
Anthem Dev Tracker

30 Jan


Originally posted by Tzekel_Khan

Colossus Don't get a helmet customization option. Can Shield customization be implemented please?

I believe it was brought up in the customization stream and talked about. For now your shield will inherit appearance characteristics you set via paints but I don’t know what the plans are for future customization.


Originally posted by Jerry_from_Japan

They need to delay the game then until they make that happen. It's pretty much that simple. For as much as they talk about customizing builds and being able to min/max stuff, without the corresponding stats and info we need in order to compare potential builds we want to go with.....what the f**k is the point?

You hear that /u/BenIrvo or /u/BioCamden? Or any dev willing to comment on this and give us an explanation as to why it's not in the game? For as much as you talk about in your dev streams about grinding for powerful and more efficient builds in the end game without having that kind of info on hand for you players in order to see what gives them what they want and how it affects their health or shields or armor or whatever you want to call it (not to mention other things that are affected like hover time)'s almost pointless. We know there HAS to be some type of stat or numeric value or something to measure ...

Read more

So a few things, the original post here is talking about statistics that are likely being pulled from servers via telemetry reporting. That’s a completely different type of reporting than what you are describing you want here which is character sheet statistics per player.

I appreciate your feedback, but delaying the game is a little extreme. But I am glad that you passionate about it. As mentioned above in the tweet from Ben, it’s something we want to do but didn’t have the time or resources to do for launch.


Originally posted by Ebojager

Was thinking of getting this for PC but don't want to have to install some front end just to play the game. Is that going to be required to play on PC?

Thank you

Oh ya...If I download the trial will I have to redownload the full game on release?

If you're meaning the likes of Origin when you say front end, then yes, you will need to install Origin in order to play Anthem on PC.


Originally posted by RagingAndyholic

Interceptor was fun, but at some point I felt like I was doing something wrong. But I should be combo wing or something, instead of just mashing Y

Play the game however you'd like, other Freelancers with other Javelins are often needed to set up combos - You can do them yourself but that's additional work too, I think once people have begun learning the intricacies then you'll see that happening more and more. Demo, probably not - people are just trying to figure things out and not kill Grabbits.


Originally posted by austfraust

I have played in the VIP demo but will not be able to play in the next demo, and I going to miss out on any benefits for my main character when the game goes live? I played every day the vip demo was live and did all content in it.

No, you're not going to miss out on anything as far as I am aware. Aside from extra training in your preferred Javelin, Freelancer!


Originally posted by galaxysaris

How can I make myself floating (not flying around) while shooting monster ? I’m using pc desktop

Pressing C key should do the trick, here's a full list of keyboard commands for your Javelin.


Originally posted by SmallStress

Is this game worth playing as someone who likely end up playin it alone. I have a good amount of experience playing Destiny(Destiny after the Taken King came out, and Destiny 2 for the first 9 months but wasnt impressed so havent play it since despite friends wanting me to get forsaken.)

You can absolutely play the game on your own if you want, although the mantra is Strong Alone, Stronger Together. If you run into trouble, someone will be there to help if you absolutely need it. A few endgame portions may be really difficult to complete solo though. Tackle the world at your own pace :D


Originally posted by dizzymcfable

Do we know anything more about enemy variety? There was a nice amount in the demo, but is that it or are there heaps more in the full game?

Are there more types of titan and at her major monsters to fight?

There's definitely a couple more in the full game, I personally didn't spot some from the CES 2019 trailer for example.


Originally posted by nolas85

Commendations to u/BioWareJer. I know all the devs have been responsive during all of this spin up but I was shocked to see the "BioWare" tag littering the screen as I scrolled. The rate/frequency of your responses is truly impressive. I know it's been said but thanks again for this.

Thank you! Everyone (for the most part) has been offering good ideas and valid concerns. I'm happy to try to answer what I can :)

29 Jan


Originally posted by accombat97

I love how involved you all are! This is kind of a small thing, but the edges of the screen were clipped on my tv (ps4), and I set my screen area to fit, but it didn't take effect in game. Will there be a way to change the screen area in game? Thanks in advance!

That's filed. Will be fixed.


Originally posted by VanillaTortilla

Just gotta give you audio guys props. The sound design, the music, it's all incredible. The sounds are visceral, and the soundtrack has such a great feel to it.

Awesome, glad you like it!


Originally posted by Mordecay1986

I love you guys. I hope your publisher doesn’t screw up your hard work!

Thanks! They have been great :)


Originally posted by ajm53092

Where do you guys stand on competitive PvE. For example, going head to head with another squad in separate instances of stronghold. It is scored based on kills/combos/speed. There are bonus objectives you can complete to mess with opposing teams stronghold instance? It can be a ranked playlist. After the game, you can view your opponents gear. I think it would add a ton of longevity to the game.

Yeah that's a sweet idea. Kind of like the battlelog but team based. I'll pass it on!


Originally posted by Kdogg573

Is there a way to add what we pick up to the visual tag? I dont mean the name if the gun or support specifically but somthing like "Rare weapon" or "Uncommon assault mod". That would make the drops more exciting for me at least.

I will ask around :)


Originally posted by Strayed54321

Thank you, and everyone at Bioware. You guys are the best!



Originally posted by darksora2323

I was cautiously optimistic & I’m so happy it payed off in the end. Game is truly something special & plays like nothing else out there. This is our game

Love this comment.


Originally posted by NyuuPingu

Any IT Consultants needed in the gaming industry? haha

Always :)


Originally posted by NyuuPingu

Also the end of expedition screen has had a lot more work put into it :)

Can you make it so that I can hover my mouse over feats to see what the icons mean? Because otherwise I'll never learn that... :D

I'll ask!


Originally posted by SweatyNReady4U

Hopefully they’ve come around on the micro transactions too...

Oh yeah.


Originally posted by Strayed54321

Can you also pass on this?

It would be really helpful for us number people and min/maxers if we could see a total roll up of our stats (health, shield strength, damage bonuses, flight time increase, etc.), or to just see what our total hp and shield strength are.

Yeah that's been a constant request from fans. I'm pretty sure the design team has heard it :)