
Anthem Dev Tracker

29 Jan


Originally posted by srbnsn

3rd Person out of suit option please Devs

/u/BioCamden /u/BrenonHolmes /u/BenIrvo

I’d say we’re probably pretty locked in at this point honestly. Would be an incredible amount of work to change this. But thank you for the feedback.


Originally posted by BananaBob55


• I’m fighting that giant ass spider boss

• Epic music in the background

• Spider clompin around, little minion cunts tryin to take me down

• Flying around, using badass abilities

• Teammates giving pro callouts

• Feelscoolman

Then all of a sudden I go down; the music stops, the sounds of my teammates and enemies become dull, and my teammates now sound stupid without the atmosphere of the fight

The awesome and tense moment now becomes a silent wait for a teammate to come and pick me up. I’m taken straight out of the battle.

Solution? Keep the music, keep the sounds, and allow us to spectate teammates so we aren’t just watching them have all the glory while we remain frozen on the ground. We can continue to feel like we’re a part of the fight while watching our brethren battle to save us.

Interesting thread. Maybe make it customizable? Seems pretty evenly divided...


Originally posted by Diablo516-

So I’m guessing the inscriptions on the universal will be a lot better, compared to the base stats on the specific being better? It’s the only reason I could see using a universal over a specific.

Just looking at the colossus for example, it seems to me there’s no reason to use universals over specifics because the specific makes for such an extreme difference in builds. I planned to main him, but after I played him for 30 minutes I ran screaming back to my ranger. He felt so broken. After reading about the mods and needing better gear for him to shine I want to try him again in the open demo.

Based solely on the demo he definitely needs a buff, but I can see that could be a product of dumping us in the middle of the game with crap gear. Maybe the way you guys structured his style wasn’t suited for the environment you put him in.

So we’re still trying to work through how best to scale universal components for the Colossus, because you’re right the choice is less of a choice for Colossi versus other suits. We’ll keep working at this.


Originally posted by MrWaterplant

I know I'm real late to this but I wanted to throw some nice words your way because the communication and openness regarding this game has been outstanding. I have full faith in you and your team and this game and I am absolutely dying to get my hands on it again. You've got something great on your hands and I think you definitely have good reason to be proud.

Never too late my friend! Thank you for the kind words.


Originally posted by jabringmann

Regarding The 'Target' ability for the Interceptor.

When casted to an enemy, does that increase damage by 33% for all Javelins attacking the enemy with the debuff


specifically for the interceptor who casted it to that enemy?

I'm assuming for all javelins but the text is little ambiguous.

Hey Jabringmann, yes it’s for all party members


Originally posted by thoomfish

Like performance on your actual hardware? Just want to make sure I’m capturing your sentiment correctly because I’ve also heard optimize PC flight controls or optimize the UI.

All three, please. I'd personally rate the order of importance as: Most important, hardware. Second most, flight controls. Third most, UI.

The UI and flight controls feel weird, but they're something you could eventually get used to. The framerate is bad enough that I canceled my preorder until it gets fixed. I was getting 40fps, with frequent hitching and freezes, at 2560x1440 on an i5-4670K, GTX1080, 24GB RAM, SSD setup, even on low/medium settings.

Thanks for your thoughts and input Thoom.


Originally posted by Ultraband1

Same thing happened to me as well, every time I finished an expedition the screen came up that I unlocked a new Javelin, after the 3rd time I was able to unlock one (the Storm), after playing more during the weekend I kept getting that screen and seeing nothing more which I thought, small bug report it, however once it got to Sunday night and reloaded the game due to the infinite load screen that I encountered almost every expedition at least once ii checked the forge to change my load out and it said I had 3 more unlocks, so I unlocked the Interceptor and the Colossus, but it still said I had one more unlock. so I wanted to bring that to your attention.

on a note, I thoroughly enjoyed the game play on the game as it fells like a really enjoyable game and am looking forward to the release. I really want your studio to succeed.

Thank you Ultra! Yeah there was some weirdness with the unlocks for sure. Ultimately we granted everybody access to all 4 but it seemed like there were extras. Appreciate your report.


Originally posted by lefty929

I haven't even played this game but as a gamer I have to say its amazing you posted this. THIS is the proper way to do community management. You guys, and you in particular earn major points for being so present and responsive on the forums. I legit may preorder just seeing the dev representation on here. Keep it up!

Thank you lefty, I figure every little bit counts. If you all took the time to post your thoughts. The least I could do is read it and respond when I can!


Originally posted by SacredDarksoul

I tried res'n with interceptor during the boss fight while using ult and it failed every time. The animation and bar played but they didn't get resurrected.

Had to wait until after ult ended.

I had a few times where that occurred myself, but also had a few times where it worked. We’ll have to look into that.


Originally posted by GreyWind11

In regards to colossus res wit shield up, ranger and storm (didnt play interceptor but i hear his ult is useful for risky revives) have methods of shielding during res. and their blue health on top of that. but my beautiful THICC boi has to face tank all the bullets with his green health. feels a bit off unless i take the damage reduction support ability (which i like better anyway).

