
Anthem Dev Tracker

29 Jan


Originally posted by Jerry_from_Japan

So wait a second.....there wasn't a plan to do something like that? How did they expect people to know what was working?

Look I know it's not your fault, but there's been several instances now where people have asked about some pretty standard things about a game in this type of genre. Be it what I asked, absolute basic stuff like showing a stat or value of some sort of what our javelin's health and armor is at, having a mini map, having a social hub, the list goes on. And we've gotten some pretty alarming responses to where it doesn't even seem like it was considered beforehand.

It's just scary that we're only a couple weeks away from release, the game has gone gold and we're just now still passing along requests for what should be seen as just standard, everyday type of information and features for players. How did this happen?

I don't know actually, it's not my department :)

I just meant I would pass it on, chances are it's already come up.


Originally posted by Diablo516-

Thanks for answering, I appreciate it. Don’t nerf his specific components! I hear they make him a blast to play!!! Speaking of nerfs, keep them at a minimum or just boost other abilities to keep up with the better ones. I want this game to be fun, and nerfs always ruin that!

Yeah definitely always thinking of that, it’s more about how we can make both useful for Colossus. Don’t want half of the components being significantly less useful.


Revolution often begins with a spark, and there were 2 million sparks in that demo! Remember the Grabbits, they have feelings too!!


Originally posted by LawbringerX

You guys are so goddamn awesome. If I ever join the gaming industry (currently just a corporate lawyer), it would be the gold standard and highest aspiration to join Bioware after seeing how you guys operated on this game and interacted with your audience (and their needs/wishes).

EA has lawyers :)


Originally posted by Ausy88

God damn I can't help but admire how much you guys are both communicating and listening with/to the community. Serious props for that it's really heartening to see.

Thanks! We only succeed through working together, especially on a live service. EA has really come around to seeing that and supporting it over the past few years.


Originally posted by ThePhonyOne

Of all the bugs I encountered it's the easiest to deal with and the least common. The 95% load bug though happened to me nearly every time I loaded in to a space that wasn't Fort Tarsis.

Yeah that bug is the one we are fixing for next weekend. Was a huge source of frustration for both us and our fans :(


Originally posted by xaiel420

I knew you guys would be all over it, but it’s definitely something that I wanted to address. You guys have a phenomenal IP in the making. It’s amazing right now, I can’t wait to see how high you guys can fly :)

Thank you for taking the time to respond to me u/BioWareJer . You and your team should be proud. You’re almost there! Keep up the great work.



Originally posted by benjamin_noah

No dedicated sound card, just my motherboard's onboard audio (MSI x299 Gaming Pro Carbon AC).

The speakers are set to 24-bit, 44100 Hz. Headphones are set to 16-bit, 48000 Hz.

FWIW, I haven't noticed any audio problems with other games or applications. And - aside from stuttering in the loading music - I didn't notice any issues with Anthem's sound, so long as I didn't try to change the audio output while in-game.

If there's anything else you'd like to know or would like me to try, please don't hesitate to ask. I'm happy to help!

Yeah that's strange. Set both your outputs to the same bit depth and sample rate, see if it still happens?


Originally posted by Jerry_from_Japan

Do we get stats of how many enemies we've killed after each mission, how many combos we triggered, how much damage we did, etc ? Because that sort of stuff would be really helpful as to knowing how well a build is working. I know it's being tracked, why not just show us?

I'll pass it on :)


Originally posted by anduin2000

Can you confirm if an audio sound has been added for crafting? Having the cool graphic pop-up with complete silence is kind of awkward.



Originally posted by Im_Working_Right_Now

It could essentially be done like other shooters where you can press a button to cycle through your teammates and spectate them or watch your own character.

Yeah I think it's a topic that continues to be discussed.


Originally posted by EnSabahNur5142

Very happy to hear the end of expedition screen has had more work.

When the demo worked properly for me, the game was really fun. You got something good here.

Keep up the good work!



Originally posted by ColJohn

I know this might be the place for this, but Id really appreciate a response. Did the mouse controls on PC receive any re-tuning since the alpha/VIP demo? Mouse flight and water controls feel really... off no matter the sensitivity or settings that I use. feels GREAT on a controller.

Totally. Much more in line with what you would expect now :)


Originally posted by Eladiun

Thanks for the outstanding community engagement.

