Apex Legends

Apex Legends Dev Tracker

24 Nov


Originally posted by thatkotaguy

Is that why if you get knocked in the phase runner you fall to your death under the map instead of popping out at the other end? I’ve had it happen a few times to storm damage and thermites.

Hmmm that’s probably a bug. I’ll see if we can reproduce that and get a fix in. You shouldn’t be able to die in it, but I bet the thermite played a part. Sorry about that!

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Originally posted by aupa0205

Well when teammates go through the Runner, it looks like they get temporarily teleported below the map on someone else’s screen. I imagine it’s to prevent deathboxes from glitching under the map and being irretrievable.

You’re almost right. There’s two phase runners because the one within the map is full of occluder brushes to help with performance. To prevent players from seeing those, we duplicated the phase runner below the map and use the “white flash” effect to hide your transition below to simulate you going through the real one. Then teleport you back up top with another white flash effect. The reason you probably noticed is because we couldn’t block player tag names below the map in time.

We don’t kill players in the phase runner runner to reduce complexity of the task. We don’t need to kill you to solve our issue. What did need to be solved was reducing the potential abuse of using the phase runner late game to avoid circle damage. I’m sure you can imagine how abused that could have been...


Originally posted by Dante200

What about those that land out of reach where you fall out of the map?

That’s fixed locally and will be patched soon! Requires a client side patch for reasons I can’t speak of just yet


Originally posted by BatmanBeast

I really hope they don’t fix this lmao

You can rest assured. This won’t be fixed because there’s nothing to fix. Working as intended :)


Originally posted by sizzle_burn

Could it be, that Horizon is pulling up Caustics winrate, as Black Hole synergizes well with gas damage?

That's a tempting explanation because it makes sense in our minds, but I don't think Legend abilities are a strong enough signal for that to realistically be true.

By this I mean the influence individual abilities have on win/loss is pretty small compared to guns, and I'd expect something that requires crossplayer coordination to be even rarer and thus even less decisive on game power.

This is a fun thing I like to talk about to other designers: beware the human brain that sees a tiger hiding in every motion in the deep grass. We evolved to benefit from seeing patterns in everything, even where there aren't any. We've got to control for that very human tendency when we analyze data.


Originally posted by Lonewolfali

But he doesn't have a passive anymore. T.T

I think the highlight is still a very powerful passive.


Originally posted by DeathChaos25

Loba buff sounded "broken" but in practice it rarely is, it's a very nice utility buff but nothing we'd call gamechanging, and nobody is going to waste their time "stealing all the ammo" to make it that way.

Yeah that's what I gambled on. Glad it didn't blow up in my face this time!


Originally posted by NotAnADC

Any chance you want to bring something as dope as nexus blitz to this game? Or even a team death match mode?

Hah! I'm not working on game modes but I sure have my preferences. I really want us to try more non-BR things; I think Winter Express was a wonderful proof of concept that Apex can be super fun in non-BR modes. Don't have anything else to announce on that front right now; I think something Mario Party like like Nexus Blitz would probably be a bit too much for a game like Apex, but there's LOTS of cool things we could do.

Ah Nexus Blitz, my final baby at Riot. I'm still so proud of what the team built. Played the sh*t out of it when it was live earlier this year.


Originally posted by Entercheesynamehere

Gonna use this to describe algorithms in my computer science class

I'm sure I stole this from someone, but I can't remember who said it.


Originally posted by DanielZKlein

Nah, it dropped very slightly. Don't have my work desktop booted up anymore but I think it was like from 8.3% to 7.8% or something like that? It's a healthy pick rate, but nowhere near the top. Wraith is like 17% or something like that. (And yeah, it's always Wraith/Bloodhound/Pathfinder at the top, as you probably guessed. It looks like Horizon released into that high pick rate area as well, but we'll know more in a month or two when she settles)

Note Wattson is something like 2%, and I just absolutely don't know what to do about her.


Originally posted by ElGorudo

So how is caustic's pickrate going? I guess it went up a lot because of this so called buff

Bet he has the third highest pickrate, right? And i say third because we all know which legends are at the top and will ever be there

Nah, it dropped very slightly. Don't have my work desktop booted up anymore but I think it was like from 8.3% to 7.8% or something like that? It's a healthy pick rate, but nowhere near the top. Wraith is like 17% or something like that. (And yeah, it's always Wraith/Bloodhound/Pathfinder at the top, as you probably guessed. It looks like Horizon released into that high pick rate area as well, but we'll know more in a month or two when she settles)


Originally posted by Lazy_Sans

Do you have any plans to improve Rampart?

I quite enjoyed playing her in season 6, but still she felt underpowered.

