mouse and Keyboard.

Definitely doing what we can, and plan on continuing to review and do more.


Originally posted by fleetze

Huge if true. Can anyone confirm such wild claims by the OP?

Confirmed :)


Originally posted by arsehole-o-matic

Cannot way to see how those changes play out (in two weeks). /u/BenIrvo

However, I'd like to bring your attention to a related subject:

Zoomed sensitivity isn't consistent across weapon types and zoom levels. Encouraging USA aside, I consider it to be a problem worth noting as it directly undermines the value of the zoomed sensitivity slider.


While auto-pistols and assault rifles seem to share the same magnification while aimed, the sensitivities are vastly different - pistols are about four times as sensitive as ARs are regardless of zoomed sensitivity value. Given there are no per-weapon category settings, this greatly detracts from gameplay consistency.

Therefore I propose one of the following:

  • Manually adjust zoom and sensitivity ratios to be close to consistent
  • Implement opti...
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Will look into this


Originally posted by Kyoj1n

Actually the social hub brings up another concern.

If there is no text chat in the social hub than its just a fancy room with players walking around, no way to actually be social.

Also a good point. I think it will be coming soon, I just can't promise a feature my team doesn't own.

I'll loop back with design and social on this though, specifically regarding the social hub.


Originally posted by Bomjus1

is this a "100% agree! we are totally going to be adding text chat"

or is this "100% agree! text chat would be great but we have no plans to add it at this time"

Well I'm assuming we are, but I can't promise things from other teams, so I'm saying that I agree. It will definitely be brought up as a QoL improvement soon. Does that make sense?


Originally posted by Mystx75

That’s a nice confusing blabla in order to sell the game without confirming that you will implement a text chat for sure.

Well the real issue is I can't confirm feature delivery from another team, so I'm guessing that yes, we will. I just can't come out and promise something that's ultimately not my team's responsibility to come through on. Make sense?


Originally posted by Trylander

Did you also worked on Guns sounds in general, cause gun gameplay lacks severely impact because, shooting sound is quite flat and enemys are missing impact animations. I mentioned it here already changeging sounds is prob. the easier way to infuse some impact into gun gameplay instead of creating new animations.

Yep, should have much more impact in the ship build.


Originally posted by Arcalane

The combo one is great, but it's kind of hard to reliably score headshots with some weapons given the way recoil behaves in the demo builds right now.

It feels like sometimes my guns just kick randomly out of synch with their rate of fire, and my crosshair bounces up and down - it feels very noticeable with ARs and LMGs. Is there some hard flinch from incoming fire, or is this a bug?

I'm not sure, I'll ask Boldwin (our resident gun person).


Originally posted by Levoire

So basically, the Storm combo’d the game?

Ha! Pretty much.


Originally posted by SexualStallion

Mmmm nothing better than the audio director commenting. You know, I absolutely love the acoustics and sound of games, it‘s an insanely huge part of the game, but people rarely notice. I‘ve watched lots of live-streams about Anthem because my Dual Core PC can’t handle this (try me bruh), and I gotta say - The Sound fidelity is awesome so far, but guns, for example, still need a punch. Not talking CoD Style hitmarker sound-effects, but something more „space-ish sounding“, a satisfying noise that’ll make you go „mmmmm I wanna keep shooting“. The guns just lack a bit of the special something. Have you ever played Borderlands? Shooting a sniper rifle was amazing. It felt so satisfying, and you just kept shooting enemies. It was simple, yet there was so much power behind it. You want to feel this as a player.

I also saw this „ninja javelin“ pretty often, you know, the one who relies on close combat abilities, and he seriously lacks the „punch“. You need to feel each hit, you want...

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Both of those are fixed :)

We found some bugs in the mix on both, mostly thanks to everyone pointing us in the same direction on here, so thanks!


Originally posted by khrucible

I hope you haven't taken away that satisfying "ping" when you pop a Scar with a headshot kill :)

Still there :)


Originally posted by GuiHayashida

The sounds in the game are amazing! If I had to give one feedback is just to add an elimination confirm sound. STAR WARS Battlefront 1 didn't have this and they add in SWBF2. Another example of this is The Division 2, they added a sound after confirming a kill that turns the gameplay so much more crisp and responsive, I think it would be great in Anthem!

Thank you! Noted.


Originally posted by BsyFcsin

But do you have integration into JIRA so automatically populate your Feature Request backlog ;)

Hehhe nope. That is a manual step :)


Originally posted by Everec

Would it be possible for the BioWare team to set Voice Chat to be opt-out rather than opt-in?
Otherwise, with the lack of a text chat, people who generally don't mess with settings and the ones teaming up with them won't be able to communicate at all.

Yeah I believe thats the setting for release. BenIrvo mentioned that a whole back....


Originally posted by USMarty

Any chance to customize it so left and right are different sounds?

Good idea!


Originally posted by SeaPear

Fantastic work devs, thanks for the update Ben. Quick question @u/BenIrvo

Maybe I was playing it wrong, but is the intention to go from flight to hover going to be pressing the ‘c’ key? At least for me it felt more natural pressing shift again... Just my take, but I’m only one person... lol

We think it’s better that was so you can use shift to stop flying :)


Hey All,

Thanks to all of the amazing feedback last weekend during the VIP Demo, we have some updates to share on PC Controls. These are updates for LAUNCH (15th Feb / 22nd Feb). Unfortunately we couldn't get these fixes in for the open demo this weekend.

TL;DR - Aiming uses raw mouse input. Flight & Swim controls are improved and more responsive.


  • Raw Mouse Input Fixed
    • We found and fixed a bug that caused the symptom of negative acceleration

Flight and Swimming

  • Increase Available Range for Mouse Sensitivity Options
    • Flight and swim sensitivity sliders now allow for more than double the range it offered before. This allows different mouse DPI settings (specifically extremely high or low) to better fit into our in-game swim/flight sensitivity settings.
  • PC Flight Box is n...
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Originally posted by TheBigSm0ke

I’m Marry Poppins Y’all

Lol. Yeah I like this idea. It is something we have talked about. A sensible control scheme would be one of the challenges. I'll make sure its on our list in any case. It would be worth the effort if only so I could use that line. :)