
Anthem Dev Tracker

31 Jan


Originally posted by FearParable

I might have some recorded footage of this happening on my Storm. I have not uploaded. I can get it uploaded to youtube tonight. What would be the best way to get it to you?

It's ok, I think I have what I need for the bug report - thank you though! ๐Ÿ˜Š


Originally posted by Six2fall

Thank you for replying. I'm on ps4 it only happened once but I didnt get to play a lot. When it happened i was in stronghold as a storm & there was a loud pop like there was a delay from an ability that combined with my gunfire. Once it went out I would sometimes get garbled gunfire that sounded like grinding ontop of the audio. I attempted to switch audio to headphones & back but wouldnt get anything from either. Once finished stronghold I still didnt get audio at tarsis so closed app but I didnt have audio in ps4 menu either. After a reset it was fine. If it happens again is there easy way to share a video of it, I dont have capture equipment nor do I stream but would like to send if it helps

No that's fine. You are describing the NaN bug to a tee.

Should be waaaay less frequent in release, but still present in the demo unfortunately. Sorry!


Originally posted by antoineflemming

Thanks for the quick response. That's good to hear. Just so that I can manage my expectations for this weekend, I have to ask: Is the issue only fixed for the final build of the game or is there a chance it's fixed for this weekend's demo as well?

Also, thanks in general for the communication. It's refreshing to see this level of communication from devs. This sort of thing isn't as common as it should be, so I'm very grateful that you took the time to respond. It means a lot and just your communicating does give me a lot of hope.

I think the patch has been deployed, so I think both :)

And thanks!


Originally posted by Amb13nce

Strangely enough, I didn't have the sound issue until I started using the Storm. First mission with Storm it bugged out after like 2 minutes. I read someone saying that they tracked it to cloth physics causing the audio bug. Strange, if true

Prolly unrelated. The storms insane amount of sound with abilities and ult might be the more prevalent cause :)


Originally posted by vekien

Best of luck, if it helps I am on PS4 Pro and while I never had any Crash like Snarf mentioned, I had 1 instance of "no music" (but still SFX) and one instance when free playing where a large crackling sound occurred, there was nothing around me at the time i was just enjoying the view. (Sounded like megatron just got slapped), maybe it was a sound way in the distance traveling over :D

Megatron getting slapped. Best. Description. Evar.



Originally posted by DBloedel

I felt this too, I think the world feels alive but I think it could feel even more so with little background noise details like this:

For example, when in freeplay itโ€™d be awesome to hear creatures roaring way off in the distance and like background insect type noises (especially at night). Then in Fort Tarsis, I think it could use some more background chatter around the market (think of a crowded restaurant), maybe some more mechanical/welding type sounds, and steam running through pipes. Fort Tarsis just sounded a little quiet to me as well.

Thanks Jer for taking the time, not sure youโ€™ll see this but hope you do :)

Yep. We have addressed all of this for launch. Thanks for the feedback, it's dead on :)


Originally posted by Six2fall

Seeing title says audio director can you let us know if the audio bug that caused some to lose all audio until reset system been fixed

Not yet, completely at least. In the release build its hard to repro. What platform are you on?


Originally posted by Guyver84

I had the 95% issue on PC until I uninstalled from my hdd and reinstalled to my ssd and didn't happen again the rest of the weekend.

Thought it might of been reinstalling it to the ssd that fixed it but it might of just been reinstalling it that fixed it because my friend had it in his ssd it it was happening to him.

Which made think maybe it was something with the preload that caused it.

Not sure though but thought I would mention it to you at least.

Interesting, I'll pass it on.


Originally posted by chruiz20

How about extending the demo until it is fixed? Think about it, some people like myself pre ordered the game to try out the demo but, due to bugs haven't gotten too or played a few times when we were lucky to get in.

I have a job and I get limited time off to play. It really left a bad impression from sitting at a loading screen for hours.

I know it sucks, and I apologize for the situation. Unfortunately extending the demo is waaaay above my pay grade, and I think they are prioritizing ensuring the launch is smooth over fixing everything in a temp build, but I think the 95% bug is being patched. So hopefully no more of that issue!


Originally posted by pianopower2590

Thank you so much!

Which suit were you playing?


Originally posted by StrangerdangeRus

I noticed that selecting easy instead of hard would often bypass the 95% loading error.

Interesting. Never heard of that.


Originally posted by SirWilliamB

2 times it happened in freeroam while in one of the dungeon / cave areas Other time was during the stronghold mission, but in this case the whole party crashed out simultaneously which leads me to believe that one was due to networking.

Sounds right. Keep me posted.


Originally posted by RayzTheRoof

Gotcha, I'll be playing a lot and either streaming or recording this weekend so I'll try to catch something.



Originally posted by pianopower2590

Is there a way to reduce the intensity of the blue flashes you get when you take damage? Im a epileptic (very controlled/mild case) and those effects are almost triggering. Sorry for my english, but they are best described as blue stutters.

That's concerning, I'll make sure we get something filed! ๐Ÿ˜Š


Originally posted by antoineflemming

Well, I guess I and many others won't be able to play the Open Demo either since it'll be in the same state as the VIP demo. Just seems like we wasted our money on a preorder bonus that simply doesn't work for us. And given that this issue still exists with another Frostbite game (BFV), I really don't have much confidence that this 95% loading issue will ever be fixed. I wish you all luck with the launch, though.

Yeah. I get it.

We have the 95% issue solved, just to be clear. But it does suck that you guys got screwed for time and money invested. The best I can do is offer you some glimmer of hope that it's temporary!

Hope to see you in Bastion!


Originally posted by xeznut

This was what I needed to read, that the specific bug is being addressed and won't be present in the final build, even if it's through a patch. Of course I hope that this weekend demo doesn't have the 95% bug, but if it does, I won't freet. It's frustrating, but by now we ( the VIPs) already know how to "bypass it". We should be able to enjoy the demo. The problem has to be fixed for the launch and this is the first time I see some indication of it being identified, not present in the gold build and if it rears its ugly head, fixable. Thank you for the info, no more cancelling the pre-order for me.
And to all BioWare, thank you for Anthem. I do think you've got something very special on your hands. Thank you!

Awesome. Thanks!


Originally posted by Kazan

stop dividing by zero, bioware! :P

Yes, I would if I could!


Originally posted by crum1515

Yes sir! I can say that short stint at BioWare Austin was the greatest job I have ever had; but getting laid off pushed me to finish my degree and be where I am today. Still have a few buddies that work down there and am always rooting for you peeps!

Good to hear, thanks!


Originally posted by Gwynbleidd3192

Most of us fans appreciate your hard work it trying to fix these issues. Bugs are a reality, and while the 95% issue was kind of annoying, my friends and I still got to play and the actual game is f**king phenomenal<3

Yuss. Thanks!