
Anthem Dev Tracker

31 Jan


Originally posted by Earz13

If I pre ordered the game thru gamestop will I still be able to play early thru EA Access?

You would need an EA Access membership in order to use the Play First Trial of 10 hours of Anthem close to launch. Preordering through GameStop is an entirely separate entity and as such, doesn't affect it :)


Originally posted by SunioMc

I hope this will fix the loading screen issues. Thats basically the most critical bug in the Demo.

And maby the Audio issue? But that's something you can live with as you can still finish the mission and then restart the game...

We identified one major problem (a resource wasn't being released under some conditions, so the level could not unload) and prepped a fix on Saturday, tested all day Sunday/Monday and it went through certification shortly after that.

There are some other fixes that should help the game recover when there are service errors (which was also sometimes presenting as 'infinite loads').

All that said, we reproduced and fixed some problems... though given the narrow amount of time we had to turn around a fix, we might not have caught everything. ๐Ÿ˜Š


Originally posted by frostmourne9

Not sure if this is the best place to ask this but, here I am. My friend got this on Xbox and is starting to wish he got it for PC. Is it possible to call someone and have his pre-order switched to a PC download?

Quite the predicament, although it should still be able to resolved with enough patience.

If your friend had purchased it via the Xbox store or via he can try go into his order history here and look for Anthem and cancel it. If he cannot do that, he should try and get in touch with Xbox support via the "Get Order Help" link that you would see on that order page.

This is me guessing that it is via Xbox directly though, but ideally as the game is still in its preorder phase you can cancel it and buy it elsewhere. Best of luck to your friend!


Originally posted by Shippoualt

Can you disable ALL of the HUD?

Including damage numbers and enemy health bars and red icon above their heads?

I believe you can, although not fully - I think some things such as crosshair might remain.


Originally posted by iimorbiid

Hey, I played the shit out of the closed demo but I would love to try out the Interceptor, I just don't want to open the demo again just to realize I'm still level 15 with Storm being my chosen Javelin.

Sorry if this question has been answered before.


Due to the issues that we had within the VIP Demo, all participants from the VIP Demo will be able to use all four Javelins in the Open Demo.


Originally posted by Vengance183

What is the default button mapping like?

What level of customization do you have?

Can you rebind Aim & Fire to L1 R1?

Just shed a little light on this here and you can find the default layout for the PlayStation 4 controller ...

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Originally posted by Vengance183

Hello Totalfps, Do you know if it is possible to customize button mappings on PS4, to what extent and specifically rebind L/R2 with L/R1?

Will try and look into this further for an updated answer, although I am fairly sure that there won't be custom button mapping, if it helps - I believe there are alternate presets available that move the buttons around a little. Will try get a definitive response soon.


Just to make sure everyone is clear, the below image is the correct dates for our Open Demo.

Latest Info & Updates:

Read more External link โ†’

Hi! This was a typo that I've confirmed has been fixed (or should be shortly).

Sorry for the confusion everyone! The Open Demo is still Feb. 1 - 3.

More info on demos:


Originally posted by SirWilliamB

has the looping guns sounds been fixed in the release build? i noticed throughout the demo on a few occasions squad mates guns would sound like they are firing indefinitely even though they are not shooting.


Also i might have notable thing to add to system crashes, my console crashed out to the dashboard 3 times WHILE firing the autocannon class of weapon. All 3 times it happened.

Yes, and that's awesome info. We will test 4 peeps blasting autocannons and if that tell us anything :)


Originally posted by RayzTheRoof

I'll try a bunch this weekend. I had issues where I lost only some audio elements in big fights in the stronghold while collecting those wisp things. Most noticeably the audio of my javelin effects like sprinting and flying jets disappeared. But after a fight they came back.
I did completely lose all audio at some point though and needed a game restart.

Also, thanks for the response so late at night.

Ah the dropouts are because of bad limiting. That's all fixed in release.

The drop out and restart, that's something worse that we are trying to trap.


Originally posted by RayzTheRoof

But I have this issue on PC

That's the NaN bug I think, I mentioned it in another thread. Can you video capture it happening? Would love to see/hear it.


Originally posted by dtbjohnson

Do you have any idea what causes it? Is there anything we can do on our end to avoid or help?

Iยดm sure the community would be glad to help out with all sorts of data to point you to the problem. System speccs, ISP, whatever helps you identifying the problem.

I don't personally, but our LiveOps team has identified it as far as I understand. I think using specific repros from users, so that's awesome.

Just hit me up on here if you run into anything else (demo 2 or launch). I'll make sure it gets reported.


Originally posted by PM_HOW_WAS_YOUR_DAY

I'm not 100% certain if it will get fixed

Ah, stuck at 95% certainty. I understand.

Lol! Yep.


Originally posted by SoSoMeaty

So I had meant to make a post during the VIP demo, but haven't had a chance till now. Somewhere near the end of the demo I noticed that in the settings was the option to play with Color Blindness settings. I am Red-Green Color Blind (Protanopia). I for the most part spend my life kind of just accepting colors without really labeling them or thinking about it. But in some game content I've found that settings like this can really help discern between different items or areas (Destiny for example makes it easier to tell the difference between element shields and engrams).

So on to the issue. Upon setting the game for Protanopia I found that the games contrast had been heavily changed to the point that I could not see in front of me during a night time Stronghold. Obviously I played with the brightness and contrast, but found it to largely wash out the picture, both with monitor settings and game settings. My monitor (XF270HU) does great in other games that offer these options...

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Just as a note, we're looking in to this ๐Ÿ˜Š.


Originally posted by Blockedgiant

Are there more secrets on the main menu?

Likely not, but I can neither confirm nor deny :P


Originally posted by Cmr00851

Great job by the Bioware dev team for putting this in! I am truly excited to see what other fun easter eggs you guys put in!!

Live service == infinite awesome easter eggs. Keep hunting Freelancers!


Originally posted by hugh_jas

Thank you so much for the answer.

If you have time to answer one more, i was wondering if anyone over there is still working on a 1080/60fps mode for the xbox one x and ps4 pro?

Everyone here appreciates all you guys working so hard to answer our questions!

I think because of feedback that's logged as QoL for the future. I'll check tho!


Originally posted by JupiterRyse

I think I played too much ME tonight. For some reason your answer remind me of a Salarian ๐Ÿคทโ€โ™‚๏ธ๐Ÿ˜‚

Just have to say it pitched up! :)