
Anthem Dev Tracker

19 Feb


Originally posted by c0howda

So there appears to be a really easy way to farm MW and legendary gear. Putting game on GM3 and doing free roam and farming a route with likely chest spawns. This seems really bad for the game if the best way to get gear is not doing strongholds, contracts, etc. you can see this at

Thanks, we will look at this!


Originally posted by fearthelettuce

Can you pretty please move the out of mission bounds message so I can see my heat meter? Like, emergency hotfix for this?

Also, I'm not sure the answer but the whole out of mission bounds thing feels too overbearing. I get it if I'm lost or wondering around on my own but it comes up when I'm just a little behind. Maybe add some delay (20 seconds?) before it appears and shorten the countdown itself (5-10 seconds shorter) so it comes up less frequently but still accomplishes the goal of keeping the mission on track.

Yep - many people have brought this up. It's on the list of things to address, although I don't know what the exact plan is.


Originally posted by Thagyr

You make it sound like herding cats.

Just find one when its distracted. Tie a rope around it and drag it to reddit!

I have two (lovely) cats - I'm pretty sure they would destroy me if I tried to rope them though lol!


Originally posted by winterds001

Please check if white/green or even blue items are really supposed to be dropping from GM2 dungeon chests, seems a little ridiculous.

Yeah that was brought up on the tuning side - not sure what the plan is but it's been called out numerous times. Thanks for the feedback!


Originally posted by Felix_Von_Doom

While we're on the subject of whose responsible for the Audio....when I played the public demo, something struck me as amusing: The sound file that plays after you 'fix' a relic sounds awfully similar to that of what I recall is an obelisk in Andromeda being reactivated.

Ironically, that sound file fits in Anthem better than it did in Andromeda. I'm glad that Andromeda, or at least the good parts of it, live on in other projects.

Hehehe - yeah it's hard not to 'steal' from yourself - we often forget exactly what we did and partly replicate it again in newer games :)


Originally posted by dejoblue

Final boss of strongholds now drop loot instead of only being shown on the end of expedition screen

God I hope we get more than 3 seconds to go loot before we are booted out...

The end mission timers have been extended in the patch as well. 😊


Originally posted by nevirin

I think you get the loot, even if you forget to pick it up

Boss loot is automatically picked up (also bypasses backpack limits), so you'll get it even if you miss it for some reason. 😊


Originally posted by Rectal_Wisdom

What if you are dead and the mission finishes?

The loot that bosses drop is auto pickup, you'll still get it 😊.


Originally posted by RedBMWZ2

Thank you for these. Can we expect more patch notes then before Friday?

Also, I saw the roadmap that you guys put out. Do we have any dates when we can expect those content items and if not, when will we get a date?

Thanks for you time.

Yeah I believe this was a first pass at notes. I expect there will be more before Friday. No dates yet that we can share for our Live Service plan.


Originally posted by Favure

Hey off topic, hope you see this though. This is a copy and paste of my comment in this thread somewhere.

Whats the deal with the health segment bugs?

I have gotten this bug on every javelin so far, where I’ll have 8-10+ health segments one mission, then the next mission without changing ANYTHING I’ll either have 2 big health segments or just 4 medium sized ones.

I didn’t see a fix for this up there, is there any word on this?

Looking very forward to these though.. can’t wait!

Yes this is a UI display size that can happen to any Javelin. We have a fix for this on Friday that should resolve this.


Originally posted by Lasmrah

Is there any plan to alter the UI so I can tell which enemies can still be comboed? Maybe making the red hexagon status effect symbol highly transparent if you can't combo off of it.

This would help both clarify storm and interceptor combo effects, and show that you can only get one combo off of a primer.

Against harder enemies it'd be nice as confirmation that the status effect did end and get restarted, as when the hexagon turned solid again you'd know it is combo ready.

Yes this is a bug. It’s supposed to only display the red icon when the creature is able to be combo’ed.


Originally posted by Nullifics


Can you give any insight on this? Is this change coming on the 22nd because I did not see it in the patch notes.

Also any reports of EXTREMELY inconsistent blast missile damage?

Yes Ranger Blast Missile is fixed on Friday.


Originally posted by khrucible

Hopefully there is more granular details than this, I see quite a few things missing related to items specifically. Tagging u/BioCamden as this is your kinda party :)

• Fist of the Crucible - Colossus Flamethrower gear - has {modifier} tags in place of the actual values.

• Soothing Touch - MW Anvil Marksman Rifle - When the stability bonus reaches 3 stacks the gun stops dealing damage (seems to cause bullets to shoot miles to the right of the reticule at 3 stacks)

• Grenadier Component - Ranger - All rarities - The 35% reduced cooldown on Grenades does not work at all. (Infact it appears to increase cooldown by 1sec on Grenades)

• Avenging Herald - MW Blastback Pistol - The "Raptor's Deadeye" effect when hovering, stacks x2 if you equip the same gun in each weapon slot (creating a 400% weapon boost while hovering) Sorry everyone - Also the buff disappears if you cancel hover and reactive hover before reachi...

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Khrucible, thank you very much for putting this list together. I had about half of these in already so this list is super handy.

  • Fist of the Crucible text fixed this Friday.
  • Grenade Launcher MSWs fixed this Friday.

Others have been entered, we’ll try to get fixes in soon.


Originally posted by King_noa

/u/biocamden no mention of the hp bug fix? And the randomly changing of the number of hp boxes with the same gear.

Cooldown reduction randomly stops working and starts working again on components.

HP display bug is fixed in Friday’s patch.

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This could be an issue with your video cable. First just disconnect and reconnect both ends of the cable, if it is not fixed, try using another cable if you can.

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Originally posted by wi_2

Any word on the salvaging/junk system?
Currently moving items to junk takes a really long time per item, longer than salvaging, which makes it kinda pointless.
Salvaging also is a bit buggy, doing it to quickly can cause errors, or even out your controller entirely until you jump out of the menu and back in again.

I don’t have any updates here, sorry wi_2.


Originally posted by ClockSlave

Any news on game-breaking Colossus health bug?
The one where you will have 30 max health bars in one moment and then 3 on the other?

edit: confirmation by u/BioCamdem (this dude is Legion, for he is many!!) that this will be addressed on friday.

So we looked into this one and we did some debugging validation and it appears that this is only a UI issue. This does not actually affect Javelin health. We are fixing this for Friday.

So we looked into this one and we did some debugging validation and it appears that this is only a UI issue. This does not actually affect Javelin health. We are fixing this for Friday.

Though perception would likely be affected and change player behavior, impacting gameplay and making it feel like you had less health. Either way, yes fixed soon.


Originally posted by Gaavlan

yeah not sure about that, maybe this email did not contain everything? u/BioCamden ?

Yeah camera shake slider option should be in for the 22nd.


Originally posted by JerryFromSeinfeld

u/BioCamden Is the ranger's energy pulse gonna change? Because according to this tweet It should penetrate shields, but in the current build, it does not.

Yes it’s going to be updated this Friday