I got laid off from BioWare Austin in 2012 during the epic EA “restructuring”. Can I have my old job back? Hahaha
Ugh sorry to hear. Hope you're doing well.
I got laid off from BioWare Austin in 2012 during the epic EA “restructuring”. Can I have my old job back? Hahaha
Ugh sorry to hear. Hope you're doing well.
Read moreAfter playing the demo I would say that I did run into a couple of audio bugs:
- At points when there was a lot of stuff going on sometimes the sound would cut out. I noticed it the most when I was doing runs through the stronghold.
- The other audio bug I ran into was in Fort Tarsis. On the map screen while I was moving the cursor around at times the ambient sounds of Tarsis would cut in and out.
In the mission queue screen when you are getting ready to embark on an expedition, I noticed that when in the social tab where you would invite other players there was no audio feedback from inviting someone. It seemed like it didn't work, although it did because I was in party chat with them and they received the invite, but there were no audio queues that let me know I had sent an invite, just a small visual queue that was pretty subtle. I feel like if there was some type of sound it would feel a little better and not seem like i...
Fixed :)
Read moreNot sure if you guys are still checking this (flagging u/BioWareJer), but I'll throw in my 2 cents after playing a lot this weekend.
- The sound effects for most guns and abilities was absolutely top-notch. Same goes for the sound effects of flying both on a storm and other javelins (I got to try all 4 at the end). The sound effects of the Javs running are meaty and solid and really make you believe they are a strong exo-suit.
- The above applies to when they work. Guns often cut out audio while shooting (the faster they shoot, the more this happened.
- The storm's abilities are especially noteworthy as awesome-sounding. Glacial Spear (Spike?) is one of the most satisfying audio's for an ability I've ever heard, especially when it triggers a combo.
- The colossus's abilities are mostly amazing.
- Any explosive/mortar type ability is perfect IMO.
- Interceptor Glaive/star a...
Awesome, detailed feedback. Thanks!
Thanks for the compliments, I have logged your constructive stuff for review. I think we have addressed most, but not all of it.
Thanks again!
I see you're responsible for the audio, though... sounds in the game was definitely one of the parts that absolutely blew me away this weekend. Applause all around from us who love big explosions!
Read morePasting the content I made into other post:
I don't know if this is already sorted out on the main build. The game had many flaws, but what unsettled the most was the audio. I'm not even a guy who understands anything about audio design or sound in general. I just thought it felt wrong several times when I was playing. I don't mean to bash, just provide my honest feedback. Here some points I had experienced.
Music didn't play at times, leaving an awkward silence.
Other times, the music playing didn't match what was happening on screen. Specially in Fort Tarsis.
Picking up a codex sounds like throwing a hard cover book on the wall.
Audio in the menus felt off and contributed to make the UI feel unresponsive. The volume of beeps and boops didn't always match the action, if you can tell what I mean.
I once got a bug where the game went completely silent and I had to restart. Never seen a bug like ...
This is all valid, your English is fine! We have fixed all of this since the demo build. Please let me know if you hear/see anything after release!
For those that have written large write ups such as this, would you guys want individual posts, or is there a megathread you are all reading up on?
Either is fine, I'm checking in with the demo feedback thread fairly often. 😊
I think that's more a question for what the mods feel is the best format.
showing 4k60fps months ago where you'd need 2x 1080Ti to achieve it, but not supporting it at launch and not giving any information if it ever will be...
it's like Navhkrin said, it was frustration because of the general state of the game and all the issues the "demo" had. nothing against you, my bad. I just want this game to be good so badly!
btw I also got downvoted for this post :P
Fair enough. Sometimes I just can't communicate specifics. I'm sorry if that is frustrating.
I would love everyone to know that we really do care about the community and your experience. From the get-go, I think the team has been transparent about what would and wouldn't be in the game. (Especially through Mark and the rest of the producer's AMAAAA's on Twitter.)
I get that you might not always like the answer, but I think it's better than the alternative. I also understand not everyone has been here since the beginning, which creates some gaps in information.
Read moreThe mouse acceleration issue is that there's negative acceleration if you move the mouse too quickly. In other words your turn speed is effectively capped. The mouse polling rate seems to affect this maybe?
Either way a fix was found here: https://www.mouse-sensitivity.com/forum/topic/5005-anthem/
If we change GstInput.MouseSensitivity in the config from 40 to 1 and then change all the other sensitivity values accordingly then it almost completely removed the negative acceleration.
Hopefully this helps with fixing everything. Especially since this fix makes the in-game sensitivity sliders useless as 100% is way too low, making it so you can only change sensitivity via config.
Edit: This only fixes sensitivity in fort tarsis. Once you're in a javelin mouse acceleration or smoothing comes back though not as bad as without the fix.
You are saying there is negative acceleration for aiming?
I initially read this as feedback on flight/swim. I will look into this also if its for aiming.
Read moreHello everyone,
This is my feedback from extensive play this weekend.
The game was running on PC : i7-7700K, 1080 Ti, 16gb and game installed on a SATA3 SSD. 2 screens : 3440x1440@100Hz + 1080x1920@60Hz.
