
Anthem Dev Tracker

30 Jan


Originally posted by OWRaif

I think you misunderstood his second question, it's not "Why is this an online game only" but why is Denuvo in an online game only.

Think we can all agree that Anthem is made to be played with others

You’re right OWRaif I did miss that, thanks for pointing that out. One word made a huge difference there.


Originally posted by Fahn414

Will there be a tether limit like in VIP Demo? As is you get teleported to other players if theyre way ahead?

Not in Freeplay... The size of the radii in the final game are bigger, we bumped them up from where they are in the demo (we might bump them up again too, depending on how they're working). 😊


Originally posted by PriorRobot

Just my opinion and I just believe in people and to me why would they go to all this trouble to be transparent then mess it up. It doesnt make sense to me. Games in this genre have already proven if you listen to the community and dont screw the players then you can have an endless game that is rewarding for both players and the company....

So. Much. This.


Originally posted by Bretsenking

I understand there are a lot of more important stuff being prioritized 😂 but maybe in the distant future? Tnx for answering guys

Yeah especially during launch. But....these are EXACTLY the kinds of ideas we want from the community. So thanks, and we will bring it up once the dust settles a bit :)


Originally posted by j_harv

Just add it to the list! I would love to see a future large content update add a bit of a UI overhaul, which includes dealing with the wasted space from the slanted menus, to PC menus (less panel scrolling) and something that helps us see both our post-game stats as well as in game character stats in the Forge. A little more color to the weapon and armor rarity would help too, since everything just looks the same with a slightly different border right. See mock up here

Thanks buddy, and happy.... developing?

Thank you j_harv! Thanks for that link, some good stuff in there.


Originally posted by BioCamden

Not that I know of at the moment but sounds awesome.

Ditto :)


Originally posted by Bretsenking

u/BioWareJer u/BioCamden any secret plans for loading screens for launch/post release? :)

Not that I know of at the moment but sounds awesome.


Originally posted by malidorian

Hey Camden I haven't participated much in this community but seeing you interact with even some of the more extreme cases of criticism like this and in such a formal and professional manner gives me a lot of hope. I just want you guys to know that your communication, especially in admitting certain aspects can be improved, makes me want to take this journey into anthem even more because even if certain features will come later I feel an earnest want from you all to make it the best it can be. Keep up the great work can't wait to see all you devs around the launch bay. :)

EDIT: A word

Thanks a lot Malidorian, I really appreciate that. I know my answer isn’t going to be loved by everybody, I also know people assign different value to all kinds of features. There is so much more that I wish we could have gotten to. A lot of which we may get to revisit soon which is the benefit of being a committed live service after launch. Hope I didn’t come across too harshly, it wasn’t my intent. Again thanks.


Originally posted by Kazan

Camden, this is the first time i've seen a post from yours that seems just a tad tone deaf, but i think it's because this bit of technology is outside of your area.

Denuvo is a much hated anti-pirating software, it does a bad job at preventing pirating - and it is redundant for that purpose in an always connected online game. It is known to cause performance and compatibility issues, and people have privacy concerns about it.

This is a very dangerous thing and could very much blow up in your faces for having used it

Hey Kazan thanks for the insight and honesty. You’re certainly right that this is outside of my expertise. I try to hop in where I’m tagged with any insight I can offer, I just don’t have any here.


Originally posted by A_moral_Animal

No delays. ༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ Give Anthem now pls.

Ty for your energy <3


Originally posted by Jerry_from_Japan

Well I was responding to a post in this thread specifically talking about such things like base stats of your armor and health /shields, flight time, etc.. And again if it's a matter of there not being enough time between now and the release.....then it needs to be delayed. That's not being extreme, that's what needs to happen because these are basic elements of the game we're talking about here that are missing.

With how much talk you guys do about players being able to really dig into their builds and min/max stuff and how that's gonna be a big part of the endgame....the players are going to need that info in order to really care about doing that. Up until the VIP demo and just now with the confirmation of that tweet from Ben that i hadn't seen before, it was something so basic that I just assumed was in the game. I didn't think twice about it. That it isn't is a huge oversight for a game in the mold that Anthem is in. You guys need to understand that. It...

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I hear what you’re saying Jerry, but delaying the entire game for a feature like this just isn’t going to happen. While I understand that this type of feature is extremely important to you, I think you’ll still be able to make informed gear, weapon, and component decisions with what we have available, and play the way you want to. You can still view equipped versus selected gear, still compare this increases or decreases in stats, can still view what you gain and lose or what contributes to your build.

Is it ideal? Maybe not. Would we build this type of character sheet if we had more time or resources? Probably. Which is why Ben expressed it’s something we want to do.

But in developing a game, or really any project, you have to make decisions based on those limitations (time, scope, resources) based on priority. It sounds like your priorities and ours just didn’t line up here.


Originally posted by CowbellOfGondor

Is there a chance we will ever see something about our loot during a run, like slot? Or will we only ever see rarity type until we finish the run?

I'm not too sure tbh, I think if enough people ask you may get something like that added, but it's a different department so I can't speak for them.


Originally posted by RedRupture

They need to remove the pick up / pick up notification delay

Think this is something to do with the server registration for the gear. Not sure it can be fixed, maybe sped up? I'll ask :)


Originally posted by Zaffy_Duck

Loot games without explosions / shiny lights / cool sound that makes your brain release serotonin are bad.

Don’t be bad !

Basically peggle :)


Originally posted by ilgeek

Also, it would be nice to have an audio/visual cue when your shield goes down, like the depolarization effect in star trek :p

We have a shield break sound :)


Originally posted by DoctorJekkyl

Might I recommend sharing a screen shot to the community?

Sorry I can't post content, hit up BenIrvo :)


Originally posted by etham

Not just loot sounds. There needs to be death sounds as well, enemy callouts/taunts (i.e. grenade out!). Fighting the average humanoid mooks is odd that nobody is shouting at each other.

We have fixed this too :)


Originally posted by phabiohost

Thanks for responding. Though I do still have one question. Will the build for this coming weekend be the same or will there be improvements from the VIP build. Because as it stands I was sitting at 100% CPU usage every time more than 1 enemy was near me.

I’ve largely been looped into other launch prep and post-launch planning stuff this week after our demo weekend and the feedback that came out of it. Specifically for gameplay related items.

Meaning I’m not in the loop on what (if any) changes we’ve made for next weekend. Sorry I could be more help here Phabio.


Originally posted by PastOverFuture

/u/biocamden Any chance we can get a response to this? Why is this in an online-only game? Could probably improve performance for everyone with this gone.

I unfortunately not at all familiar with this aspect of our game, it’s simply not my area of expertise. But I know we got plenty of feedback and reports about loading and optimization.

Edited: Removed the part that was a response to “Why is this an online game?” because I misread the question.


Originally posted by xk4l1br3

You guys are doing a great job. I really want this game to succeed, best of luck in the final crunch.

Final crunch is over! We are just tuning and responding to feedback on here :) thank you though!