Season 7 buff is nice , but clearly not enough.

I think Sheila needs bigger rotation angle, consider that it's a stationary gun, maybe not 360, but still more than current one.

Wall building speed is decent now, but I feel that walls can be buffed in terms of HP. They normally can't withstand as much as you expect them to withstand. I don't think they need huge HP increase but at lest 50-100 would make them more effective.

I understand that it takes time to develop abilities, but I feel Rampart's passive should be replaced. It's probably the most situational passive in the game, since if you don't find or don't want to use machine-guns, you basically have no passive.

Also I feel making weapon specific passives, may prevent some of weapons needed buffs, since in one legend hands it would turn OP.

Hope you I didn't...

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Yeah there's more coming for Rampart. I wanted to just increase her rotation angle on Sheila right away but it turns out that requires animation work, and I don't like just dropping a task like this on an animator's desk who has other stuff to work on. So that's not coming until Season 8 at the earliest. I've got a small CD buff to walls slated for her for next patch, but that's it until S8.

I'm hesitant on wall HP. I think there's a correct way of doing it, but it would probably require new Mirage decoy rules: they have HP, but bullets pass through. Reason we need to have that is because imagine you're about to snipe Rampart with a Kraber and she just point blank throws down a wall that eats the full shot. (Right now it would blow up the wall and hit Rampart). I think it'll be hard to visually communicate what's going on with a physical prop; how come it has HP but bullets still go through? If we'd settled on this balance while she was still in production, we could have a...

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Originally posted by AnnoyingHannibal

Who'd have thought that Loba is still the worst legend? you guys refused to actually give her a good buff

Loba's above the middle point still, even after her falloff! She peaked at 52%; rarefied air rarely breathed by anyone not called Lifeline, Wraith, Pathfinder, or Horizon.

Rampart's all the way in the bottom, then it's Revenant, then Bloodhound (go figure). Data is really weird, but it has no obligation to conform to any of our expectations. It just is what it is.


Originally posted by archwin

NGL I'm blown away how much data analysis you guys do for a F2P Video game

The fact that it's Titanfall IP is icing

Protocol 4: DO THE STATS

I think it'd be way more impressive if someone put this much follow up work into a boxed product! An f2p game continues earning us money, right, so that justifies continued expenditures like a data analysis teams (them brains don't come cheap); a boxed product makes the fast majority of its profit in the first two weeks or so, so outside of hoping to engender brand loyalty there isn't much of a financial incentive to hire people to do continued development.


Originally posted by DullRelief

While I was initially disappointed at the removal of the vision blur, I've come around to it. And generally speaking, I trust the decisions you all have made with this game. Considering that, and your statement that you have a very good data science team crunching the numbers b/c you don't want to rely on anecdotal evidence, I'm curious how they were able to quantify the blur as "clearly excessively frustrating". Not a challenge, just wondering. I mean, it was frustrating, but...

Yeah this is difficult to talk about because it really isn't entirely one thing or the other thing. In very rare cases we'll overrule data with our understanding of the game; Caustic gas was such a case. Everything in the data told us we shouldn't have removed the blur or at least didn't tell us one way or the other.

You know what I miss the most, data-wise, from working on League of Legends? We had a pick and BAN system, and bans were hugely useful data as a proxy for player frustration. We do not have a good way of quantifying frustration in Apex, so we have to rely on our own understanding of what type of frustration is and what type isn't okay. (Sidebar: all competitive multiplayer games are built on frustration: you're trying to do one thing, an opponent, well, opposes you and keeps you from doing the thing you're trying to do.)

In the end, we used our judgment in the case of Caustic's gas:the blur breaks a fundamental interface in the game, making it so you st...

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Originally posted by starsports1live

The blurring was especially bad because you couldn't even see people with a digi threat in the gas. That really ticked me off during caustic fights. Thanks for changing that u/DanielZKlein.

A whole bunch of guns you couldn't ADS with iron sights because they got so blurry they overlapped your target. It was just straight up not a good time.


Originally posted by Vladtepesx3

First, thank you for interacting with us

Second, as someone who played an almost entire season pairing with a caustic main. Removing blurred vision feels like a huge buff for caustic teammates

I have died many times because my caustic throws his ult on someone to force them out of cover, and I chase them out the other side and die because I come out of it with blurred vision. It made his ult so much nicer for zoning, the increased damage is just icing on the cake

sh*t I feel like an idiot for not even bringing this up. You're of course 1000% correct: as much as it is a nerf in the playing against case, it's a buff in the playing with case. Plausible that the two cancel each other out and then we're just left with the slight damage increase, which could explain the winrate increase.