Thanks for the outstanding community!


Originally posted by scherling

A squad does not seem to have the option to vote/kick a player if he/she is afk or crashed.

Threre is also no option to give some one else the leadership of a squad

Squad leadership is supposed to migrate automatically, I believe we also have a feature in the backlog to allow people to pass it manually. I'll make sure there's a bug on this - thanks for mentioning it! 😊


Originally posted by RelativeStatement

I'm sure this was a latency issue but wanted to share a quick video of something I experienced. Absolutely love this game by the way.

Anthem VIP demo

Yep, known bug (and I think fixed already as well) - your streaming effectively got "stuck". 🙁


Originally posted by xaiel420

Hey everyone. Since the dev team has been so in touch with the community, I wanted to add my two cents in for what makes an enjoyable looting experience.

This pertains to all loot, but legendary and masterwork in particular.

When loot of the highest qualities drop for you, one of the most exhilarating and reaffirming feelings is the one of hearing the audio cue, followed by the visual representation of the loot you just worked so hard to get. I love what Anthem is so far, and I want that feeling to be there. This is what keeps people coming back.

This is the Diablo III loot drop noise. It is very distinct and rewarding. You also get a nice bright orange or green beam letting you know what dropped.

I think if Anthem is to succeed in the long term, the satisfaction of acquiring loot needs to be emphasized. During the beta when I acquired my loot,...

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Yep, we agree. We have fixed this in the mix and there are tiers of sounds to match rarity.

Also the end of expedition screen has had a lot more work put into it :)

Let us know what you think after launch!


Originally posted by Biggy_DX

Yes. The NPC's animate (like using arm gestures), but they dont seem to be speaking. I'm just wondering if this was intentional

Yeah we actually hate that too, but unfortunately we done have all the animations tied to VO lines. We tried to get it better on this game, but it still needs work in our opinion. And the fort does get busier with more VO playing as you play :)


Originally posted by jebediahkermanater

Thought I would give my 2 cents. First and foremost, I appreciate your replies to the many threads in the subreddit. It has provide myself (and I imagine many others) insight to why certain design choices are made, whether people agree with them or not. Keep it up!

With regards to rez while ulting, I agree with your sentiment of giving players more choices in the way they play. However I think the issue in this case is that one choice seems to have no risk and will be abused in higher difficulties.

Reading the situation you personally encountered ingame, I can't help but think you would've had no risk if you rezzed your teammate personally instead. (why get someone else to rez and possibly die when you could have told them to back off for 5 seconds and rez him yourself, completely invincible?)

One again, giving players choices is great!! But they all need to have a certain amount of risk associated to them, or else there really isn't a choice now, is there...

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Even without risk there can be choice. I certainly don’t believe that choice always have to come from risk/reward. Choice can come from efficiency or optimal gameplay. The choice I outlined was an efficiency choice. Yes I could have resurrected my teammate and the squad kill the wave, but that was far less efficient because of the output of my ultimate. Also even if I’m invincible there can be secondary squad risk. If I do something that indirectly puts them on more danger or risk (through action or inaction) that is a choice too. So if I decide to use my Ult to res somebody rather than clear out 30 mobs, and those mobs go on to kill my other two teammates, is that a good choice (1 for 2?).

By my understanding of the previous arguments yes, because resurrecting while invulnerable is always the optimal choice. But in my opinion that is certainly not the better choice. Clearing out the add wave, securing my teammates safety (for now) and then creating an opportunity before t...

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Originally posted by benjamin_noah

I played the demo last weekend and had an audio bug that required multiple game restarts.

If I switched audio outputs in Windows from my speakers to my headsets, or vice versa, it would break the game's audio. When I switched from speakers to headphones, it sounded like everything, including voices, was slowed down to quarter speed. When I switched from headphones to speakers, the audio played at normal speed but sounded like it was skipping several times every second. It would be fine again if I switched back to the device that was active when I booted the game, but I'd need to restart the game with the other device active if I wanted to switch. There was also some static and skipping with the launch music every time I booted the game, but that went away once I was in control of my character (as long as I didn't try switching the audio device).

If it helps, I'm running the latest build of Windows 10. My speakers are Klipsch "The Sixes" and my headphones are Steel...

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Thanks! Sorry to hear about your issues, can you tell me what sample rate your outputs are set to? Do you use a dedicated sound card?