Several times i naturally tried to hold my shield up during revive. it felt like i should.

Good point, thank you Grey.


Originally posted by bhouse08

The only other uncommon complaint I have is no matter if you picked inversion look on or off while at fort tarsus the results would always be the same.

Sorry peeps! Was known (relatively hard to trap) issue that we couldn't get sorted before the demo. Fixed in release!


Originally posted by Halbrium

I'm running a 1080 TI in 3440x1440 and get 30-50 fps. This is with all of the top level settings off, and AA set to TAA, and Post Processing set to Low.

Whats worse is when I turn other settings down I don't see a big FPS gain. Combat seems to be the worst for FPS but there are some bad moments just flying around.

I get 80-100 FPS in Battlefront II on Ultra for comparison.

All I want is the ability to have a solid 60. More would be better, but combat doesn't feel great for me right now with a near top of the line card.

Hey Halbrium, I don’t have any great specifics right now on what may come out of all of the feedback we got regarding performance/optimization across the board, but I appreciate you taking the time give your details either way.


Originally posted by PropheticEvent

Thank you.

Sorry I’m late! What Zinezune said.


Originally posted by agonyou

Last question. There is a discord server setup is this only for devs/beta/demo?

Hey Agonyou, I’m actually not familiar with the Discord. Was it an official one? I may be out of the loop.


Originally posted by CourteousSmith

u/Biocamden I made a post previously in the day 1 thread, I just had some feedback as an interceptor main.

Venom spray should be executed based on where you are looking not where the javelin is.

Spark dash shouldn't be solely a targeted ability, I should be able to turn around and use the gear to evade or get to my team quicker.

This one more than likely is a stretch for me, but it would enhance my gameplay experience if the wraith strike could carry the combo aura to apply status effects from a range or while evading.

Cluster mine should detonate after hitting an enemy not just over them being walked over.

Regardless of these notes, it was a fantastic fantastic demo beyond the issues that happened. I am looking so forward to full release and open demo.

Thanks so much for the feedback Courteous! I really appreciate the functionality concerns you had for Spark Dash and Venom Spray. Spark Dash does require a target and would take significant work to revamp. I sent myself a note for Venom Spray, I’ll see if we can take a look at that one.

So for Wraith strike do you feel like it needs a little more flair or oomph to it to be more impactful? Could this be achieved through better balancing? It’s definitely a cool idea, just no idea if it’s even possible.

I think for Cluster Mine we actually had gone back and forth on this one and this was seen as a little better because it makes it more of a spread/AoE rather than having them all detonate on the single target.


Originally posted by m10594f4293

what about the audio levels some stuff felt so quiet like the dialogue even guns sounds were super quiet.

i could never hear half the stuff in game and settings were at max levels

I'm worried you were getting cutouts too. The release build has a lot of mixing that should address this.


Originally posted by vhqr

A lot of us have been around since mass effect 1, so understand that we take a great audio experience seriously

Thanks for taking the time to reassure your commitment! I'm totally and I hope you guys deliver. Mass Effect trilogy certainly got its sound right and were three of the best games I've ever played.

Awesome to hear. We loved making them too :) Trust me, with Casey at the helm, we are going to do right by our fans on Anthem and beyond.


Originally posted by CroogQT

Ashamed at my inability to report issues, I will sit in the corner and think about what I've done.

Both of us were PC users.

I can't speak for my buddy, but I'm:

Windows 10, Build 17134

Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-5960X


Game is installed on an SSD

Two valid connected audio outputs (One Logitech wireless headset, the other is a sound card that was not in use).

The only resolution we could come up with for the issue was to restart the game. I tried:

  1. Adjusting the in game audio settings, hoping that having those values update would remind the game to play audio.
  2. Changing default audio device in Windows 10 around, but it didn't seem like the audio was going to the wrong output. For what it's worth, I was using my headset when the issue occurred, but the rest of my computer's audio was unaffected, and still played from my headset like expected.
  3. Restarting the game.
Read more

Thanks. Will try to repro


Originally posted by TeaSwiz

YUS! I love that yall are staying so involved with the community, best I have seen in a long time, especially given the rough demo launch. Truly appreciate the acknowledgement.

Yeah it was a rough start, no doubt. What matters is how we respond. Proof is in the puddin, so to speak <3


Originally posted by CroogQT

I admitadly didn't read all 297 comments, but I didn't see this in u/BioWareJer replies:

Myself and one of my fellow freelancers both had the game audio stop playing back completely. My experience was during the final encounter for "Inverse Functions". My buddy's experience wasn't during the same quest, but we can't remember exactly where it happened.

I'm not sure if you're only looking for design thoughts here, or if this is the right place for that more technical issue. I'll gladly put it somewhere else if needed.

Aside from that...I played the Colossus. My chest hair grew an inch, my voice dropped an octave, and I'm pretty sure I can speak with bears now. Everything y'all did for the Colossus was brilliant in my book.

Ps4? Thanks for the props on the thicc boi :)