TL;DR : The game is fun and feels good to play... in between the too many downtimes. 4 Player experience with friend feels very good, but friend play in general need some tweaking because it's not easy to organize. I didn't experience too many game breaking bugs, but there is a lot of small annoying details that needs improvement, especially from a PC player point of view. Performance are not great, which was to be expected for an older build but I do hope for some improvement.
I will not go over launch problems again as their mostly independant from the game experience itself.
I will try to classify the subject to my best depending on when you encouter them.
I will not discuss Javelin b...
Thanks for writing this up! We're currently going through and compiling a lot of the feedback from the VIP demo - I've forwarded this thread (and some of the other feedback threads along to the appropriate groups).
Some of this is has been addressed in later builds (eg: new squad and emote widgets), other bits are known and we'll have to see how quickly we can get to them, and for the rest - it's great to have honest (and civil!) feedback. Thank you! 😊
This was cool :)
I like the guy that is stood there with his hands on his hips just looking at you in utter bewilderment. 😊
Now that's just showing off, Freelancer!
I want a fancy flappy cloak too :(
As much as you and the other BW people are trying to help, a lot of the problems are coming from EA’s customer service. For me, I was able to get a new code generated as I applied it to the wrong account. Someone else with the same issue didn’t get the same treatment and was told that nothing could be done.
I know it’s too late but EA need to have words with their employees so everyone gets the same treatment and aren’t palmed off when issues like this arise. It would probably stop an influx of people asking you guys to sort the problem too. Giving you more time to do other things. Just saying.
That’s a good point Sonks thanks for the heads up. I’ll pass the feedback on to them.
Very cool, looks like something from Gundam.
Ty ty!
Where is this?? I wanna see it!!!
Thanks for being vocal with the community. I know people are complaining about bugs right now, and some arent doing it in a constructive way, but I am grateful that you guys are here in the trenches so to speak.
Thank you Muzzah, glad to be here with you my friend :).
u/BioCamden I believe I’ve found a cause of 95% loading. My total freezing occurred directly after I tried to replay a mission grouped with my friend in squad. Keep trying to make a separate post but it’s being deleted.
My EA account is Maniacal_Ginger if you would like to take a look at its state / account details.
In a nutshell: playing fine , I complete all missions on my own> squad up and play dungeon fine, > attempt to assist friend with mission and suddenly I can’t log in for the rest of the demo. Definitely seems a big coincidence. I’d wager good money this is one cause of 95% freezing!!
I went from being able to play fairly reliably to not at all. I suspect something altered my account state so it couldn’t reload into a new expedition. Can you please confirm you’ve seen this :)
Hey ManiacalGinger, thank you for the additional info that is awesome. Unfortunately I don't have access to the tools necessary to look into specific accounts. That being said I know the team is actively looking into this now. Not sure if there's a good eta or identified fix yet.
Unfortunately the poorly optimized PC performance goes beyond the flight controls and UI. I am referring in regards to this post here https://www.reddit.com/r/pcgaming/comments/akge5c/the_pc_port_of_anthem_was_an_afterthought_with/?st=jrg0xjtj&sh=59728776 which has been upvoted to 1,671 as of 1/27/2019. Also in regards to this article https://www.pcgamer.com/anthem-performance-and-settings/ . This sucks because I'm not the only one experience this so it isn't just related to my hardware which doesn't struggle to play other open world games like Destiny 2, the Witcher, The Division at max settings with at the lowest 60 fps. I had high hopes for Anthem because I am getting quite bored with Destiny 2 but if the game isn't optimized as it should be there's no real point in purch...
Thanks for clarifying, so unfortunately I'm not going to be able to give a much better answer than Ben did here (https://www.reddit.com/r/AnthemTheGame/comments/ak0g9g/no_spoilers_the_pc_version_is_an_afterthought/ef1bpsp/). We're definitely going to be discussing and reviewing potential options for a lot of the aspects that you described. We'll certainl...
Read moreu/BioCamden the game (when I was able to play) looked, felt and sounded fantastic! My wife and daughter all pre-ordered and we are all super hyped!
I have just one suggestion; private Freeplay.
It is so hard to get a squad coordinated irl and the squad slots in an expedition fill up immediately in a public space, so private Freeplay is basically necessary to allow your mates to join you in a session in progress.
Cheers and keep up the great work!
Ugh that is so awesome Nfujinaka I can’t wait for my kids to be old enough to play with me. What a cool experience.
I actually did run into a similar situation with my friends in freeplay where we had to back out, form a party, and re-enter freeplay. That’s not a bad idea but I have no idea how much work it would be. Thank you for the suggestion.
Is there any news from you guys about improved performance? I would love to hear that this is all going to be a distant memory for the open beta and full release.
Hey Phabio thanks for the comment.
This one is tough to answer because it’s difficult (at least for me) to quantify what optimization we’ve done in the time since this Demo build was branched.
I mentioned this in another comment but hardware optimization and performance testing is part of our regular dev cycle, though primarily on the engineering/programming/VFX side of things. We had a lot of hardening tasks focused on all of these after Alpha. That isn’t to say we got it right, or that we are where we need to be, but I imagine that we will talk about performance a lot this week to see where we’re at now versus where we were with this build.