Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

24 Nov


Originally posted by MrStealYoBeef

I'm confused how this is part of any algorithm that you use though. All I can see is "I f**ked" potentially being viewed by an automated check to possibly be followed by something else that could be considered vulgar. And yet people will call each other some of the worst possible things in the game chat, telling each other that they're f**king shit and they should go kill themselves and... The algorithms don't catch that. So what is even the point of this system? It doesn't catch real offenders much of the time and it hands out punishments to people who did nothing wrong.

Yeah it's really not my department but I can't imagine a human being looked at "I f*cked up" and smashed the big HARASSMENT button, but what do I know


Aaah, algorithms: the fastest way to be wrong at scale.

23 Nov


Originally posted by Lonewolfali

Caustic nerf sir! Nerf!

You're literally the first person to've made this observation! (You're also wrong ;P)


Originally posted by Maplegum

Do you think it would be a reasonable balance to decrease the damage to 5, add back the blur, and slightly increase the movement in gas?

Nope! Removing the blur wasn't about "get everyone's win rate to 5%" balance, it was about removing something that was clearly excessively frustrating compared to the actual impact on the game it had. There was nothing in the game that felt as frustrating and bad as fighting a Caustic when the gas blurred your vision to the point that you couldn't even clearly see your gun's sights anymore. That's not coming back.


Originally posted by TheDualJay

I'm curious - can you say if Horizon does better on Olympus? I always feel like her Q is stronger on the super vertical map.

We don't have a super clean breakdown; I'm looking at data before and after WE re-entered the rotation. Her win rate's pretty flat across that change; if anything she went up a little bit? But that's probably noise.


Originally posted by Weirdiolio

Is it possible that this is because his pick rate went down (not sure if you included this, imgur isn't loading for me), so his relative winrate went up? As in only the "dedicated" caustics stayed with him.

We get these questions whenever we show anything from our data! In short, assume that most "but did you control for XYZ" questions will be answered in the affirmative; we have a very smart data science team. There was some amount of pick rate decline, but surely not enough to where we'd see meaningful survivor bias I don't think. But anyway we can control for that by looking at Caustic players with X previous games on Caustic.


Originally posted by Traf-

Who's that brown one who jumped super high and then back to normal-ish? Was it the Rampart bug?

Data is fun.

Rampart isn't on this chart because she's so far below everyone else :( (alongside our edgy boy Revenant; they're the basement squad in our win rate data). That brown jumpy line you see is Loba. The ammo buff was REALLY impactful until it wasn't. Fun! I guess that's the game as a whole adjusting to the new reality that Loba squads just don't run out of ammo? f*cked if I know!


Originally posted by MutterSchwein

Your imgur link isn't loading whatever you're supposed to show me. And I don't know how much you even play your own game(let alone maining Caustic) but coming from someone with 28k kills on Caustic with thousands of hours in: I only feel animosity and frustration towards you and your balancing decisions. Had to just get that off my chest. I wish you a dull day. Bye

Okay but you gotta understand that we can't balance for anecdotes, right? Like even if I spent 12 hours a day playing the game and mained all characters equally, I couldn't make good or healthy balancing decisions based on that. If you're trying to make a game that is fair and balanced for millions of players, you have to use data.


Originally posted by pogromca666

Do you guys take map change into consideration? Olympus seems much better for caustic than WE and even KC because of smooth rotations trough open space with vehicles. This combined with more complicated structures made playing caustic enjoyable. I don't even use Caustic on WE anymore because he seems so shitty to play there since last gas trap change.

Yup we do! Intuitively what you say makes sense, but we don't see a huge difference in data between maps. He seems to perform roughly the same on both WE and Olympus with the Season 7 changes.


Originally posted by Raul_Endy

You mean nerf not buff right? The dmg increase is nothing compared to removing blurred vision in a gas. I hope you will reverse this change asap.

Our data would disagree with you on that! Overall, Caustics win more games and more engagements now than they did before. I absolutely agree that the removal of blurred vision in isolation is a nerf, but the damage increase more than made up for it.


Originally posted by MutterSchwein

You removed the most powerful effect of his gas(blind) and call it a "buff"? So we're openly mocking Caustic mains in this forum now and the devs are leading the campaign, are we?


It was a ~0.1% buff (which is meaningful if you remember we're talking about a spread of +/- 0.7% from mean in TOTAL). Put another way, Caustic went from 4th lowest to 6th lowest. It's not a HUGE buff, but it's very clearly a buff.


Originally posted by dimi3ja

Nice, congrats! Keep up the good work :) Also, what is the BEST way to report cheaters other that ingame reporting?

DM me on here or twitter


That's an old clip from before the Caustic buff (you can tell because damage ticks start at 4, not 6)


Poor Caustic didn't even get to watch you die.


Originally posted by dimi3ja

Oh wow you are young, how long have you been working for Respawn?

Just made a year in September, workin in the actual studio!