
Anthem Dev Tracker

01 Feb


Originally posted by Oxyminoan

That's.... not at all what he's talking about. Voice chat is great to have in ADDITION to text chat, but it's absolutely no replacement, no matter how good you make it.

Yeah, that makes sense. I was commenting on the audio side, but valid point for text chat for sure.


Originally posted by Miseria_25

So, I haven't seen much talk about Anthem not having a proper chat system at launch so with this I hope I can bring some awareness to this issue.

In my opinion, chat is one of the most important features in a multiplayer game, especially when things like raids(or something equal) exists. Not only will this allow us to properly find players to play with without resorting to discord/reddit, this also will let the game feel way livelier. Not everyone wants to use voice chat for every small thing, especially when you have people with lots of background noise like parents shouting at their children and stuff.

Another thing that ties into this is a Clan/Guild system. I am not sure if Anthem will have this but this is also another very important feature to have.

Edit: Many have told me that the reason why no chat system is in place at launch is due to the FC...

Read more

We are planning on improving and integrating better voice chat in the future. Didn't have time to make it perfect, but baseline functionality is there, at least in release.


Originally posted by N4rwha1

I feel like although it's a small thing adding it to the game will make gunplay feel A LOT smoother and so much more satisfying, if anyone knows what I mean like for example in Destiny 2 headshotting dregs and just seeing that satisfying death animation along with the sound of the bullet is just super satisfying and makes you want to aim for those headshots :)

We have headshot sweeteners. Open to feedback after you try the release build. Lots of combat mixing has happened since the demo build!

Pro tip: you can control the player bullet impact sound volume in the options :)


Originally posted by AuraMaster7

Given that there's been an additional day since this information, is there anything new about the infinite loading bug? The demo launches in only a little over 12 hours so here's hoping the team pulls through and squashes the damn thing.

Pretty sure it's solved. Cameron gave a twitter update. I haven't been part of that fix effort so I can't confirm personally, but I think we're good :)


Originally posted by CaptainCummings

I wish the Firewall Mortar, when being aimed, would be able to be rotated horizontally left and right with LMB and RMB.

/u/biocamden plz bby can you send this idea to someone? As we cannot fire weapon or aim down sight when in the targeting for an ability, theoretically this should be possible right?

E: grammar

Hey Captain thank you for your feedback! Javelin gear is right up my alley. I’m not sure that have the programming support built in to do rotating for pre-visualization (the trajectory outline) and with the projectile/explosion but it could be useful for it and Wind Wall. I’ll pass it on to the team.


Originally posted by winterds001

Yep. Several people pointed it out and I apologize. For some reason I thought I had seen posts that had a BioWare reply tagged, and for some reason I haven’t seen any after the demo. Keep up the good job.

No worries! And no apology needed


Originally posted by ohsosoxy

Thanks! Didn’t think this would get noticed by one of you high uppers but I’m very impressed with your community out reach and I look forward to playing the heck out of the demo this upcoming week 😃

I'm no higher than you Freelancer, I'm just a geeky gamer that likes to read a lot :D


Originally posted by N7_Astartes

Off the top of my head:

The Forever War

Starship Troopers

Book 2 of the Expanse Series: Caliban's War

90% of the books set in Warhammer 40k and the Horus Heresy universes.

Revelation Space has a few chapters with super advanced powered armor.

All You Need Is Kill

And Armor by John Steakley

Revelation Space feels such a chore to get into, tried twice now - really want to though. Keep hearing good things! Almost done with Book 2 of Expanse, cause that show is too awesome.


Dune, Halo, The Expanse, Unbreakable (W.C. Bauers), Red Rising trilogy, Legends of the First Empire trilogy. Some may not feature battle suits, but still rather awesome reads! :)

31 Jan


Originally posted by Heybarbaruiva

There are a total of 31 Dev Comments in the last 24 Hours

Coming from World of Warcraft, this is more communication than what we got from Blizzard in the 6 months Battle for Azeroth has been out. So yeah, I have no idea what OP is talking about. On top of BioWare being very active on reddit, Mark Darrah, Ben Irving, Jonathan Warner and Ninja Mike are answering questions on Twitter all the time. Lack of communication is definitely not an issue here.

Special shoutout to /u/BioCamden. He's a goddamn machine!

Trying to keep up! Haha thanks Heybarbaruiva.


Originally posted by winterds001

Like I said, when shit the fan, most devs disappear because forums turn into a begging/toxicity fest.

They were sure damn active to hype up the demo though.

Still hoping the final game will be great!

Hey we’re certainly still here and more importantly still reading and gathering feedback. As you can imagine it’s getting pretty busy around the office not only for Open Demo this weekend but also all of the plans for Launch and Live Service content already in development. That’s not an attempt at an excuse, more of an explanation. Appreciate you keeping us honest.


Don't worry Freelancer, we hear you.

Microtransactions will indeed be cosmetic only and they won't touch power. It's earnable through playing the game too. All future content when it comes to additional features and story will be made available at no extra cost.


Originally posted by RiseOfBacon

Thanks for the confirmation!

Will we be getting any Patch Notes / info regarding todays Demo update to 1.01?

Patch notes are basically: General fixes to improve stability, such as a number of fixes to the 95% load screen issue. There were no game changes applied.


Originally posted by loremaestro

this chiptune sucks. do you actually listen to old vgm? cuz this is weak. try harder.

It's not really supposed to be a real chiptune, just a transcription of that track as a little homage. I think my current fave for chiptune soundtrack is the game "The Messenger". Have you checked that out?


Originally posted by Wellhellob

I guess Storm ultimate triggers the bug. It only happened when i unlock the Storm javelin(last hours of the vip demo) and tried his ultimate. Bugs aside the sound in the game is amazing!



Originally posted by Tkwan777

On PC my audio died mid stronghold right in the middle of a sniper charging up a shot. Couldn't troubleshoot to fix, only way I found was to restart the computer. Not sure which part of my sound pooped out, but definitely happened during a sniper sound, and it's never happened before that.

Hopefully sorted out in the release build. Keep me posted.


Originally posted by Six2fall

Well hey you've made progress on fix so awesome & now that I know my system isnt about to die having it happen in demo wont be end of world. Thanks for clearing it up for me I saw you talking about that but wont sure if was same issue.

Looking forward to launch & think you guys are doing a great job with game plus interacting with us fans. Must admit I have been very skeptical heading into the vip demo, I refused to take anything saw or heard at face value but since devs have been so open I wanted to try for myself & then judge. Well anthem won me over very quickly I still have some concerns but that's mostly cause my hype went from like 25% to 2000% & now I went soooo much more.

Anyways thank you for hard work & please keep it up

Awesome to hear! Thank you.


Originally posted by blakeyyg

Is this for Xbox community? When can we play early?

If you have EA Access on the Xbox, yes you'll be able to play Anthem on the 15th Feb for a maximum of 10 hours. The progress you had made in that time will be waiting for you once the game launches on Feb 22nd.


Originally posted by ribkicker4

I've experienced that one as well! My "fix" was to exit the program and load back in.

I never tried it, but maybe entering one of the caves and exiting inside would work?

Were you playing with someone else in a Squad when this happened?


This was incorrect information and has been updated. As long as you sign up for Origin Access Premier before 2/15 you'll have early access to Anthem.