
Anthem Dev Tracker

01 Feb


Originally posted by ElloGovna_

it’s a demo of the full release 🤷🏼‍♂️ Everyone who downvoted this can suck my dick lmao 😂

It's a taste of the overall experience that you can expect to have within Anthem, please keep in mind that this build is outdated by a month or so and as such the likes of balancing, economy and more has been altered in the run up to launch.


Originally posted by HearingSword

Is freeplay limited to four players?

Yes, Freeplay is currently 4 players max, however if you're on your own it is possible to come across other players and join up with them. If you're seeking more players to hang out with there's also the recently revealed Launch Bay which will be a social hub for upto 16 players.


There shouldn't, because you shouldn't be hurting Grabbits in the first place! :P


Originally posted by Painkillahh

Hey Camden, since you're here answering questions about javelin abilities, is it at all possible to look into the interceptors charge (spark dash)? As an avid vanguard player in mass effect I was a bit disappointed with the Interceptors charge and how it just goes horizontally in whatever direction you're facing instead of being a target lock on. Feels sort of clunky imo.

Thanks for all your hard work!

So Spark Dash should be requiring a target to cast, that being said if there is a target in front of your javelin and you’re aiming a different direction you may take off unintentionally the wrong way.

We may need to look at always casting gear to face crosshair for PC controls.


Ughhhhh this reminded that it’s 3am. I think I have a problem...



Originally posted by badboybilly42582

Improvements to PC controls.......... Please lord please be true. I was flying around like a drunken Tony Stark in the Alpha.....

Sooooo many PC flight and swim improvements went in for launch because of the feedback from the demo last week. I think Ben is going to be talking about it soon, but I can’t wait til y’all get to try it out. Unfortunately we couldn’t get them into the demo, but soon...


Love this stuff, keep it coming. So glad to see strong community contributions like this.


Originally posted by CaptainCummings

Thanks a ton - yeah I didn't mean to presume I knew how it worked; more that the buttons are freed up in terms of assignment. Again thanks so much for the prompt feedback, you guys are really killing it in that department and it's glorious.

No problem! I’ve definitely wanted to lay down some vertical flame walls myself cough Tyrant mine cough.


Originally posted by Xaolin99

Hi /u/BioCamden I have a question about the Storm's Wind Wall. I noticed in the VIP demo while I was flying that the Wind Wall would always bury itself into the ground when placed on the map even if I tried to place it in the air. Is this its intended functionality?

So as far as I know Wind Wall does require some surface to project and place the effect. That being said you are right there is quite a bit underground which is intended. It’s not supposed to be a significant amount but it is so that if you place it on a wall or pillar or something that it extends down vertically from the placement too.


Originally posted by bxxgeyman

How would that work on controller? 🤔

Not sure! Left and right trigger to turn I suppose.


Originally posted by DibsOnStds

I think the main concern is more towards text chat. I see you alrdy have a few ppl replying with their points but I’d like to add some that were left out that’ll hopefully be passed on and considered.

Whether it’s voice or text chat it does not need to be fancy in a game. The most basic of either is just fine. It’s not a secret that things like Discord for example will be used often over in game chat options due to reasons like always being available and not needing to be in game to talk, easier to share links/screenshots along with ease of access due to also being an app.

This doesn’t mean that text/voice chat in a game isn’t necessary though. Communication with random players to complete content was alrdy mentioned but in addition to that there’s another huge point to it. In game chats are were a lot of friendships/squads/guilds etc are started.

For example you just get done running a nighthold with randoms and it was a good group.. you type out “hey guy...

Read more

I could not agree more. We will continue to work on this.


Originally posted by Austin_ACR_151

Try this one. Sorry



Originally posted by jmeredith06

‘Twas the night before Demo
And all through the sub
Redditors wanted to see
If they could run in the Hub

They want to slay with their friends
And do the Stronghold all night
Blowing grabbits apart
What a wonderful sight!

But the devs worked furiously
To limit the fires
That the Freelancers would start
Like they did the week prior

For if the Dominion prevail
With the Anthem of Creation
That would certainly spell doom
For our great peoples’ Nation

But here is the plan
So you’ll want to listen
I’m 95 percent finished

This is going up on the wall of our studio. Bravo!


Originally posted by chadorable

If I didn’t know any better, it was starting to feel like “don’t you guys have phones?” But with mics.. lmao

Thanks for the updates!

Hahahah. Damn I hope it didn't come across that way lol. Yeah it's a big group so I make sure not to speak for anyone else. A lot of us are copypasta-ing comments directly from here into our feedback slack channel, so the is a ton of stuff coming up already. It's pretty rad to see :)


Originally posted by snekky_snekkerson

I have no problem with voice chat only.

But i do, really, really want a matchmaking filter for mic only.

Is there a way to do it so that I am only paired with people with active mics? If voip is default on, there will be a lot of players who have it turned on who don't have a mic attached. I want to make sure I am matchmade with players who will communicate.

I will pass that on!


Originally posted by Kyoj1n

Don't be like FO76 and assume everyone will always been in a perfect environment to use and listen to voice chat. There are plenty of reasons people won't or can't use voice.

They just don't want to be heard, maybe their accent, speech impediment, or something else.

There are other noises in their room that will disrupt other people.

Their mic just doesn't work for some reason.

A chat box will mitigate all that. It doesn't even have to be on screen all the time. Just when people use it.

Oh I whole heartedly agree! I'm not assuming, I just don't have control to affect the final UX/social decisions, but I'll make sure this is on their radar (I'm pretty sure it already is too).


Originally posted by chadorable

Even on console, we need it, no matter what counter argument is brought up for a very simple reason: puzzles.

I’ve never been so flabberghasted. How do I make three other people not undo what I just did, if they all are listening to music or just have me muted?

Text chat.

In a game like this, where you can get stuck on an objective indefinitely, we need to be able to say “match the colours” or “don’t leave the platform” and not just with our voice that might not be heard.

If at that point I still don’t get their attention, I’d just leave; but floating around shooting at something or throwing flares hoping someone will notice is just as maddening.

100% agree!


Originally posted by JTPTP

Ah good to hear :) (Edit:) Yeah? Hopefully they end up being easy to distinguish.

Yeah My audio was so bugged. Made me realise how crucial audio is in a game. Hopefully this weekends beta will be better for me.

Sorry to say, we didn't get an opportunity to patch anything audio related inbetween weekends - it is however, completely fixed (and polished) in the release build.

Hopefully you can bear with us until then!


Originally posted by JTPTP

I’m unsure if there was any sound cues for my abilities coming off cooldown in the beta because my audio was glitched.

If there is then fair play. But if there isn’t it would definitely be a great QOL addition in the game considering how quickly abilities regen it’s “annoying” having to look down to the right so much during combat.

Thank you.

Yep there is a sound, much more prevalent in the shipping build mix.

If it's still not doing the job, let me know.