Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

26 Apr


Originally posted by Lightning_Zephyr

It is

And it will be the first map in ranked rotation! Olympus for the second ranked split, of course.


Originally posted by Athiaa

Rip console users. How do you jump & aim at the same time without extra buttons/pads ?

We have specific jetpack control schemes with a view to supporting controller. The default scheme, "hold", keeps the jetpack on as long as you hold down the jump key. That's great for keyboard and mouse, but not great for controller. For controller we recommend the "toggle" scheme where you can let go of jump once the jetpack's on, leaving your hands free to do other things. If you want to turn the jetpack off, you just press jump one more time.

And like the poster below me says, no shooting your guns during jetpack. You CAN shoot your tactical however.


Originally posted by baboytalaga

I choose to interpret her passive as being a double jump lol. Looking forward to trying her out.

Double jump is the input you use to activate it, but then it absolutely feels like a jetpack. If you keep it on for the full duration you get about 8 seconds of flight time.


Originally posted by stefan714

Judging from the trailer, I don't think she will go as high as a jump tower, maybe 70-75% as high.

She goes about 120% of the height of an average jump tower (fun fact: they all have different heights).


Originally posted by bush_did_7__11

ill be honest with u im in the "she will not be good" camp here

it seems super up in the air, ill still main her cause ill take any titanfall i can get but i genuenly dont think shell be too strong out the gate

Edit: im not saying thats a bad thing btw, im very excited for vallyrie, and if i get proven wrong then good

Again, no pun intended, its up in the air, shes new and it all depends on how she works in the moment to moment gameplay

Ideally id like the ultimate to be an ability to get out of a bad situation as opposed to starting engagements with it

And id like her tactical to be scary but not gamebreaking

Very excited to play valk

I rarely make predictions (because games are wild and unpredictable), but my only concern is she might come in TOO strong. I'm definitely not worried about her releasing under powered. The levers are there to make her balanced, but I definitely tuned her on the strong side.


Originally posted by Clashmains_2-account

Tactical just sounds like a better version of Fuze's tactical.

I think they're really different. Fuse's tac has a meaningful duration during which it denies an area, while Valk's tac lands once and is done. Valk is better for flushing people out of cover, Fuse is better for denying them a door or other chokepoint.


Originally posted by brundlehails

I really want to know if stats in this mode count towards your regular stats

They don't. Arena and BR stats will be separate. There are Arena only stats (and badges) that you can flex on your banner.


Originally posted by boopsie_

I like the idea of deciding "I don't wanna be here anymore" and just giving the enemies the biggest middle finger.

The trailers might be sliiiiightly overstating how effective that is. If you try this stunt in real life, you're probably gonna get killed on the way up. If you get hit by any damage in the first 2s (the boot up phase of your ult), it cancels out and sets it to 75% CD as well. It's more of an aggressive tool than a defensive one. But with some luck and maybe good cover you could theoretically use it to get your squad to safety. It's theoretically possible.


Originally posted by JustAnAverageGuy20

Speaking balance changes... The usual question for you: Rampart and Mirage?

Mirage is super strong. Seriously, no joking; one of the strongest legends in the game at low levels and doesn't even fall off a lot as you get up there. I'd say you can play Mirage well into master lobbies.

We got stuff coming for Rampart down the line, but nothing to talk about yet.


Originally posted by unknownmuffin

Haha if there are bullets whizzing by my head im probably going to assume whoever is shooting is hostile.

Maybe they're friendly bullets ;P


Originally posted by SamiTronHD1705

I wonder if you planned a buff for Fuse for the start of the season, would be dope!

There's a small one. We are under no illusion that it'll fix his weak state sufficiently, but it's all we had time for this season. Work continues!


Originally posted by General_fcf

If she's runs out of her ultimate she should say "Bingo returning to ground" or when she activates her Ultimate she needs to say "time to pop some grapes"! Grapes in air force talk are an easy kill. Bingo is running low on fuel with just enough to RTB.

There's a rare "tango delta" when she lands from ult (10% chance or so) and the ult spin up lines are SO GOOD.


Originally posted by ApexFan12

Daniel im gonna ask you one thing whats the difference between lifeline and lobas ult

One creates loot, the other lets you pick up loot from a distance.


Originally posted by flamingdonkey

So it will be just as useless as Fuse's tactical?

It has an arcstar-like stun (less intensity, less duration) on it, so I think it's quite useful.


Originally posted by Um_Hello_Guy

As in the full rocket blast does less than 30 damage?

An individual rocket does 25; additional rockets past the first barely increase damage. You could theoretically do more damage with a Valk tac if you hit like 3 or 4 rockets on them, but they'd have to help you by moving along with the impacts. Apex is a gun game first and foremost. You're not killing anyone with Missile Swarm.


Originally posted by Lightning_Laxus

Great read. Please apply this philosophy to Horizon.

Wait for the patch notes ;)


Originally posted by toni-toni-cheddar

Pretty sure no firing and it’s option flight, though she may just take off without you if you slow her down

Correct. No shooting while using jetpack; you can disengage and if you were high enough in the air, your gun can come out while you're dropping down, but you get the full in-air accuracy debuff; aka maybe you'll hit a stray bullet if you're spraying at the enemy, but don't count on it.


Originally posted by General_fcf

Very excited!!! Can teammates opt in or out of the redeploy? And does she have 100% mid flight accuracy?

Yup! Teammates have to walk up to her and press use to hook into the ultimate (good luck herding cats ;P) and once you hit the Apex of the jump it transitions to a plane skydive with Valk as the jump master, meaning you can hold use to unhook and make your own way down.


Originally posted by T0funa

Hi. Loba main here just slightly concerned why fixing the worst tactical in the game warrants a nerf to her only decent ability.

We're not just fixing it (bug fixing that is; there's still the occasional bug with it, but anecdotally from my testing it went from maybe 3-4 out of every 10 attempts failing currently to maybe 1 in a 100) but we're also buffing it: full movement speed while it's in the air, no slow down when you arrive. Honestly patch notes can't do it justice; you gotta feel it. I'm a Loba main on live and playtests are night and day.


Originally posted by paradoxally

Did a reputable leaker say this? It sounds strange they'd nerf Bangalore like this.

Edit: nvm just saw Shiv comment on this. rip.

Pro-tip: there are no reputable leakers. They're all inconsiderate assholes who spoil the hard works of game dev teams for a little bit of clout.